Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 203 203 Furious Fitch

Chapter 203 203 Furious Fitch

Chapter 203 Chapter 203 Furious Fitch

Eventually- the volume of his semen began to reduce.

Slowly, the forceful jets began to reduce, and his toes began to uncurl. His also vision began to return, as did his mental cognitive functions. It was his second orgasm- but it was definitely more electrifying than the first.

His jaw dropped slightly- feeling the wheezing of his cock as the final drops came slicing through.

Selina did not spare those ones either. As his dick stop spilling, she clenched her pussy one last time- twisting her face in pleasure, as she drained the last dose of his seed. From her pussy, to her fallopian tubes, down to her uterus, Nexus' rich creamy sperm clogged her completely.

In fact, she was so full, her stomach was practically bulging.

Nexus realized with a start that she had fucked him using his own cum as lubrication!

'Now that's really something,' he chuckled to himself- watching her body erupt in mini spasms.

'She's definitely not a bitch. . .but damn, she fucks like a stallion! Well, maybe she wants to get healed bad enough. . .'

But Nexus better understood her driving force;

'No. . .that's not it. . .it's strength– isn't it? Despite being an A-tier mage, she still wants to get stronger. . .'

He shook his head mentally as she gasped on his cock;

'I guess that's to be expected. . .she's always been ambitious. . .it would be pretentious of me to fault her for that. . .'

Selina was in love with him.

That was a given.

But she was also a slut for power. And apparently- a powerhouse in bed as well. As she slid off him, her pussy popped with a slurping sound. She collapsed on the bed beside him- eyes shut, chest heaving, and legs open shamelessly.

And from between her thighs- a rich trickle of warm white semen came slithering through.

Nexus' brows arched upwards in surprise;

'Wait a damn minute? Is she–' he paused, leaning in to confirm; 'Is she leaking semen?'


From the rich orange glow of the army candlelights flickering above- Lord Fitch read the words on the brown parchment before him. With each line, his white bearded face contorted more and more.

By the time he had reached the end, his mouth had fully curved into an ugly snarl.

Despite his best attempts to remain calm, a deep grunt erupted from his throat. Above the old man's twitching upper lip, his thin nose pumped angrily- sending forceful gusts of air flaring out of his nostrils.

In his hands, the stretch of brown paper crunched quietly- rustling against his thick stubby fingers. As his dark eyes darted through every single sentence, his trembling fingers clutched it tighter and tighter- reflecting his growing frustration.

Eyes still on the parchment, he threw a question without looking up;

"Is this authentic?"

"Yes my lord–" a deeper voice answered from the shadows; "–IT IS."

Very quietly- a single word came out of his mouth;


From behind the marble pillar, the outline of a man's form shimmered into existence. His long thick leg struck out first- followed closely by a thick torso and a set of broad shoulders cloaked in black leather garments.

The former soldier, and current chief of staff stepped out of the shadows and into the light. Deep in the hollow of his sockets were two killer eyes that shone with a hardness. Clutching his sword by his hilt, he grimaced- dreading what was to follow.

"My lord," he began in a somber tone; "Just as the report says–"

"Do not test me," Fitch growled dangerously; "I know what the report says, I am giving you a chance to get ahead of this rubbish– since this is YOUR FUCK UP."

Leonard swallowed the lump in his throat.

"My lord, by all indication, it appears the assassin abandoned the mission."

"You say that as if it's a normal thing. . ." Fitch answered coolly; ". . .you say that as if paid S-class hunters just get up in the middle of a mission– and just decide up and leave."


Clenching his jaw, the chief of staff gripped his sheathed sword at his side.

He hated this part.

Fitch fully knew what had happened.

It was all there- in the well detailed report.

But of course, the old man wanted a verbal punching bag. And Leonard just happened to be the unlucky fellow. Taking one for the team, the chief of staff thrust his chest out, and spoke carefully;

"You're right my lord, the girl is a professional. In fact, one of the very best. She came highly recommended, and has a rap sheet of confirmed one hundred and eighty nine kills. . ."

"All is see is your mouth moving, but I'm not hearing any answers," he spat hoarsely; "You're testing my patience BOY!!"

Leonard nodded- sending his words rasping out in a more urgent tempo;

"The asset claimed she was standing right over the target- and was about to finish the job, when suddenly, at the last minute, a tall dark man in a flowing dark coat got the drop on her."

"Got the drop on her?"

"Yes my lord. This unidentified fellow, arrested her mental faculties, and trapped her in an illusion without releasing any enchantment. He simply did it by looking at her- and with a strange ball in his hand. Please bear in mind that the asset is from the York family-"

Leonard paused- and added emphatically; josei

"–the notorious blood moon clan."

Fitch's eyes went dead.

"The fire sages?" he croaked; "The terrors of the Wudan mountains? THEEE YORK FAMILY?"

Leonard nodded firmly;

"The very one."

"Damn it Lee!" he cursed; "You know better than to mess with that clan!! EVERYBODY KNOWS BETTER THAN TO MESS WITH THAT CLAN!! What possessed you to even think about it?!"

"With all due respect Lord Fitch, that is beside the point," he added quickly; "The point is, there is a hidden master out there- that is powerful enough to send a York-er running in fear. . ."

In the old man's eyes- black storm clouds twirled back and forth in ominous currents.

Leonard continued to explain the situation;

". . .asides from the fact that he's powerful enough to scare a York assasin, there's also the disturbing fact that we know NOTHING about him. Yes, I asked around. He's basically a shadow. In fact, we don't even know for sure if this entity is really a man- a ghost, or even a woman. . ."

Breathing dangerously, he paused to catch his breath;

"The only thing we know for sure is that this hidden master isn't just on Selina's side. . .he is her bestfriend, and is therefore very–"

Fitch completed his line of thought;

"–very likely to take things very personal if we kill Selina."

A resounding silence- louder than rushing waves, screamed through the void.

As he stood above the table- bent over, and arms spread out on the surface, his trembling hands slowly curled into balls of fists. His darting eyes bulged in frustration as the old man's mouth curled into a nastier snarl;

"DAMN IT!!!"

He roared again;


In a fog of anger, he heaved his long arms upwards- both of them- and brought hurled them down in a blaze of fury- striking his balled fists on the surface of the mahogany desk!!

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