Life After Prison

Chapter 1978

Chapter 1978

Chapter 1978

Chapter 1978

“I’ve so far been able to get a grasp of most combat techniques and spiritual treasures, but it’s a shame. that I’ve only just barely grasped the fundamentals of the Sky–Soil Heptagold Sword Energy,” Severin

muttered helplessly to himself.

He had been so preoccupied with mak ng advancements in his alchemy that he found little time to train his combat techniques. The Sky–Soil Heptagold Sword Energy, in particular, posed a significant challenge

because it demanded an ample supply of heptagold energy for even the most modest of successes. Achieving mastery required one to be able to refine Sky Soil energy, which was a formidable task that

could only be accomplished by those who have reached a higher realm.

While heptagold energy was readily available in the Sword Tomb on the seventh mountain, obtaining the elusive sky–soil energy proved to be a more difficult. Severin grappled with the dilemma of sacrificing a

middle–grade spiritual treasure, like his defensive Darkgold Bell, to train himself in that.

He shook off those concerns and decided to focus on absorbing the heptagold energy within the Sword

Tomb on the Seventh Mountain. After bidding farewell to Wuhlricht and the others, he proceeded head

back into his training room. Once inside, he dedicated some time to crafting several batches of pills,

stopping only once he had an ample supply. He then set out for the Seventh Mountain and aimed to

enhance his strength by absorbing the heptagold energy.

The Seventh Mountain was a graceful yet imposing peak that was about 30 miles away from Pearl Light

Isle. The mountain soon came into view, standing over a thousand feet tall with a long sword embedded in the ground. Severin could sense the dense swordwill emanating from the mountain from a distance.

“Will Myles be around?” he mumbled silently to himself.

When he reached the mountain peak, he realized that its size had exceeded his expectations. The square

where disciples gathered to enter the mountain spanned several miles wide.

Severin approached a level two supreme saint and asked, “Do you know where the Sword Tomb is?”

Though the disciple was initially annoyed after being stopped, his annoyance turned into joy as soon as

he recognized Severin. “Severin!” he exclaimed.

Recognizing the familiar voice, Severin’s face lit up. “Ah, it’s you, Yaacob!”

The practitioner he had stopped turned out to be Yaacob, whom Severin had encountered when he first

joined the Grandiuno Sect. Though they had minimal contact due to Severin’s training on Pearl Light Isle,

their chance reunion brought smiles to both faces.

In the months following their Initial encounter, Severin’s name had spread throughout every corner of the

Tower, had left many disciples in awe.

Yaacob smiled flatteringly and said, “What brings you here today? I’m very familiar with this place, so let me know where you’re going and I’ll bring you there!”


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