Lord Shadow

Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003: A place of chaos

As he uses the primordial law to become faster, reality, time, space, life force, death force, matter, energy and every possible concept and impossible concept, existing and non-existing in the omniverse, from a single particular to the infinite omniverse was all affected as it bends and distorted and being absorbed by it

A storm of a mass of primordial energy exploded out from him.

Soul Law, Divine Law, Cosmic law and Omni law also all come out and the storms become even wilder and more power

Like some kind of Cosmic Storm, it swept all of the particles around him and crush a few small star

Thirteen law surrounded him and there is a faint apparition of Thirteen Titanic Avatar behind Azief.

Nine Sword appears, floating on his vicinity.

Then it cut everything around him, the aura suppresses and pressure everything, as every particles and obstacles had to give way to him

And then breaking through another rift of space, Azief arrives at some area of the Universe.

He floats around it for a second.

He closes his eyes as he tries to trace the black hole.

With thirteen of his laws being activated, the Laws of the Universe seems to move according to his Will. It was not perfect control like he was on Earth prime but it is enough.

His Divine Sense exploded out from his mind as it spreads from him and in a moment spread out infinitely to cover the whole Milky Way galaxy.

He could not see everything in detail but he got the general outline of things.

And since the thing he is searching for is very titanic, he bet that his Divine Sense could find it

Then a second later he opens his eyes. At the same time, he sighed

‘If only I was stronger’ he thought to himself and was reminded of Alsurt teaching.

Alsurt also once told him Zeus the Son of Chronos also have the ability to travel the Omniverse just by stepping one of his foot forward.

When some powerful beings roam the Universe and one would saw a streak of thunderbolt sailing the starry skies, do not follow it for it is Zeus garbed in lightning.

That lightning bolt sailing the skies is not him but the afterimage left by him as he travels to other Universes.

Reminded of this, Azief knows he still had a long way to go.

Thirteen Laws and he had reached the peak of Perfection for Divine Comprehension but even then, he still feels that he is lacking

If anyone on Earth knows that even now Death Monarch is not satisfied with his strength, they clearly would have been shocked

This is what one means when one stands on a higher place, one would see a different scenery

To the people of the world, Azief is already a powerful man.

Even in the Universe possessing the cultivation of a Divine Comprehension leveler, able to condense thirteen law body, possessing a perfect Orb, perfect Physique and perfect Disk is quite enough for him to swagger all over the Universe.

Essence Creation leveler is not as many as one would think in the Universe. And Azief had met such a being and even kill such a being.

Regardless whether it is through trickery or some unfair advantages, the fact did not change that Azief, a Divine Comprehension leveler had managed to kill an Essence Creation being.

That alone is enough for him to be proud, to invoke fear in the hearts of his enemies.

But to the person himself, he still thinks himself as weak.

After all, Azief since the first moment he walks the path of this new world, knowing the secret of the Universe, seeing himself growing stronger and seeing more beautiful scenery of the world and the Universe, knowing things that he did not know before and finding out that there is a large universe out there for him to explore, to experience, like an addiction, he wanted to see it all, to experience it all, to know what it feels like to stand on the tallest peak in the Omniverse

His desire and ambition is simple.

But it is hard to realize.

He did not set himself up to reach the level of Essence Creation only. He wanted to go higher.

When he met Alsurt, and Alsurt, that Jotnar told him everything he knows about the Universe, there is this burning desire in his heart to learn more, to seek, to reach that level

Like someone that has ignite his adventurous trait

Alsurt told him of Odin and how with one step he could reach anywhere he want.

He told him of the stories of the Olympians with their armaments that could split up the Universe and nourishes it, he talks about the gods and deities of the Jade Empire, ruling an orderly Universe with law and order, a turtle bearing a divine nation, Asgard and the Eight Realms, and many others beings in the Universe and Azief wonder how large the Universe is and how exciting it would be to experience all of this.

The only way to experience all of this is to become even stronger. But he is not even yet standing at the same mountain as those figures.

Azief stop for a second.

He halted suddenly and as he stops the energy around his body that was charging forward was unleashed and collide with some meteoroid belts.

The meteoroid belts were instantly pulverized into space dust.

He looks toward a direction. His eyes squinted like he was trying to see something. He sighed inwardly.

He looks toward Earth

‘I wonder……what is happening on Earth right now?’ he thought to himself.

Some people on Earth might not realize that the gaze of Heaven upon Earth is not as oppressive as before.

When one speaks of the Heavens on Earth, they would think of Death Monarch who had one third of the portion of the Heavenly Will after usurping it during his fight against the Will of the World.

The Will of the World and the Heavenly Will at times seems the same but at other times it is different and desire different things.

At times, they could mean the same thing, and at others, they mean different thing.

The Wil of the World and the Heavenly Will is not complete right now.

As such, at times their desire overlapped each other. Other times it opposes each other.

This created chaos.

But also a loophole.

While many people did not sense that Azief Divine Sense seems to be slowly fading on Earth because of his far distance from Earth, leaving only the remnant Will that stays on the Heavenly Law, people like Jean and Hikigaya would surely notice it.

As for the reason why Azief did not just warp himself so he could become even faster at reaching his destination, the reason is simply because the laws outside of Earth Prime is too chaotic.

It is not that they could not be affected by the laws that Azief had cultivated.

It is just that the Laws are to chaotic, overlapping each other and disorderly.

The one thing that Earth Prime possess is the order of Laws. The energy might fluctuate but it is orderly.

There is a sense of order even in the midst of chaos.

As such on Earth it is very easy for Azief to move from one place to another even amidst the storms of energies.

Because the Laws are uniform. Laws of Fire did not mix with others and did not overlapped and so on and so forth, if he has to make an example.

That is why while there is some weird phenomenon on Earth it could not be compared to the many weird phenomena on space.

And even when Azief wanted to spread his divine sense to envelop the area of space, there is part of it that requires his attention more than most.

If one thinks of Divine Sense as a wave of energy that is used to detect things, then think of the Laws as an obstruction.

It distorts the waves. On Earth, this distortion is minimized because of the order of the Laws.

But on space, these Laws are not orderly, chaotic, incomplete. All in all, the prefect recipe for Chaos.

Chaos is also an energy. But not many could control it. Nor should it be controlled.

Those who learn the art of chaos, walk the Grand Path of Chaos must learn and remember one thing

Chaos must not be controlled.

If Chaos could be controlled, then that is no longer chaos.

Then what should those who walk on such path do? After all, the very reason one practice and nurture the Laws is for more power, and to seek the peak

What should they do then?

Follow it. Embrace it. Flow with it. Those who walk path of chaos is a lot alike with those who follow the path of inaction.

When there is chaos, do not obstruct it.

Do not fight it. josei

But embrace it.

You do not make use of the Chaos. The Chaos make use of you and if somehow in that chaos you would get an advantage, then that is your boon.

That is the place where Azief is now.

A place of chaos.


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