Lord of the Truth

Chapter 588 A revolution from nothing

Chapter 588 A revolution from nothing

Chapter 588 A revolution from nothing

*Crack* Jabba sat down again and pressed his knees again until they started making strange noises. How could he not understand his master? If he really wanted to go and unify the eastern region under his banner, all he had to do was go himself for one day, show his face to the crowds, appoint one of his trusted followers as leader of the sect, and then leave again.

He simply didn't want to do anything about it.

But how could he blame him... His hatred for Planet Nihari had accumulated since the first day he arrived there, and that hatred reached its peak when he learned what had happened to his son and wife, and was sealed when the sect fell out of his control.

When news came to him that the Lightning Tribe had returned to owning its own lands and that its borders extended ten times its size in the past, Jabba did not feel any joy. On the contrary, he felt pity for his father and for the entire planet Nihari. Do they not realize the consequences of truly angering Robin? Or do they know and simply don't care?

Jabba was searching for the news and then heard it with deep regret and remained silent, hoping that Robin would put aside his feelings at the critical moment and fulfill his promise to that All-Seeing person and save Planet Nihari from the incoming invasion, but the actions of the Shadow Swords recently greatly worried him...

"That Planet Nihari is where you came from, Brother Jabba, and where the Demons came from, right? Are we going there after we finish Greenland?" Alexander raised his eyebrows slightly, "Hmm, that eastern region seems very chaotic and would be a suitable foothold for us, what about the rest of the regions?"


Robin laughed and pointed to Jabba, "Yes, Jabba, what about the rest of the regions?"

"...Six years ago, news began to spread throughout the central, southern, and western regions stating that there was a third Heaven's Chosen who had appeared from among the humans in the Eastern Region and that he had managed to build a huge sect that completely changed the features of the eastern region and broke the noses of the Giants' Tribes with the help of the sect he builds and that the human Heaven's Chosen prophesies that there is an invasion from another world coming to destroy the entire Nihari world very soon."

Jabba turned silent here for a moment and then continued, "...No one knew who the source of the news was and how it spread with such terrifying speed, but everyone had to deal with this bizarre news. For humans and the rest of the lower races, for a Heaven's Chosen to emerge from their midst was a great honor, especially since succeeded to this degree and in a short period of time, as for the giants in those three regions, they tried to suppress this news and deny it in every way, The appearance of a Heaven's Chosen from the lower races is a disgrace to them! ...Of course, both sides completely forgot about the invasion part."

"...This news was the beginning of the lower races gaining some arrogance, or we can say *some momentum* as some of the settlements refused to hand over their children to do the regular humiliating work, and some other settlements declared complete disobedience, while the attacks of *terrorist groups* increased several fold. By reaching this point, this news has become a pivotal role in what is happening in the three regions without any actual confirmation, so both the giants and the armed groups from the rest of the races tried to reach the eastern region and verify the authenticity of the news, although communication between the regions is almost cut off due to the mountain ranges, oceans, and even the lands of certain death that lie between them as these regions were not determined randomly, they had to go to the eastern region no mater what! The Giants wanted to kill that third Heaven's Chosen, if he existed at all, and the armed groups wanted to support him and find a way to gain anything from him."

"When the several remaining giants' tribes in the eastern region heard of the arrival of people from the rest of the regions, they tried to keep the matter a secret and put in place an iron law that absolutely prohibited talking about the third Heaven's Chosen and created a fabricated history to show them that they were the heroes who destroyed the rest of the tribes and swallowed them up with their own power, but their lies did not last for a long time, the reason was simply the sect cities. The seven sect cities were simply too gigantic to ignore even if they were scattered across the Land of Death, and all of their residents were of the lower races!"

Jabba then showed a sarcastic laugh, "The giants from the rest of the Three Regions who entered the Eastern Region set their eyes on the sect's cities and decided to gather and attack those cities to eradicate these rumors once and for all, but they were crushed without the sect residents even breaking a sweat. How do those idiots know that This is not just a huge settlement inhabited by chickens and dogs, but there are millions of Law Users inside? There are also thousands of Rune Masters and Divine Blacksmiths, each of the seven cities is simply a fortress standing on its own!"

"That small battle announced to everyone that those rumors were not empty, as these cities were impossible to emerge from nowhere without the presence of a third Heaven's Chosen, and a very capable one at that! There were also those who said that the sect provided shelter for armed groups from the rest of the regions and gave them Divine Weapons, Talismans, and Space Rings, some volunteers from the sect even went back with those groups to fight the Giants there, but Orzun and the rest of the elders currently leading the sect refused to hand over any cultivation technique or crafting method, saying that they were not authorized to do so." Then Jabba shrugged his shoulders, "Of course, those supplies were enough to create hell in the three regions, especially since the lower races felt that they had a back to protect them and finally saw hope, so riots and revolutions multiplied and many settlements tried to migrate towards the eastern region!"

"...Then what happened?" Alexander asked yet seriously

"What happened next can only be guessed. How could the Giant's tribes allow such a thing to happen without a reaction? Their armies were mobilized and a true war of extermination began against all the lower races, any settlement that fell in their path was immediately annihilated. Their leader literally said that they had decided to keep one dog alive out of every hundred they saw. Countless lower races' settlements were turned to ashes too fast. Although the total number of low beings in those areas reached several billion and they all revolted against the giants, the power difference was enormous in favor of the giants, and yet the settlements' rebels did not fall short and they were not that weak either after the support they received from the sect! And so the giants began to move out in standard armies, wiping anything in their faces, and the rebels of the lower races began to move in small armed groups to hunt down the giants, both soldiers and civilians. The words destruction and chaos are not enough to describe what is going on there! And the situation stayed like that until..."

"Until what?!" Alexander patted Jabba's thigh to get him to speak faster

Jabba raised his head and looked at Robin, "Until The Absolute Atmosphere Energy Cultivation Technique and hundreds of law techniques up to the third stage spread among the lower races, as did the techniques of strengthening the soul, creating talismans, ways to engrave the runes on metals, etc. ~ Basically almost all of the techniques of the True beginning Empire. There was also information spread among them about the locations of energy stone mines, mineral mines used in divine blacksmithing, and even some vital zones belonging to the Giants, such as weapons and food stores and other logistics..."

In response to Jabba's look, Robin smiled and said nothing josei

Deploying all of the *Empire's techniques* made Alexander realize something, so he shot a quick look at Robin and then fell into silence for a few seconds as well. He leaned his back on the seat and continued speaking as if he had not noticed anything, "...Information like this will certainly turn the tide of the war in the western, southern, and central regions. The numbers of humans and the rest of the - sorry for the wording, but this is according to what you say- the lower races, is very large, their numbers are in the billions, you say? As soon as these techniques spread, huge numbers will break through pf the Knighthood realm, and within a few months a large number of them will enter the sainthood realm, and those regions will be transformed into real Hell by then, this has definitely turned into a real war instead of a guerrilla fights. Their situation is much worse than in the eastern region. At least in the eastern region, there is peace on the surface."

Alexander then seemed to remember something and looked at Jabba, "So far you mentioned the eastern, western, central, and southern regions... Doesn't that planet have a northern region?"

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