Lord of the Truth

Chapter 534 Pride

Chapter 534 Pride

" A way to retain the what?! ...Let me clarify this for a bit as I don't completely understand, You found that there is enormous destructive energy produced from the destruction of variable molecules and that exploding the variable molecules in a single drop of blood demolished your finger, the finger of a person who has a body with the strength of half step martial Emperor! So you decided to retain all that explosive energy inside your body instead of finding a way to calm the explosion?" Robin seemed to be talking down to his two-year-old son and was trying to calmly tell him he was wrong instead of getting up and beating him up black and blue.

Jabba scratched his head a few times, "Umm, yes, but what are my other options? If I let the explosion happen as it wants, then naturally it will penetrate my body as it exits, and I will definitely die with not even blood vapor remaining in my body. The only solution is to find a way to make my body flexible enough to retain that destructive energy inside for a certain period, and during that period, I would remove the destructive energy from my body in another safe way that does not kill me as it gets out."

Robin nodded a few times, "Of course, of course, so that safe way you were talking about was to use that destructive energy to strengthen your attack on the Warlord, right?"

"Exactly!! But what a pity, If I had let the explosion happen naturally, it would have wiped out that Warlord, the Sixth Legion, and the entire area, but unfortunately, because it took me half an hour to get that destructive energy out as I was trying to remove the destructive energy in the safest possible way, the strength of the destructive energy weakened greatly, and I was only able to stop the Warlord instead of killing it, If it weren't for you coming in the end, the situation would have turned into a real disaster..." Jabba shook his head a few times, this was really not what he expected.

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, "But this is still awesome, you made a technique that can maintain enough energy to destroy cities within the body for a certain period of time, isn't this a great idea? No wonder you didn't have the courage to try it immediately for fear of the outcome and only your audacity moved when you found yourself in that situation against the Warlord where you had to Do or Die, so you exploded the variable energy molecules all over your body with the first technique you created and then used that second technique to suppress the energy generated inside your body and not allow it to leak out, and thus you obtained enormous power for a limited time, and even though you had to extract that power wisely and it was much weaker than it should have, it still made you as powerful as the Warlord or even stronger! Hmm... How did it feel to gain the power of a mid-level Emperor Realm? That should have been great, huh?"

Although it seemed like a compliment, Jabba felt a chill in his spine, "Please calm your anger, I know what I did was a big risk, okay?"

"A bid.. risk? ONLY A BIG RISK?!" Robin almost got up to slap Jabba in the head, but he resisted the urge and sat there with difficulty. He seemed to be fighting internally not to get up and beat Jabba into blue again.

"Look, aren't I okay now? Everything went well."

"...HOOO~ Listen, boy, I will dismiss this foolishness and consider it the recklessness of youth and enthusiasm because you found a new toy and wanted to try it, but if you want to continue the path of research, you have to promise me to repeat it again." Robin calmed himself and spoke slowly

"but I--"

"Don't BUT me! What, you think you are awesome now that your experiment worked? It's just your luck. Do you know how many things could have gone wrong? Tell me what would have happened if I was late just another 10 minutes, hah? The warlord would have turned you into minced meat and the research and techniques you struggled for years to perfect would have gone forever."

"...Here is your new number one rule, A researcher should stay alive in order to pass on his knowledge to people, not risk his life at the first chance he gets. Damn it! That's why it's not normal to find someone who loves fighting and works as a researcher at the same time, these two aspects are almost impossible to come together. Are you telling me that if you continued your research for a few more years, you would not have found a method that was less risky and had a higher success rate? If your body had exploded and turned into vapor that day, your name would have been erased from people's minds within days, and perhaps you would remain in the minds of those who love you for a few years at best before they were forgotten as well, and Hoffenheim would have lost at most one warlord of his six!"

"...Sorry." Jabba lowered his head and said one word. He knew that what Robin said was true in the end, but he was still hoping to hear something else...josei

"...Sigh~ There is no need to lower your head, raise it, raise it until it penetrates the sky, although I did not help you much, but allow me to say that you are my pride! Only these two techniques that you mentioned in passing are enough to immortalize your name as a genius researcher. Is it easy to control energy at this precise level, or is it easy to keep that enormous energy inside the body without causing an internal explosion? You have achieved more on your own and in a few short years in the field of blood research than the First Heaven's Chosen ever have, and he was using the Eye of Truth! The road ahead of you is wide open. But you have to stay alive first. Try it once, twice, try a hundred times on your enemies before you apply it to yourself! If I had followed my desires and rushed in whatever path I took, I would have died a million times by now!"

Jabba raised his head and looked at Robin with shining eyes, clearly layered with tears. Only after a few seconds did he show a gentle smile that seemed intrusive on his harsh face, "Thank you, I will remember every word."I think you should take a look at

This is it...

These words from his master, this recognition of his ability...

This is what has been driving him forward over the past years.

The feeling that he had let his master down never left him... The Second Heaven's Chosen received a book containing some teachings and experiences and it was enough to make him the well-known Second Heaven's Chosen, but he took the information directly from his master who was still alive, and continued to learn for twenty years, But he still couldn't make the truth accept him, how stupid must he be for something like this to happen?

So in the end, he decided to take a step back and practice the Major Heavenly Law of Gravity and convert himself into a general to defend his master, the Third Heaven's Chosen, leaving the position of the True Disciple, The True Heir of the Truth, open for Robin to accept another worthy one. 

This was the main reason behind his decision at that time. He didn't want his master to waste more time on him and continue to place hopes on him.

Building his knighthood pillars with the Major Heavenly Law of Gravity so that he can help in the war? This is nonsense, even without the internal energy system, Jabba was powerful enough to wipe the floor with any other soldier in Robin's army!!

He just wanted to fade into the background like he never existed...

But Robin did not give him this opportunity, he didn't abandon him or treat him differently after he took the path of Gravity, but rather recognized him as a disciple repeatedly in front of everyone and raised his status to be second only to him in the entire Empire, placing him even before his adopted sons!

How can he still continue to tarnish his reputation? How can he hear the inhabitants of four planets say that the Emperor's student is just an additional general in the army, like dozens of others?

He must do something unique to force everyone to say: This is what is expected of the disciple chosen by His Excellency the Emperor. He must save face for his master and for himself, even at the cost of his life!

And it was.

The fatigue of searching for four years while at the same time leading an army on an alien planet? The pain he experienced when the explosive energy destroyed his body from the inside out? The initial eye of truth he has finally acquired?

All of this is easy now, all of this is forgotten as if it never happened... He finally heard what he wanted.

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