Life After Prison

Chapter 1979

Chapter 1979

Chapter 1979

Chapter 1979

The small sword emblem embroidered on the top right of Yaacob’s robe elicited a surprised reaction

from Severin. ‘Are you a disciple of the Seventh Mountain?”

Severin had been immersed in seclusion ever since his arrival at the sect, and he had been completely

unaware of Yaacob’s affiliation with the Seventh Mountain due to their limited interactions in the months


Yaacob nodded in confirmation, “Indeed, I am!”

“Fate has brought us together again then, it seems!” Severin replied.

Yaacob left a lasting impression on Severin after self–professing to be the sect’s know–it–all. He claimed

to know everything and anything about the sect, even each different elders‘ penchants.

Curious about Severin’s visit, Yaacob scratched his head and asked, “Is there something you need here?”

Severin focused on his purpose for visiting the Seventh Mountain and explained, “I came to the Seventh

Mountain to find the Sword Tomb. I’d like to acquire some heptagold energy.”

Yaacob’s expression shifted to that of astonishment. “Heptagold energy? Are you learning the Sky–Soil

Heptagold Sword Energy?”

Although confused by Yaacob’s surprised reaction, Severin nodded in affirmation. Myles, the Seventh

Mountain’s peak master, was aware of Severin’s proficiency in that particular technique. For that reason,

Myles invited Severin to explore the Seventh Mountain after meeting him outside the Alchemy Tower.

Yaacob’s admiration of Severin grew even more after hearing that. The technique was a rare, prestigious

Star–grade combat technique that few were qualified to learn. Only a select few disciples, including elite ones like Yaacob, were qualified to practice the lower–ranked Heptagold Sword Technique. To put in bluntly, the Heptagold Sword Technique was merely the most advanced form of combat techniques.

The power of the Sky–Soil Heptagold Sword Energy was so formidable that it could slice open the heavens and level mountains. It could even slice effortlessly thought the vold. Unlike regular combat. techniques, mystical techniques such as that required no physical movements and could be activated

instantly through mental intent.

Yaacob, a swordsman by specialization, could not help himself from envying the instantaneous activation advantage of Sky Soil Heptagold Sword Energy. Furthermore, by mastering that mystical technique, there was a chance that the wielder could comprehend the legendary Heptagold Swordwill that would enable one to defeat anything in its path with a single slash. It was the kind of skill that he could only dream of having!

Yaacob then elaborated, “I’ll be frank with you, there aren’t a lot of disciples on the Seventh Mountain who are able to master this technique. Firstly, few are qualified to even learn it. Secondly, those who

are qualified to learn it will find it incredibly challenging. In the past century, only our mountain’s peak master has ever been able to master the fundamentals.”

After hearing everything, Severin was taken aback. “Okay, okay. Do you know where the Sword Tomb is?”

Yaacob gestured down to the foot of the nearly ten–thousand–feet–tall mountain and said, “It’s right below us.”

Using the Mind’s Eye technique, Severin channeled spiritual energy into his vision, causing his eyes to radiate like the blazing sun. His gaze pierced through the mist and zoned in on the bottom of the mountain, Yaacob’s statement was confirmed as he saw a collection of broken swords buried like tombs, with some of the larger swords emanating a rather savage aura.


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