Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1938

Chapter 1938

Chapter 1938

Emma and the others knew there was no way they could ever come up with that amount of money, so they started begging.

“What you're asking is impossible, Mr. Hilton! We can work our entire lives and still not be able to save up that much.”

“Please, Mr. Hilton! If you can find it in your heart to save Amelia, we'll be eternally grateful to you!”

“What if we pay in installments, Mr. Hilton? If you're willing to help Amelia, I promise you that I'll pay you with however much I earn every month. You only have to leave me just enough to get by.”

“Sorry, fifty million is the best I can do. If you can't afford to pay me, then get her a wheelchair instead,” suggested Bryan coldly. “That's all from me. Goodbye.”

With that, Bryan turned around and was ready to leave once again.

The actual reason why Bryan had asked for such a high price was not that he was greedy. Instead, it was because he was incapable of treating Amelia's legs.

However, the divine doctor was too proud to admit it, so he had purposely asked for a ridiculous amount to deter Emma and the others.

Gritting her teeth, Sasha suddenly made a decision. “Wait, Mr. Hilton! Please allow us some time for discussion. We'll get back to you latest by tonight.”

Bryan nodded in response before walking away.

After the physician left, Emma slumped helplessly into her seat.

Just thinking about the colossal amount asked of her was enough to suffocate her.

“You don't have to worry about getting the money, Mommy. Zee really has healed me. Besides, I don't even think that divine doctor has what it takes to treat me,” comforted Amelia.

“Enough, Amelia! Are you trying to add fuel to the fire?” rebuked Emma.

Sasha quickly embraced the aggrieved Amelia. “It's okay. I promise you. Even if I have to fork out everything I have, I'll make sure that you get treated properly.”

After that, Sasha turned to the girl's mother. “I've made up my mind, Emma. I'm going to sell off my company and all the assets under my name. We should be able to get fifty million from all that.”

Emma and Madeline were stupefied when they heard Sasha.

“What? No! That company is your life's work! You can't just sell it! I'll figure something out to get the money. If worse comes to worst, I'll give Thomas what he wants.”

After letting out a long sigh, Sasha continued, “I've made up my mind. We'll do it my way. Compared to Amelia's happiness, everything else is just superficial. If I don't give my everything to help her, I will blame myself for the rest of my life.”

Emma and Madeline were so moved by Sasha's kind heart that they started crying.

“Sha, I'll never forget this. I may never be able to repay all that you've—”

Before Emma could finish, Sasha waved her hand to hush the woman. “It's fine, Emma. You don't have to do anything. Amelia is like my daughter too, so I'm just doing what any other mother would've done for their child. Now, I have to make a call to set up a deal.”

Meanwhile, Bryan got a call from Thomas not long after he stepped out of the Imperium Hotel.

Bryan paused for a second and wondered why the man had contacted him since the two rarely had anything to do with each other.

“To what do I owe the honor, Mr. Fleming?” inquired Bryan after accepting the call.

“It's been a while since we last met, Mr. Hilton. What do you say we go for a drink?”

“I'm sorry, Mr. Fleming, but I have surgeries to perform. I'm afraid I don't have the time. Is there something I can help you with?”


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