Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2526

Chapter 2526

Chapter 2526

The two of them were collecting spiritual water, but Zeke could figure out with one glance that was not their true aim.

The sun was high up in the sky, and there was definitely no spiritual water around.

Hence, Zeke worked out that the brothers must be waiting for him to ask about Hawkeye.

The moment Zeke cleared his throat, Yannick and Yoshua rose to their feet with a smile. “Mr. Williams, you're back.”

“What are the two of you doing here?”

Yannick answered, “Well, we're collecting spiritual water. We didn't want you to be the only one working hard to collect spiritual water, so we tried to help out.”

“The sun is bright now. You know there will be no spiritual water at this time.”

An awkward smile grew on Yoshua's lips. “I... Who knows? Maybe there are spiritual water droplets around.”

“That's enough. Stop with the riddles. You want to ask me how I dealt with Hawkeye, don't you?”

Immediately, the brothers widened their eyes, clearly nervous. However, they tried their best to look calm as they said, “Please don't misunderstand us, Mr. Williams. We're not trying to stop you from going anywhere... But since you've mentioned it, may we know how you're planning to deal with

Hawkeye? Although Hawkeye is the murderer of our father, we won't make things difficult for you if you want to keep him around.”

Zeke reassured them by saying, “Be at ease. He'll die after five days. Indeed, he's useful to me, but only for these five days. Five days later, his usefulness will run out, and I won't keep him alive.”

At that, the Lewis brothers let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you for that, Great Marshal.”

“Come on. Let's go back.”

The brothers then each took a spot beside Zeke, and the trio returned.

On their way back, exclamations and sounds of laughter could be heard.

Yoshua wondered out loud, “What's going on at the base? Why is it so lively all of a sudden?”

Yannick responded, “What else? Minerva must have come back after exchanging for meat.”

“It's just a bit of meat, but these people are going mad at the sight of it. Life here is like hell.”

“And I thought that believing in Theos Sect and coming to Theos Island meant living a life like a god. Who knew this place is worse than hell? I'd rather die than live an awful life like this.”

Yoshua turned to Zeke nervously and asked, “Uh... Mr. Williams, you'll take us away from this place, right?”

Zeke nodded in affirmation. “Theos Sect has committed an unforgivable sin. I'll destroy the entire sect.”

His reassurance made the brothers sigh in relief. Both were sure that Zeke would succeed in his plan.

After all, the man was the Great Marshal. What could the Great Marshal possibly not do?

Not long after, they arrived at the base.

Everyone was snatching the meat like starving wolves.

It had been a while since Yannick and Yoshua had eaten any meat, so they, too, could not help but lunge forward to get some as well.

At that moment, Minerva was pacing outside the crowd, seemingly in search of someone.

Zeke called out to her, “Minerva, what are you doing?”

Minerva jogged over to him when she saw him. “Mr. Williams, I've finally found you.”

“Oh, you were looking for me?”

“The Chieftain is looking for you. He told me to convey the message to you.”


Zeke was surprised by that. “Why is the Chieftain looking for me?”

Minerva speculated, “I'm guessing that the Chieftain has a favor to ask of you because he tried to give me free meat. There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world. He must be up to no good.”

Zeke hummed, contemplating. “All right, I'll go and meet him.”

Even if Johan did not come to him, Zeke was going to look for him.

The moment Zeke laid eyes on the Chieftain, he had sensed something familiar about the man, and that sense of familiarity made him relax.

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