Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2555

Chapter 2555

Chapter 2555

Oh? How interesting.

Curiosity got the better of Platinum. “Is the new kid on the block really that impressive? Even Phoenix thought that highly of him, huh,” he blurted out.

Truth be told, not many could gain favor with Phoenix, and she hadn't even clapped eyes on Platinum thus far.

A snort then escaped from Declan's lips. “Nonsense. Putting on an aloof, snobbish look is what he does best!”

Hearing that sarcastic remark, Platinum returned a rueful smile. “Ah... It seems that Phoenix still has much to learn before she can bring her observation to perfection. By the way, I'm here today because of that newcomer as well.”

“Oh?” The group's interest was roused. “Platinum, what do you need him for?”

Platinum flashed them a mysterious grin on that note. “Come nearer. We need to be discreet. Walls have ears, you know.”

The four of them were pumped up in an instant. Without a second thought, they sidled up to Platinum.

Then came the latter's utterance, “I have a plan, but I need your help.”

“We're all ears, Platinum, and we'll assist you however we can. You've been good to us, so we naturally

will reciprocate your kindness,” was Declan's reply.

“Splendid. I need you guys to—”

Just when Platinum was halfway through his sentence, he shook his arm to reveal a cleaver right under his sleeve.

With a swing of the cleaver, he accurately slashed the throats of all three guards except Declan's.


As the cleaver danced through the air, their necks split in half on the spot. Blood began gushing out with nothing to hold it back.

The trio widened their eyes in shock, fixating their gazes on Platinum. Their mouths were agape with incredulity, but sadly, not a sound could be picked up from them.

Immediately afterward, they tumbled to the ground altogether.

Even at the brink of death, their eyes refused to shut.

The sole survivor was none other than Declan.

Still and all, Platinum had already readied his cleaver up at Declan's throat. The latter dared not budge an inch.

After wiping off the blood that had been splattered all over his face, Platinum finally went on, “I need you guys to meet your maker! Only your deaths could've offered me the help that I needed.”

“Help! A murderer!” yelled Declan with all his might as he jolted himself out of terror and back to reality.

“Shut up!” Blood started seeping out from Declan's neck as Platinum cut the former's skin with the cleaver still in his hand. “Scream again, and it'll be your last.”

Having been threatened like that, Declan trembled in fear. All he could think of was hurriedly beg for mercy. “P-Please spare me, Platinum. I... I can't die yet. My family needs me. If I'm gone, what will become of them?”

A sneer marred Platinum's face. “Do you really wish to live?”

Declan bobbed his head frantically at once. “Y-Yes, I do! Give me a chance, Platinum. I'll do anything you ask for without hesitation from now on.”

Platinum nodded. “All right, then. I'll give you a chance right now. Let me ask you, who finished off these three mates of yours?”

Wearing a dubious mien, Declan gawked at Platinum and answered, “Y-You...”

What the f*ck?

Platinum flew off the handle straightaway. “Since when did you see me lay a hand on them? You clearly saw the new guy did it to them, didn't you?”

Comprehension dawned on Declan then and there.

He reckoned that Platinum must be trying to fan the flames of conflict out of jealousy because Phoenix took a liking to the newcomer.

In a flash, Declan inclined his head. “Yes, yes. The newcomer is the killer, not you.”

Platinum asked again, “So, why did he take their lives?”

Huh? What's he trying to pull?

His question stumped Declan. “Uh... C-Could you enlighten me, if I may ask?”

What a load of cr*p! How on earth would I know the reason behind this massacre?

Platinum parted his lips and shared what was on his mind. “Because he thinks that you, Phoenixions, are never worthy of them. The act of you people sending ambassadors to form an alliance with them was basically a humiliation through and through. And so, he went on a killing spree due to anger.”

Declan nodded even more fervently. “T-That's it! You're right. The newcomer is so conceited, constantly looking down on us. He even spoke ill of Ms. Phoenix, saying how unbefitting of higher status she is.”

It was then Platinum began to approve of Declan. “Good, good. Now that's more like it. Oh, I almost forgot. How's it so that your fellow companions died at his hands, but you managed to stay alive to tell the tale?”

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