Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2527

Chapter 2527

Chapter 2527

His instincts told him that Johan was not an enemy.

“Mr. Williams, can you promise me something?” Minerva asked.

“What is it?”

“If what the Chieftain asks you to do endangers your life, you have to reject him, okay? W-We can't afford to lose you.”

Zeke nodded. “Don't worry. Thus far, no one in this world poses any threat to my life.”

With that, Zeke turned to leave.

Minerva caught up with him and added, “Mr. Williams, why don't I come with you? It'll be better if you have someone else by your side.”

Zeke patted her shoulders. “Stay. I swear to you I'll be fine.”

Zeke knew it was highly likely that the Chieftain had asked to meet him to discuss secrets. Therefore, no outsiders should be there.

“All right...” Minerva muttered in disappointment and concern.

However, when Zeke walked away from her, he felt something warm seep into his heart.

Minerva was worried about me just now! It looks like the people here aren't completely hopeless. There's a chance they can be human again if I save them from this place.

Shortly after, Zeke arrived at the Chieftain's manor.

When he arrived, Johan was watering the plants, seemingly having all the time in the world.

Zeke was the first to speak. “What a surprise that you can have a hobby in a place like this, Chieftain. I'm impressed.”

Johan turned around and gave Zeke a small smile. “You must be joking, Mr. Williams. Come in and have a seat. I've prepared some good tea in preparation for your arrival.”

“Let's go.”

Johan then led Zeke into his house.

The house was simple but clean.

Johan poured a cup of tea for Zeke, but instead of trying it, Zeke said, “Chieftain, why were you looking for me?”

Johan, who was in the middle of pouring tea, froze for a while before he lowered his hands.

He then rose to his feet and went to close the door and the windows. After that, he came back to his seat and whispered, “Mr. Williams, have you gotten used to this place yet?”

Zeke cast a curious look at Johan. “Should I say I've gotten used to it, or should I not?”

Johan chuckled bitterly. “You can speak the truth, Mr. Williams.”

“Sort of, I guess.”

“Oh, if you've gotten used to it... then never mind.”

“What if I say I'm not used to it?”

Johan hesitated.

“It's fine. Just tell me. I swear I won't say a word about anything we talk about today.”

Only then did Johan utter cautiously, “What I mean is that, if you're not used to this place, perhaps you can choose to leave.”


Zeke's expression turned solemn. “Chieftain, you have a way to get the people off this island?”

Instead of answering his question, Johan asked, “Mr. Williams, why did you come to Theos Island?”

“I came to look for someone. My wife... is probably on this island.”

“Oh?” Johan raised a brow. “Have you found your wife yet?”

Zeke shook his head. “I haven't.”

The Chieftain was silent for a while. “If I manage to find your wife, will you leave the island with your wife?”

Zeke nodded without hesitation. “Of course. Chieftain, do you have a way to get me off this d*mn place?”

“I do, but you have to help me out a little before you leave.”

“What is it?”

“Promise me you'll bring all those members in the outer district out.”

Zeke fixed his burning gaze on Johan. “Why? Aren't you scared that Theos Sect will come for you once I bring them away?”

Johan sighed. “I'm but old bones now. It doesn't matter if I die. If I get to save a group of people before I die, I'll get to die in peace.”

Zeke took in a deep breath. “Why do you want to save them?”

Johan gave Zeke a small smile. “Young man, if my guess is right, you've spent time in the Military District in the North of Eurasia, am I right?”

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