Chapter 52 Bandaged

Chapter 52 Bandaged

Leo went into the systems skill menu to see the new skill he had acquired, regeneration.


- Aura (level 2)

- Energy Control (Level 3)

- Pulse (Level 1)

- Dash (Level 1)

- Palm Strike

- Leap

- Regeneration (Level 1)

'My energy control leveled up and I gained the skill regeneration. I gained a lot from this fight.' Leo couldn't help but smile. He may have been pissed off about being attacked, but the rewards were certainly worth it.

Leo opened the regeneration skill and read through its description.josei

- Regeneration

Increases healing speed by 1.5X natural healing speed

'It's not a large amount so it's not very useful right now but it's still nice to have. It should become much more useful the higher its level becomes.' Leo said.

'That's true. It's not a skill that will help you in combat, but it's still good to have for recovery after battle.' Dreifus said, trying to show Leo the bright side.

'You don't need to convince me. Even if it's only slightly helpful, I'll take anything I can get.'

When Leo had removed the bandages from his body, he found that he was only wearing his underwear, his uniform was nowhere to be seen.

Leo's body had become larger in the past weeks, not by much, but his height wasn't the only improvement. His muscles were more prominent and defined.

Leo noticed that even his hair was growing faster than it normally would. Currently his hair was starting to grow past his shoulders.

'I should really cut my hair.' Leo thought. He then took out a spare uniform he had within his ring and put it on.

'I assume my regeneration skill is to thank for my speedy recovery?' Leo asked Dreifus.

'Partly, yes. The other part was what I wanted to tell you about. After you left the room, you ran into a group of girls that I assume were heading to the cafeteria for breakfast. You told them to keep the intruder alive so you could question them and then you passed out. What you didn't see, but I did, was that one of those girls was from class 4. Her ability allows her to heal people. Quite convenient for you I'd say. She healed you up quite a bit and her friends called for help, that's how you got here.' Dreifus explained at length.

'You're right, that was very convenient.' Leo said. He then walked over to the door of the room and opened it. Standing outside the room were all 3 of his assistants and friends, they appeared to be standing guard over him.

Cain turned around when the door opened and could see Leo standing there. "Woah man, you shouldn't be up, you were heavily injured!" He looked as though he was going to pick Leo up, that's how worried he was about Leo being on his feet.

"You don't need to worry, I've completely healed. How long have I been asleep?" Leo asked.

"Its been 4 days, and considering your injuries, that's pretty quick for you to be up again." Clay said.

"Yes well, I'm sure you're aware that ability users heal quickly, my healing must be pretty fast among ability users." Leo gave them a wry smile while telling them a half truth.

Technically his healing was faster, but not because of being an ability user. Of course ability users did heal faster than normal, but each ability user was different. Leo was just a special case.

Cains face showed that he had just realized this, "You're right, I had actually forgotten how fast we heal."He said, holding the back of his head from embarrassment.

"Have you three been standing guard over me this entire time?" Leo asked.

"Of course we have, we can't just leave you alone. Someone tried to kill you!" John shouted out with tears in his eyes.

Leo smiled and placed his hand on John's shoulder "Thank you for watching over me. Although it may have been more helpful if all of you had assisted me in the fight, surely you could hear the ruckus from your room, it's right next to mine." Leo said with a tone that made him sound like he was complaining.

"Ah... About that. We weren't in the room. We had all gone out for a morning run to improve our Stamina... We only arrived after you had been brought to this room." Cain said with a guilty look on his face.

"Then there's nothing you could have done, you shouldn't feel guilty about it, any of you. It was just bad timing. They might have even waited for you to not be there so you wouldn't interrupt." Leo said with a soft smile at the end of his sentence.

All 3 of them smiled back at Leo, they were all glad that he wasn't angry at them for not being there to help. After all, Leo could have died.

That's how serious his injuries were. If a regular person sustained those injuries, it would almost be garunteed to kill them without special intervention.

Leo reach into his pocket and took his 2 metal ball bearings out of his ring and then pulled his hand out of his pocket. To the others it looked like he had pulled it out of his pocket directly.

Leo then began to recharge his energy doing the usual with the balls. The other 3 had noticed Leo would often fiddle with these metal balls and they just assumed it was a habit of his.

At this point, after doing it so often, it actually was. Leo practically did it all the time, regardless of his energy.

"The intruder that I left alive, I'd like to know where he is so that I can begin questioning him." Leo said.

"Yeah, of course. I know where he's being kept. Some of the other rankers have also spoken to him. None of them did anything to get answers out of him though, they all stated that you should be the one to do so if necessary." Clay explained.

"I'm glad they didn't interfere." Leo looked to Clay, "Take me to him." He said with an intense look in his eyes.

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