Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: The Fourie

Aria pulled Noah to sit and spoke, "When you are there for us during our problems, shouldn't we help you out too? If it is really sensitive for us to help, then chuck it. At least you can share with us and we will help you move on."

Rian's grim voice sounded, "Hadn't we decided to inform our friends about our love and crush? You have already broken it, shouldn't you at least lighten your heart?"

Eva and Aria smacked his arm and Eva spoke to Noah, "If you still don't want to tell us, we will respect your decision."

"Ugh, why do you guys want me to cry now?" Noah strode away from them.

Aria pinched Eva, "If forcing him takes U-turn, I'll send you to Miller villa to get lectured. Be ready."

Eva winced in pain and prayed Noah to speak out for his good and also for her good.

Rian tried hard to remember if he ever heard Noah affectionately mentioning any of his female friends' names but he couldn't remember it.

Noah brought a dozen beer tins from the refrigerator and sat down, "It's long so I'll brief it up."

He threw them one tin to each who were in surprise and he started.

--- Six years back ---

In the country E, Noah had planned to stay in a college dormitory so that he could make some friends.

But the roommate he had was a complete jerk named Michael Rickman. Michael smoked and drank in the room a lot, he started to bring girls to the room asking him to go out.

Noah was in a completely new country and he had to yet to get close to anybody. Sometimes he waited for an hour or two taking walks outside and sometimes it would expand till midnight.

He asked the dormitory chief for a change of roommate or change in a room in the first week itself. He was even ready to stay in three sharing but unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to change room.josei

He soon got acquainted with country E native people but they always left a good space because he was from a different country.

He thought after some days, everything would be okay but one day, he caught his roommate hiding drugs to realize soon that Michael does drugs every day.

He complained to the concerned authority but Michael got the wind of it and brought his friends to beat him before the authority could take action on him.

Unaware about it, Noah was walking towards a male dormitory from the library when he got surrounded by a few boys at dusk.

Michael pushed Noah as he said, "You son of a bitch, you are here to study, why the f*ck do you care what I do?"

Noah didn't feel the necessity to respond so he tried to go but another man shoved him back between them, "Look at your audacity to ignore us."

Noah was losing his cool but he tried to speak, "Michael Rickman, it's illegal to do drugs and you should leave it for your own good."

Those boys started laughing saying, 'Your own fucking good!'

"I see you don't have the balls, you m*th*rf***er."

Noah wanted to ignore even though his blood was boiling because there was no good fighting on the street but Michael punched him right in the face.

Balancing on the ground, Noah was about to return the punch, somebody held his hand and continued running at a steady pace saying, "Run... We will escape them."

Unthinkingly, Noah ran a step behind the girl letting her lead him holding his wrist.

Five boys gritted their teeth and ran behind them while Noah tried to look at the girl.

She had black mid-length soft hair which was fluttering in the air. Her long slender fingers tightened around his wrist as she increased the pace of her foot.

He saw her worry on her half-face and he could make out she was gorgeous and she wasn't from country E. He tried to guess between country A, Y, P thinking which country she was from.

After taking multiple turns, both managed to escape the boys breathing heavily. Noah didn't check on her looking outside the parking until he realized he was standing too close to the girl.

"Oh... ah... I'm sorry... No, no, thank you... Crap." Noah created a reasonable distance between them while he said nonsense until he realized it.

That girl giggled very lightly before controlling. Noah felt like a fool and spoke properly, "Thank you for saving me from them and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stand close."

That girl gave a soft smile and nodded, "It's alright, I know... Ah... You are, Noah Wood, right? I'm Kyle Mason."

It had just been fifteen days so he couldn't understand how he got so famous that a beautiful lady knows his name.

Kyle must have understood his silence hence she continued, "I'm your classmate."

Noah felt embarrassed about never seeing her in the class. "I'm sorry, I hadn't noticed you in college. Hello, Ms. Mason."

She didn't mind about it and checked outside, "I think they left, let's go."

Noah nodded and both went out. "Where are you from? Country A?" because both of their accents were the same.

Noah saw her hesitation hence he continued, "It's alright. I just normally asked. I will walk you to your dorms and leave."

Kyle soft giggle left her lips before she responded, "So you are from country A... I'm not using any pickup line but I think I have seen you somewhere before."

Noah didn't ask her about her native and responded, "I'm from country A, city B, Elite school. If you aren't connected to any of these, then it might be social media. I'm one of the 'The Fourie' friends of four which is famous among youngsters."

Noah who was watching ahead didn't notice Kyle's slight tremble and her breath twitching glancing at him.

Kyle responded passively, "Oh." She didn't accept or deny whether she knew him.

Thinking she was disinterested to talk with him, Noah became silent while Kyle kept stealing glances from him.

When they reached the female dorms, Noah spoke, "Thank you for today. Let me know if I could be of any help."

Kyle smiled and entered the dorms but when she turned behind, she noticed Noah wasn't going towards the male dorms, instead, he was going towards the exit of the gate.

Kyle hesitated and exited the dorms and called him walking towards him, "Noah..."

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