Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2556

Chapter 2556

Chapter 2556

“I-I ran with lightning speed. He couldn't catch up, and that was how I survived,” was Declan's response.

Platinum was bereft of speech the second he heard that kind of feedback.

This Declan must've damaged his brain somehow. Ugh! What a fool. I should've sent him to his grave and used the other guard to pass the message.

He couldn't help but be worried that Declan might slip up and botch his grand scheme.

“Answer me this—if Calix wants to take your life, do you think you can escape him?” Platinum threw yet another question out.

As Declan contemplated it, he eventually shook his head and said, “Most probably not.”

“Should that be your findings, what makes you think that you can get away from that new guy? Since he was able to get rid of Calix, he's obviously much stronger than Calix.”


Alas, Declan couldn't provide a viable answer to that.

Ideas continued to be set forth by Platinum. “He let you off on purpose because he required you to relay his words to Phoenix. He even commanded Phoenix to submit to him within three days, or he'd spearhead an all-out attack to exterminate Phoenixion.”

Declan swatted his own forehead and agreed, “Oh, right! That's an excellent way to put it! I'll say just that.”

With a nod, Platinum prompted, “That's quite enough. You should go. If you dare to betray me, I'll make sure to send every single one of your family members to six feet under. I mean it.”

Declan bobbed his head as though his life depended on it. “Rest assured, Platinum. I wouldn't dare to, not even in a million years.”

Only then was Platinum satisfied with the outcome. He inclined his head and ordered, “Go now.”

With that, Declan scurried off fearfully.

After walking quite some distance away, he, at long last, stopped to take a deep breath before collapsing to the ground and panting heavily.

At that juncture, he was already drenched in sweat.

What should I do... What in the world should I do?

It was as if nothing could ever help to calm his nerves down.

He was torn between going along with Platinum's plot and divulging the whole truth to avenge his teammates.

If he were to heed Platinum's terms, he'd be instigating a war between two groups of Centuria, and his

companions' passing would've been for nothing.

However, should he choose to go against Platinum, the latter would surely come after his loved ones.

Even if they somehow managed to stay alive for the time being, their lives would never be peaceful again once they got a Centurion's eye on them.

After mulling over the circumstance, Declan gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, “Forgive me, my friends. Please bear with me for a while more. The day I rise to power will be the day I eliminate Platinum and avenge you all, so don't you worry.”

After making up his mind, he quickened his pace as he made a beeline for Phoenixion's base.

Upon setting foot inside the base, he started to bellow, “Somebody! Come, quick! Bad news! Something... Something terrible happened.”

The members of Phoenixion all stepped out of their rooms, probing ever so curiously, “What's wrong? What happened, Declan? I've never seen you so terrified like this.”

Panic-stricken, Declan revealed, “My... M-My members were killed.”

What? Seriously?

The audience was astonished to the core. They couldn't believe their ears as they hurled a stare back at him. “What did you just say? All three of them are dead? Who murdered them?”

Deaths were pretty common in Centuria's district, yet those who had been gone with the wind were all ordinary folks.

Nevertheless, Declan and his gang weren't simply any average Joe. They were the symbolic representation of Phoenixion, boasting a stature that was second to none but Phoenix alone.

Claiming the life of any one of them would already automatically mean a war declaration with Phoenixion.

What made it worse was that three of them were cut down just like that, not one.

The onlookers lost their patience and pressed the matter further. “Tell us! Who's the killer?”

“Who else? Of course, it's that Centurion who has recently risen through the ranks.” Declan had no choice but to lie.


The entire crowd erupted into an uproar, discussing and reprimanding the newcomer.

“This is too much! He's really crossed the line!”

“What an arrogant bunch of newcomers! Some nerve they have to take us veterans so lightly. I'll tolerate them no more!”

“To think that we haven't even asserted our dominance yet, and here they're trying to strike fear into us first. D*mn it! I won't let this matter slide.”

“We must seek justice for our fallen comrades!”

“Ms. Phoenix, I demand that we crusade against them.”

“Count us in!”

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