Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 708

Chapter 708

Chapter 708

“What do you mean? I gave the Grand Empire Group to Master Williams. If Zeke Williams isn’t Master Williams, then why has he come to take office today?” Dylan exclaimed in shock.

Eclipse answered calmly, “Oh. Well, Master Williams wasn’t interested in taking over the Grand Empire Group, so he gave it to me. Moreover, since I don’t have any business knowledge, I’d believed that it was better to hand it over to Mr. Williams.”

What the f***?

Dylan’s mind was blown away yet again!

Zeke Williams isn’t Master Williams at all!

He was beyond mortified that he had knelt before a commoner and apologized to him in public!

It was absolutely humiliating!

He hung up, almost blowing his top off as he cursed Zeke Williams and his ancestors to hell and back.

His resentment towards Zeke Williams intensified.

After getting his emotions under control, he called the boss.

“Boss, the plan has failed. We couldn’t get Master Williams to show up even by giving the Grand Empire Group to him. Nonetheless, our efforts weren’t completely in vain. We’d managed to lure Zeke Williams to Eastend.”

“Huh?” The boss’ interest was piqued. “And here I was, worrying that this guy would hide in Rivermouth, meaning that we wouldn’t be able to touch him. I’d never expected that he’d serve himself on a silver platter, coming to Eastend. God, Himself, is helping us!”

“Boss, what should we do next? I’m awaiting further orders.” Dylan murmured.

The boss mused, “This guy is slightly tricky to handle. All of our previous plans have failed because of him. My forces were dealt a heavy blow, and my men were severely injured. I can’t afford to be reckless, because another failure could wipe out my entire army. This time, we’ll let someone else do the dirty work.”

Dylan tentatively asked, “By ‘someone else’, you mean...”

The boss cut him off with a question of his own, “Let me ask you, whose territory is this?”

“Mr. Quin, of course,” Dylan answered without hesitation. Soon, a sense of realization dawned upon him, “Boss, do you mean to use Mr. Quin to get rid of Zeke Williams?”

“Yes. Exactly.” The boss confirmed it.

“But Zeke Williams and Mr. Quin don’t hold any grudges against each other. Why would Mr. Quin start a fight with him?” Dylan questioned.

“It’s up to you to find a way to start a feud between them, the kind where they would want to kill each other whenever they come face-to-face.”

Dylan mulled over the boss’ words and assured him, “Yes, boss. Leave it to me. I might have just thought of the perfect way to do that.”

“Haha! Mr. Quin’s family has powerful ties that run deep within Eastend. He himself is second amongst the top ten masters in Eurasia. Once he makes a move on Zeke Williams, that b****** wouldn’t survive, even if he has nine lives!”

After hanging up, Dylan began to put together a plan to sow discord between the two.

After much contemplation, he finally decided to kickstart his plan through the famous actress, Mia Young.

Mia Young was a rising star. Not only was she beautiful, rather, but she was also blessed with a sexy figure and had a voice as sweet as honey, which was much more pleasing to the ears as compared to many other professional singers.

An absolute stunner like her had naturally caught the attention of Mr. Quin, who was known to be a notorious playboy.

Mr. Quin made advances on Mia, but she had refused to break the unspoken rule, hence greatly angering Mr. Quin.

In a burst of rage, Mr. Quin had put on a ‘rape-and-kill’ target on her head.

This scared the living lights out of Mia, and she had gone into hiding ever since. She lived in fear and even stopped accepting projects.

In fact, no entertainment agency dared to offer her projects.

Forced into a corner with no escape, Mia had contacted the Martial Arts Association, pleading with them to provide her with paid protection.

Although the Martial Arts Association was indeed in this business, the person whom Mia had offended was Mr. Quin. They did not dare to antagonize him and declined her request.

“If Mia Young joins Zeke Williams’ company, Mr. Quin will undoubtedly take his anger out, on him.”

“When that time comes...” He chuckled evilly, “Zeke Williams will be skinned alive by Mr. Quin!”

Without haste, he took out his phone and called Mia Young!

The call connected almost instantly.

Mia’s hopeful and anxious voice resounded from the other end of the line, “Mr. Norris, have you considered it? Will you offer me protection? Money isn’t an issue.”

In truth, Dylan had not outrightly rejected Mia when she came to them in the beginning. Instead, he had politely told her that he would consider it.

However, this gullible girl had actually believed him.

Dylan sighed before answering her. “I’m sorry, Ms. Young. The person whom you’ve offended is Mr. Quin, and the Martial Arts Association can’t afford to go up against him.”

To say that she was disappointed would be an understatement.

So, she was pleasantly surprised when Dylan counter-offered her, “However, there is another way.”

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