Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Chapter 707


With that, Zeke ended the call.

As soon as he did, Dylan’s phone rang.

Sure enough, it was Eclipse calling.

Dylan did not answer it.

He was already shocked beyond comprehension!

In fact, everyone at the scene looked as if they had been struck by lightning, all standing frozen to the spot, as they gaped at Zeke.

This young man who drove an old Santana and dressed like a commoner was indeed their new boss, also holding the title as the renowned Master Williams!

Not only did they fail in welcoming Master Williams, rather, but they had also attacked him!

It was over. Their lives were over!

If Master Williams decided to pursue this matter, all of them would be doomed.

Everyone’s knees almost gave out beneath them. All of them wished that they could kneel before Zeke, washing away the grave sins that they had just committed.

Ring! Ring!

The constant ringing of Dylan’s phone was like a reminder of what they had just done, and he could not help but tremble.

Finally, he answered the call.

Eclipse’s enraged voice drifted over the phone. “Dylan, what is the meaning of this? Even if you’re regretting your choice of giving the Grand Empire Group to Mr. Williams, there’s no need to treat him this way!”

Dylan swallowed hard and stammered, “Eclipse, this is just a misunderstanding. It’s all just a misunderstanding...”

Eclipse showed no sympathy. “Hmph! You’d better beg for Mr. Williams’ forgiveness, or face the consequences!”

Then, Eclipse hung up the call.

Dylan cracked under the pressure and fell to his knees before Zeke, right before everyone.

“Mr. Williams, I... I deserve to die. I was an ignorant fool. Please accept my apology, Mr. Williams...”

Zeke sent him a contemptuous glare before shifting his gaze to Franklin and Kevin. “I don’t need to tell you again what you should do, do I?”

Without another word, both of them knelt on the ground and slapped themselves continuously.

At that moment, both of them were on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

D*** it! What have we done?

As if making a move on Master Williams’ woman was not bad enough, they had attacked him and had even called people over to deal with him.

Dying a hundred times over wouldn’t even be enough to atone for their sins!

Was this still the same penniless student whom everyone had bullied?

Was this still the beggar who had almost starved to death on the streets?

How did he manage to become this successful within a few short years?

Zeke turned to the migrant workers and announced, “I have a task for you. Make sure that they slap themselves a hundred times. Any less than that, they’ll die!”

The workers nodded dumbly in response.

They were overwhelmed with excitement as they thought about what an honor it was, being able to ride in Master Williams’ car earlier.

Zeke turned around and walked towards the Grand Empire Group.

The assistant director finally snapped out of her daze when he was about to walk past her.

She hurriedly bowed to Zeke and apologized, “Mr. Williams, it’s our fault for not recognizing you. Please forgive us. Also, I’d failed to discipline my subordinates, and your workers had to suffer for that. I will definitely get to the bottom of this matter and provide you a satisfactory explanation.”

Zeke gave her a nod. “Good.”

Although she did not step forward to help him earlier, she did not side against him either. She was only carrying out her responsibility as assistant director of the company. Hence, Zeke did not intend to hold her accountable.

After Zeke went into the company building, Dylan had tucked his tail and ran.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became!

Zeke Williams turned out to be Master Williams himself!

And the boss was planning to win over Master Williams to take down Zeke Williams!

But now it seems like the joke is on us.

If Master Williams dug deeper into this matter, he was afraid that his life would be in danger.

He could only ask Eclipse to intercede on his behalf.

Propelled by desperation, he called Eclipse.

Eclipse spoke to him in a rude tone the moment the call had connected, “Has everything been resolved?”

“Eclipse, Master Williams didn’t even give me a chance to beg for his forgiveness,” Dylan stressed out, in a pleading voice. “Please, can you put in a good word for me and ask Master Williams to spare me?”

“Wait.” Eclipse then asked him, “What does this have to do with Master Williams? What did you do to offend him?”

Dylan was perplexed, “Isn’t Mr. Williams ‘Master Williams’?”

“Who’d told you that Mr. Williams is ‘Master Williams’?” Eclipse dropped a bomb on him.

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