Lord of the Truth

Chapter 535 From Human To Human

Chapter 535 From Human To Human

"Sooo..?" After several seconds, Robin gestured with his hands as if asking for something

"...So what?"

"So do you intend to give me the two new techniques or not?" Robin asked with raised eyebrows and a big smile

"Oh!" Jabba was startled and got up to retrieve two empty metal tablets, then inserted his soul sense into them for a few minutes before passing them to his master, "This tablet contains the technique that I used to control the energy within my blood at the molecular level and force it to destroy the variable molecules. I called it the Superior Energy Control Technique. As for this tablet, it contains the technique that I used to trap the excess energy inside my body. I think the name *energy trapping technique* is an appropriate name, don't you think?"

Robin took the two tablets inserted his spiritual sense into them and closed his eyes for a few minutes, "Hmm, it can be said that it is a masterful work, to say the least, especially the superior energy control technique, it is extremely useful in principle, even if we put the matter of destroying the variable molecules on the side for now, this technique alone can be used for countless purposes, but unfortunately it is not complete? It is mentioned that you used the sap from the trunk of a tree called Earth's Dusk in order to enter a state that allows you to feel the movement of energy in your body better. Even the energy trapping technique you used the dust of a certain mineral in order to close the pores of your body and used the yellow lily flowers powder in order to give elasticity to your arteries so that they do not explode immediately."

"...If I had not done this, I would have waited a long time until I reached the same result, and perhaps I would not have achieved it. For example, I tried a lot and in various ways to control my energy at the molecular level, but to no avail. Then I asked around and learned that there is a tree on Planet Greenland whose bark is used by the locals when they try to break through to an upper realm because it gives them a sense of euphoria that makes them able to feel everything that happens in their bodies better, and here it is..." Jabba nodded and then took out a vial containing the sap of the bark of the Earth's Dusk Tree from his ring, "Secondly, Master, I don't mean to correct you or anything, but why do you say that it is incomplete? According to my definition, the completion of a technique is when it is used for the purpose for which it was designed, and succeeds. What is the problem if we use an external element? What difference does it make as long as the result is good enough? What is important is the goal, not the means."

Robin rested his head on his right fist and looked at Jabba for a moment before he sighed and nodded, "...You're right. Maybe my horizons were too narrow in this issue. You said: that what matters is the goal, not the means. What a good sentence. Maybe I should really change my outlook on the rest of my research as well... My knowledge about materials and plants is very superficial and my thinking is focused on patterns only. If I use these natural resources, the circle of my innovations will expand greatly. Perhaps techniques that take me ten years to complete will only need three years this way."

Jabba laughed proudly and his look towards his master clearly increased in respect. It is not easy for a person to admit his mistake, especially in front of his disciple!

"So after hearing everything and knowing the current situation, do you think my theory about the origin of all beings and the pampered children of the planets is the Human race as I told you?" Jabba pressed again, hearing praise had become an addiction for him!!I think you should take a look at

Robin was silent for a few seconds before he finally opened his mouth, "...This is a question that cannot be decided yes or no in a session like this, but rather requires long research. Your theory is based on the fact that humans are the origin of intelligent beings because they do not have variable molecules and that you, of course, turned into a human when you removed those variable molecules from you, this does not mean that humans are the origin of intelligent beings. Rather, it only means that we are closer to a standard version without additions!!"

Then he added, "The regular molecules alone do not make any difference in the body or character. Rather, they are merely energy pathways. I am confident that even if these molecules are completely terminated from the body, what will happen is that the person will be unable to use his energy freely, and extracting his energy from his energy gathering center will be difficult like we see happening with the Demons, they don't have the regular molecules and can't use the inner energy system as good as the other intelligent races but they still can! Let's leave the demon' aside, In the worst case scenario, the person we remove his regular molecules from his body will become completely disabled in terms of energy use, but I'm certain that this person will remain a normal human being, he may be mortal, but he will still be a human being... From here we can conclude that there is something else that determines what a human being is!"josei

"Let me give you another reason. Suppose we find a way to destroy the variable molecules in a beast, for example, a lion-shaped beast. Do you think it will turn into a human as well? Most likely its characteristics will change and it may turn from a lion to a small cat or maybe even a great beast, but it will definitely not turn into a human, but rather will remain in the feline family! The same applies to the Tree Fathers or the Treants, Aren't they also intelligent creatures? However, they are just trees that gained consciousness later. Will removing the variable molecules from them turn those trees into humans?" Robin shook his head

Jabba quickly interjected, "But that doesn't negate my theory, right? I've been a Nihari Giant all my life and turned into a human once my variable molecules were destroyed. Doesn't this mean that the human race is the origin of at least a number of intelligent beings?"

Robin stayed silent for a few minutes before he finally opened his mouth, "...According to what I see, there is definitely something hiding deep within the body of a living being. This thing is so precise and so tiny that the size of the variable molecules is considered as huge as planets compared to it, with my current eye power I can't see deep enough to detect it, so let's just call that thing DNA now. This DNA is the real culprit behind the design of the various species, while the variable molecules are merely intruders that change those characteristics, whether for the worse or the better."

"In short: destroying the variable molecules returns the organism to its standard form, its image that was determined by DNA. In your case, you have only returned to the true image that your DNA gave you, a human being."

Robin then shook his head a few times, "I know you want me to say that the human race is the original and that means that we are the best and that you now have secrets to examine or something like that, but unfortunately, you have not turned into the beloved race of the planet or become a mysterious entity that must be investigated. You were always human, but those variable molecules messed with your body and the bodies of all the Nihari Giants and the rest of the races, making everyone believe that they were different races from humans. Jabba, I feel bad for stopping your dream, but you did not change your race. You only destroyed what gave you some additional advantages and returned to being a standard naked human."

Then he laughed and smacked the dumbfounded Jabba on the shoulder, "But cheer up! At least now we know the reason why humans exist on all the planets is that we are simply the naked version that is later improved by adding those variable molecules. This is a thread worth grasping since this kind impossible for these kinds of changes to be random. If you ask me who is doing this, I will say that the first culprit is the spirit of the planet, or at least the spirit of the planet knows the perpetrator for sure. The question is why? ...Hmm, oh! We also discovered the reason why humans always invent the internal energy system. That is, their bodies are pure, and there are no patterns playing hide and seek in there, this is why they are closest to natural energy, and it can be said that they are the clearest in mind and also the easiest target to be influenced by the spirit of the planet if it wants to grant special abilities to the human children in their mothers' wombs, as happened in my case, as the human bodies are devoid of any complexity of laws and therefore easier for the planet spirit to add more special abilities to them. See? Your experiences have put us on a new path that we can now explore, so there is no need to be sad, hehe."

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