Lord Shadow

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002: The temptation to break (2)

Not everyone had to have power like he has to protect something. Azief was pushed by the tides of fates and destiny and he could not once let his guard down and become weak

And time affected not only longevity but also the soul. Though, not in the way that it affects longevity

After all, that he had experience, the experiences and memories of it, the feeling he felt living it, it was like his soul was baptized.

Like some kind of weathering of soul.

Azief longevity is not as long as Raymond because he had used a lot of it.

Of course, this is if one compared his Disk Formation lifespan limit with Raymond.

The reason why Azief lifespan had always exceed Raymond was simply because Azief is progressing really fast toward the next level, that the loss of longevity did not affect him that much

And now that he had reached Divine Comprehension level, the loss of longevity did not make him that fearful.

The moment he reached the Divine Comprehension level, his longevity had become almost as long as Heaven and Earth

The key point is almost. The sentence as long as Heaven and Earth is a just a way of sayings that he could live long.

But the longest a Divine Comprehension could live is around tens of thousands of years.

Of course, with each realm of Divine Comprehension passed, the longer that lifespan limit

And since he walked the Perfection Path, even if he did not break through and do anything, he probably could live up to almost a million years

When one reaches a level of Essence Comprehension, that is truly reaching Heaven and Earth lifespan which is around trillions of years and even could stand the weathering of time

Of course, while he could live for tens of thousands of years, this is not definitive.

There would always be things that would decrease one longevity, from the air they breathe, the mistake in channeling energy in one body, to impurities that would fill up one energy stream and many other factors

this also did not mean he could not die earlier than expected.

It is just that if he were determined to do so and not to do anything dangerous or meddling in anything, and live in seclusion without caring about anything, he could probably live that long.

But from what Azief had known, anyone who does so would lose their chance to progress and sooner or later fate and destiny would surely meddle with such a being.

There is also the fact that anyone who had reached such a level is probably not a coward. And there would always be a reduction of longevity.

Why and how is still a question that Azief could not answer but he was quite sure of it.

That even if you reached Divine Comprehension level and have a lifespan the same as heaven and Earth, the forces of the world would slowly absorb your longevity if you did not do something.

Though, that lifespan limit is still a long time to live when one thinks about it. One might even feel boring living at that time.

The point was, that to reach Perfection level, a long amount is taken and a lot of longevity is consumed.

The reason why Azief could reach Divine Comprehension level while pursuing Perfection Path is down to a few factors. One, is his determination. Second, luck

Though, after knowing Loki identity, he did not view his luck as simply luck anymore. It was like there is a dark hand guiding it all from behind.

Azief could not help but feel that Loki must have something to do with some of the easy way he could solve certain things.

It is a pity that if he asked such a question to Loki, Loki would never answer truthfully.

He sighed inwardly

No one could understand the fear he felt to be left behind. There is a fear that someone would rise above him.

And no, it is not about the title of the strongest.

He did not fear losing that title.

To be more accurate, it is not the title he fears losing but what it symbolizes.

The strongest man in the world is propaganda of the World Government in the past.

It was to set him up high and then uses him a stepping stone to establish the authority and invincible power of the World Government

All of it was to set him up as the foil to World Government. Of course this plan backfired onto the World Government

That effort of Hirate did not work but the propaganda on him work. And it works too well. Since that moment, that title is used as a badge of protection toward his friend.

Azief himself did not have many personal enemies. But when you sat on the highest peak and the most coveted seat in the world, people would hate you for simply being there

To many normal people, he is an ideal to strive towards. To those who wanted power, he is an obstacle that they need to bring down

He represents many things to many people, good or bad. Because of that he felt fear that he could never stop walking forward.

And each time he felt that fear, there is a desire for him to break through almost immediately, letting go of the Perfection Path

There were a few times like that.

This desire is in a split second.

It flashed in his heart for a second and at times, he manages to ignore it.

But as he grows stronger and the requirements become harder and harder it is without a doubt, he became even more tempted to take the easy way out

there is a reason why there are only few life organisms in the entire Omniverse that had ever reach the Path of Perfection until the End

If you are at the same level, then when a powerful being meet someone that had walked the Perfection path, if they were on the same realms of power, that other being would not stand a chance.

That temptation right now is very strong.

To breakthrough to Essence Creation for Azief is extremely easy. He had already cultivated his Thirteen laws to the extreme.

Essence Creation could be achieved with only one step.

But, that is if he did not want to breakthrough using the Perfection path.

He could abandon trying to fuse all of his Laws and fuse only the minimum required to break through to Essence Creation

Doing that, he would easily break through to Essence Creation and still retain most of the advantages of the earlier stages.

That is why Azief really think the Perfection Path could only be cultivated with someone who could endure temptation.

Most of the time when you pick a certain path and did not walk it to the end and decided to restart again, then all of the previous effort would go down the drain.

The same thing could not be said of the perfection Path as even if you stop midway, the benefit of the earlier stages still remains.

And there lies the great temptation.

After all, when one balances out the pros and cons, if the path forward become infinitely hard, then it stands to reason that it is better to cut your losses.

That is why there is many people who tried to walk the Perfection path but only a few walk it until the end.

‘Believe in myself’ Azief reminded himself. He closes his eyes for a second as he seems to try to shake the thought out of his head

Even though he is closing his eyes did not mean he stopped moving.

Instead, his speed did not decrease.

There is a small increase in his speed but with each second passing, that speed is increasing in increment of thousands of years of light years.

When compounded, it would surely become more and more faster.

Normal human body probably would have been turned into atoms to travel in such a speed.

If his body collide with stars, with his speed right now, that star probably would be pulverized into ashes even if Azief shoulder is the only thing that hit that star

Even more of the area around him seems to be affected. Azief opens his eyes back and his thought and his heart had been calmed down

Azief right now had passed the area where the Black hole should be.

But there is nothing. His eyes narrowed as he thought to himself

‘This could not be right’ but then he realizes something

He understood then.

Further away, he thought.

‘Haish, even this was affected. This is more than just the expansion of Universe; this is basically rewriting reality. I did not know the effect of the Multiversal Convergence could create such an anomaly of reality. Looking back, it is a logical conclusion to make’

His eyes shining bright like some kind of star, he roars and the space around him breaks and then he cracks the space beneath his feet as he thrust himself forward, shooting like some kind of light particles.

The concept of Law swirls around


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