Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 267

Chapter 267: They got caught

Moran Hanes didn't know the Teeny weeny who used to be his mood booster was Aria Cooper until her identity was out.

The Hanes family elders always controlled everything about younger ones. From the clothes they wear, the school they should go to, whom to make friends with, talking in the limit, activities to learn, education line and whom to marry.

Even though young masters and misses were raised like a prince and princess, they were nothing but puppets in the hands of elders. Even though they could get everything at their fingertips, they didn't have the liberty to choose as they wanted.

Hiding from them, Moran mastered dancing and hiding from them, he attended many competitions and won but he was caught when he had to step on the final stage of the world dance competition.josei

Having no option, he had left it and thought he might have the freedom to do anything he likes after graduating and listening to them but nothing seemed that way.

He took over Hanes companies after rigorous training for six months and worked his ass off but he was always under the eyes.

He was faking meetings and going downtown escaping from his bodyguards.

He saw Aria after seven years and nothing seemed like changed for Aria even though he knew she took over her father's company, ran away from her wedding, and was shipped to every man she meets.

Even though he had wished to have Aria in his life to be happy but he never dared to keep that wish. He didn't want the colorful, cheery life she had to turn black and white.

His grandfather would have destroyed the family if he tried to be her friend or even a mere acquaintance but he didn't know her real identity at that time.

When he got to know her identity, he had thought his family might not have any problem but he was scared he might like her as a woman if he spends time and changes her life to colorless so he gave up his wishful thoughts.

It wasn't that he couldn't live alone leaving Hanes status that but it was impossible as his family would take him back forcefully.

He really felt good seeing Aria again for real other than the occasional news about her.

He entered the Hanes Mansion after changing his funky outfit to a business suit. It may be any type of clothes, his tall, defined body and face never failed to get multiple glances.

"Where were you?" A cold, unemotional, and aged voice paused Moran's movements and soured his mood.

His slightly tilted lips formed a straight line and his face turned expressionless just like he was trained.

"Grandpa, I had a meeting. I have some documents to check and I'm tired. So I will go and rest soon."

His tone was neutral without showing his annoyance.

He waited for more than ten seconds to see a small reaction of the waving hand of his grandfather.

Moran just hated his life as a puppet and overly filial son.


The next day, Alan didn't force Aria to go to the office. He informed them about DNA reports before leaving for the office asking her to call him if needed anything.

Eva soon reached the Cooper mansion after sending Isaac for the shoot.

After generally talking, Aria took the topic, "What happened? Why were you looking for me yesterday?"

Eva didn't want to trouble Aria with her problem but she knew Aria wouldn't let her go without hearing so she asked.

"Is it important to get married so soon?"


Eva pinched her cheek, "Then why did you marry Prince so soon?"

Aria's brows twitched, "Don't divert."

Eva sighed, "I'll tell you. First, answer me."

Aria saw her serious so she responded, "Well, I never thought I would marry so soon either but I had no doubt about us. When I heard Alan, I was too shocked but hearing him understand my anxiety, I wanted to do it for him and us. A few years early didn't really matter to me."

Eva nodded in understanding, "If a few years early didn't matter, do a few years late matter?"

Aria shook her head, "If the two love each other dearly, years don't really matter."

Eva smiled hearing her and excitedly said what she decided, "Then I don't want to marry Isaac so soon. I want him to have all his single dog fans until I marry him and announce to them that I have their idol."

Aria chuckled, "Now tell me, what had happened?"

Eva took the problem lightly after deciding, "Mom and Dad wanted me to get married. Mom was asking me to propose to Isaac for marriage saying girls can propose too."

Aria nodded, "Did you speak about this with Isaac? Don't be the sole person to decide about your relationship."

Eva relaxed on the couch as she responded, "I'll talk to him today. I wanted to clear my thoughts first."

Aria knew she didn't do anything other than speaking her thoughts. She was glad Eva cleared her mind.

Eva excitedly said after it, "Let's cook yummy. We will call Rian and Noah."

Aria wanted to say 'Both are busy, Let's not disturb them' but Eva continued, "If Noah comes, We should play a high drama to get the truth out. If you fake a cry, he will definitely speak off."

Aria: ?

She accepted her fate so that they could help Noah and both started cooking, sending the pictures to Rian and Noah.

Failing to control their food cravings, Noah quickly finished urgent files and assigned few works to his assistant, secretary, and manager. Rian easily asked another day out from the vice president.

By the time, two reached the mansion, the table was filled up with delicious food. After eating the food, all sat in the living hall.

Eva started poking Aria to cry but she couldn't bring up fake tears and looked helplessly at Eva.

Eva gritted her teeth and pinched her waist hard.

"Ahhhh... Eva..."

Noah's attention diverted from files to her while Eva pulled Aria towards her and hugged.

"Arrie, don't be sad, everything will pass. If not humans can a rock get problems..."

While Eva continued, Aria pouted and saw Rian's confused face who couldn't understand why Eva was saying all that while Aria looked rather fine.

Aria had to cue him about Eva's plan so he quickly got into actions and sat next to Eva caressing Aria's head like a puppy.

Aria: ?

"Little Devil, it's alright... Let's do something to divert your mood?"

Aria nodded and wiped her invisible tears, "But I know I'll not get what I want."

Noah really thought she was down seeing two consoling her. He went towards her as he spoke, "We will try harder for it. Tell us what it is."

Aria sniffled trying to act it as real. "Will you tell me why you are sad?"

Noah froze and saw her worrying instead of sad while the other two had expectant looks.

Talk about acting, they got caught in no seconds.

Noah hesitated to tell them about it and asked, "Can't you guys skip over it?"

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