Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1937

Chapter 1937

Chapter 1937

After a while, the door was pushed open, and an elderly man with a long white beard entered the room.

Emma, Madeline, and Sasha immediately jumped to their feet when they saw the gentleman, who was none other than the divine doctor himself, Bryan Hilton.

“It's an honor, Mr. Hilton. Please have a seat.”

“Would you like something to drink, Mr. Hilton?”

“It really is an honor to meet you, Mr. Hilton. You look even better than they say.”

Indifferent to all the compliments and pleasantries, Bryan merely nodded before taking his seat.

They were about to continue buttering up Bryan when he raised his hand to stop them. “Let's get to the point. What do you need me to do for you?”

“Hello, Mr. Hilton. My name is Emma, and this here is my daughter, Amelia. She has ALS and hasn't been able to walk for many years now. I've consulted many specialists, but none of them could do anything about it. Then I heard how you're able to treat all kinds of incurable diseases, so I decided to ask for your help.”

After taking a look at Amelia, Bryan put on a pair of gloves and started inspecting the girl's legs while the others stared anxiously at them.

Before long, Bryan was done with his inspection.

“How is it, Mr. Hilton? There has to be something you can do, right?” questioned Emma nervously.

“Of course.”

With that, the group finally breathed a sigh of relief, especially Emma, who was so glad that her eyes welled up with tears.

She was convinced that her daughter was given another chance to lead a normal life.

“But...” When Bryan suddenly changed his tune, he got everyone on their toes again.

“But what, Mr. Hilton? What's wrong?”

“It's going to cost you. Are you ready for that?”

“That won't be a problem. I'm ready to make payment.” Emma then took one hundred thousand out of her purse. “Here, Mr. Hilton. I know this is not much, but I hope it's enough to show you my appreciation.”

Bryan stared at the bills as if he had been insulted. “What's this? Do you take me for some kind of worthless physician? You think my skills are worth this meager amount?”

Emma and the others were completely stunned when they realized that Bryan was not satisfied with the amount presented.

However, that money was all Emma had. She even borrowed some from Sasha to be on the safe side.

At the moment of truth, Sasha finally spoke up. “This is but a deposit, Mr. Hilton. When everything is done, I'll pay you another one hundred thousand.”

“Are you trying to mock me? You think there's a difference between one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand? If my skills really are worth that little to you people, I'm afraid that I've wasted enough time on you already,” sneered Bryan condescendingly before turning around to walk away.

Immediately, the group called out to the physician and stopped him in his tracks.

“What more do you want from me?” asked Bryan impatiently.

Cautiously, Emma added, “Please, Mr. Hilton. We're just ordinary people. I apologize if we've offended you. But would you mind telling us how much it's going to cost?”

To answer the question, Bryan lifted five fingers.

“Five hundred thousand?”

Bryan chuckled and shook his head, so Emma took a deep breath before continuing, “Five million?”

When the physician shook his head again, Emma's voice began to tremble. “You mean... fifty million?”

“Correct. That's my price. You have no idea how many wealthy men and women are willing to pay that amount for my service, yet I'm here because Ms. Silvester has personally asked for my help.”


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