Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2187

Chapter 2187

Chapter 2187

“I didn't want to buy your clothes, but you forced me into buying them, saying that I'd have to take them once I've tried them on. That was why I had no choice,” the woman continued. “I figured I'd just scrimp a little more from now on, but I didn't expect your clothes to cost this much when the quality is horrendous! I could buy things like these for just twenty bucks back in my village! This is a scam, First Bloom Apparel! Have you no conscience?”

The crowd began to comment on First Bloom Apparel, and the few people leading them were especially vicious with their words.

“Hmph! To think they'd even try to rip a poor villager off. That's just savage!”

“If we were in the olden days, these guys would've been sentenced to death by now.”

“You know what? Every First Bloom Apparel outlet may look fancy and all, but they sell nothing but knockoffs. I've bought their clothes before. They're awful.”

“Anyone who spends their money here is an idiot.”

“Seriously? And here I thought First Bloom Apparel was some famous brand. I guess I was wrong.”

Nancy gazed at the middle-aged woman coldly. “Mind telling me what you have against First Bloom Apparel? Why are you deliberately framing us like this?”

The woman stomped her foot in exasperation. “Watch... Watch your mouth! How dare you accuse an old woman like me of framing you? I have a reputation to maintain!”

“You barged in acting like you bought these knockoffs from my store, and now, you're causing a scene too. Are you not trying to sabotage my business?”

“What? I bought these here! This is the receipt! Also, all these clothes have your tag on them!”

While speaking, the woman flashed her receipt and all the tags on the clothes.

Nancy glanced at them. Indeed, the tags indicated that these clothes came from First Bloom Apparel.

However, it was obvious that the tags had been attached later on.

She definitely cut the tags off of our clothes and reattached them onto these knockoffs.

“Look, everyone. The tags have clearly been tampered with. Look at these obvious marks.”

Upon closer inspection, the crowd noted that there were indeed traces of adjustments having been done.

Still, those few people working with the woman weren't about to let the situation take a turn.

“Hmph! I bet you enjoy lying to your customers. The tags have been tampered with, you say? How could a villager like her know how to do that?”

“He's right! Besides, do you think we'd believe you just because you say that?”

“You just don't want to admit that you've been selling knockoffs and take responsibility!”

The audience grew more frantic.

Nancy clenched her teeth and glared at the woman. “How much were you paid to do this? Name your price. I'll pay you twice the amount.”

Evidently, the middle-aged woman began to waver.

I was given five grand. If I switch sides, I'll be paid another ten grand. That's a year's worth of savings!

How could she not be tempted?

Nancy stared at her eagerly.

If this woman were to accept the offer, their current predicament would be solved.

That also meant saving their brand worth nearly ten billion.

Unfortunately, the woman suppressed the urge to give in, for the person who had paid her to cause a scene was far too terrifying.

I might just lose my life if I switch sides.

“I don't know what you're talking about, but I demand an exchange. You can't pick on the poor like this.”

Nancy naturally refused.

It didn't cost much to exchange the clothes, but that would mean acknowledging that they were selling

defective goods.

The middle-aged woman threw a bigger tantrum at once, and Nancy had to turn to Lacey for help.

It would be increasingly difficult to solve this ordeal with every passing minute, for more and more people were now making their way over.

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