Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2188

Chapter 2188

Chapter 2188

“When we're dealing with someone this unreasonable, we can only count on the law,” Lacey remarked. “Call the cops, Dawnie.”


Dawn hastily dialed Harry Hudson's number.

Zeke had once told them to look for Harry if they were ever in trouble.

He had also requested the man to take extra care of Linton Group.

Harry was one of the few people who knew Zeke's identity as Great Marshal.

The call got through quickly, and Dawn explained the situation to Harry.

The latter was instantly stumped upon hearing the news.

Someone's messing with Great Marshal's wife on my turf?

I'd be dead if Great Marshal hears about this!

“I'm heading over right now,” he replied in fear. “Don't panic. I'll be sure to give you the justice you deserve.”

“Okay. I'm counting on you, Mr. Hudson.”

Harry rushed over right after hanging up.

Meanwhile, the middle-aged woman gazed at Dawn anxiously. “W-Who did you just call?”

“The police. Mr. Harry Hudson, to be specific. I'm sure he'll help us uncover the truth. Let me give you a warning: you'd better own up now while you still have the chance, or you can say hello to jail time.”

The woman's heart began to race.

She had just been released from prison a while ago.

In fact, it was Harry who had ordered for her to be locked up for five years. He's too terrifying. I don't want to have to face him again.

No. I can't go back in there just because of five grand.

“O*! My stomach hurts. Where's the bathroom?” the woman suddenly cried out.

While doing so, she made a beeline for the bathroom.

As soon as she entered one of the cubicles, she whipped out her phone and called the mastermind.

“Something's happened. I'm in trouble.”

“What is it?”

A rough voice came through the line.

“They just gave Harry Hudson a call. I'm doomed if he throws me back in prison.”

The mysterious figure fell silent for a moment. “Don't panic. Just keep insisting that you bought those clothes at First Bloom Apparel. What else can he do if you're just exercising your rights? Besides, it's just Harry Hudson. He's nothing but small fry. I'll get someone above him to deal with him.”

“Really?” The woman became hopeful.

“Of course.”

“Okay. I'll do as you say.”

After hanging up, she ran out of the bathroom and began to kick up a fuss again.

Harry arrived shortly after.

The entire scene made his head hurt.

The situation's worse than I expected! I didn't think there'd be this many people.

The public's going to be furious if they can tell I'm taking Mrs. Williams’ side.

But if I don't help Linton Group take care of this whole ordeal, I'll end up incurring Great Marshal's wrath.

Harry was now trapped between a rock and a hard place.

But after much consideration, he eventually decided he had to help Linton Group.

I can't afford to get on Great Marshal's bad side.

If the public gets mad, I'd just lose my job at most. But I know I'm dead if I ever cross Great Marshal.

“Make way, make way.” Harry squeezed into the crowd.

Then, he immediately recognized the middle-aged woman.

Isn't that Sally Lodge?

She was jailed for five years after being caught stealing. Wasn't she released just last week?

Needless to say, the man now knew who was behind this current mess.

Sally began to tremble in fear as soon as she saw Harry.

But upon remembering the mastermind's words, she forced herself to calm down.

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