Chapter 53 Persuasive Questioning

Chapter 53 Persuasive Questioning

Clay was leading the way to where the intruder that Leo captured was being held. Leo, Cain and John were all following him, in that order.

Everyone in the group could feel that Leo was furious. It was because of this that nobody spoke. They were just hoping this person was going to cooperate, otherwise Leo wouldn't be able to find the people responsible for this.

Clay came to a stop just in front of a door, "He's inside there." He said while pointing at the door.

Leo didn't say anything, he just opened the door and walked in. The room was mostly empty. The only object within the room was the chair that the man had been placed on.

His hands were tied to the arms of the chair and his legs were tied to the legs of the chair. He was wearing nothing but his underwear.

When Leo walked in, the man looked up. When he saw that Leo was the one who entered, he smiled.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the man himself. How's your ribs?" The man started laughing hysterically.

"They're completely healed." Leo lifted his shirt to show that he had no injuries. The mans eyes widened in shock, he had assumed Leo was just putting on an act to appear strong.

Another thing that surprised him was that Leo's torso was covered in scars. It made the man believe that Leo had been in many fights throughout his life.

"How..." The man started speaking but Leo interrupted.

"Ability users heal faster than regular humans. Not to mention that I happen to have a fast healing speed among ability users. It only took me 4 days to completely heal from every injury you and your friends dealt to me. Must be pretty annoying knowing that all you effort was for nothing." Leo said.

"Tsk! Figures I wasn't told about this. Those stingy old men keep everything to themselves." The man said with a sour look on his face.

"So what now? You gonna question me like the others did? You kids should've realized by now that I'm not going to tell you anything." The man smiled again, he seemed to be treating this all like a joke.

"Yes, I know you won't tell us anything." Leo turned to look at Clay, "Could you go get all the needles that the intruders had with them and bring them here?" Leo asked.

Clay nodded and left the room.

"You think I'm gonna be intimidated by a bunch of kids? Pah! None of you have the guts to do anything serious here." The man said.

Leo walked forward and grabbed the man by his hair forcing his head backwards so that he was looking up.

"You really think so? You seem to have forgotten that I already killed the other 3 who came with you. The only reason I didn't kill you was so that I could question you." Leo explained.

"If I answer all your questions, then what? You're gonna let me go? Kill me? You don't know what you're doing kid." The man said.

"No, I won't let you go. No matter what you tell me , you're still going to die in this room." The man's eyes widened.

"Why would I tell you anything if I know you're going to kill me anyways!" He shouted.

It was then that Clay entered the room holding about 20 of the needles the intruders used in his hands. Leo took them all and placed them on the floor next to the man, he kept 1 needle in his hand.

"To make the pain stop, of course." Leo replied. He then took the needle in his hand and grabbed the man's hand.

He specifically held onto his left middle finger. Leo then took the needle and proceeded to push it in and under the man's fingernail.

"AAAARRRGGGHH!!!!" The man couldn't help but scream out in pain. Each needle was about 15 centimeters long but they were incredible thin, clearly meant for piercing. Leo pushed the entire thing into the man's finger, starting at the nail.

Huff! Huff! "I won't tell you anything!" The man shouted.

"Uh huh." Leo replied while taking another needle and repeating the process on one of the man's toes.

This went on for over 2 hours. Leo broke the man's fingers and toes repeatedly. He cut the skin off his body and ripped out his teeth. Leo even started using the needles to pierce the man's eyes and slowly pull them out of his sockets.

"No more... *Sniff*... I'll tell you everything... just please stop... *Sniff*." The man pleaded with tears and blood streaming down his face.

'That's strange. I didn't know you could still cry if you didn't have any eyes.' Leo thought while looking at the man.

Leo's hands were covered in blood and the floor was stained around the chair. Cain and John had left the room, unable to stand the sight of Leo's torture. Clay however, stayed and helped Leo, holding down the man and even inflicted some pain himself.

It seemed as though Clay wasn't particularly fond of doing this, so Leo asked, "Why are you helping me with this? You're clearly uncomfortable."

"I need to get used to stuff like this. I imagine we will be seeing more of it in the future." Clay replied with a solemn tone.

Leo nodded his head in understanding, he then turned to look at the man in the chair.

"So, first off. Whats your name?" Leo asked.josei

"It's... Jacob. " The man replied.

"Alright, Jacob. Why did you try to kill me?" Leo asked.

"We weren't kill you. We were only... Looking for something. When you... came back... we... panicked and... attacked." He said amidst sobs and shivers of pain.

"What were you looking for? "

"The... Crystal."

'The crystal in my storage? Is it that important of a crystal that they would resort to this? And If they knew about the crystal, then they should've known about the ring... is he lying?' Leo thought.

"You weren't here for the ring?" Leo asked while tilting one of the needles in the man's fingers upwards.

"AHH! NO! I don't know anything about a ring!" he hurriedly shouted out while jittering around in the chair.

'He seems to be telling the truth.' Dreifus chimed in.

'Maybe.' Leo replied.

"Last question, Jacob. Who sent you here?" Leo asked

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