Lord Shadow

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061: A new costume (1)

In the Milky Way galaxy, the vast stars and space that seems to stretch endlessly and without end seems to be undergoing something

Not all of it was affected.

But there were parts of the stars that seems to be distorted.

There is a trail that leave a clear mark on the nearby stars.

Some of the stars dimmed, their gravitational pull seems to be thrown into chaos.

Certain stars seem to age visibly and other seems to be born. Some stars exploded into supernova explosion and yet, the explosion seems to be blocked by something as it could not reach Earth

Considering the large explosion of such a star, that is as large as it is, such explosion could be seen from Earth, yet there is a force covering and enveloping this force of destruction

It was like, it was devouring its energy.

After the explosion settled, all there is, is darkness.

There is the coldness and the darkness that seems to meld together creating this desolate space of stars that held no life.

Except that blue planet in the distance of millions of light years from the supernova explosion that just occurred.

Among the stars, across the many asteroid belts, there is someone that is floating lifelessly across the darkness of space

But each time this person crashed across some meteor rocks, instead of the meteor crushing this person, it is the meteor that would be destroyed

And it is also destroyed and pulverized completely dissipating into simple atom particles.

This is not simple destruction. The Laws itself seems to conspire with this lifeless person to destroy anything that is an obstacle to it

The force of the supernovae explosion was also absorbed by this lifeless body of this person

Suddenly that person body suddenly stops.


A powerful shockwave exploded from the person entire being.

The space around him seems to be solidified and moving according to certain law.

A mass of energy suddenly surged from that person.

There is not really a concept of direction in space.

But over the top of that person head, energy seems to pierce space.

From his feet, blue aura seems to create some kind of land made from the gaseous substance of space.

This land itself is made from energy, a floating patch of land, a gaseous substance made solid. The body of that person slowly float down toward that patch of land.

The body, still in a lying position slowly and gently descended down and the body finally landed.

The person face is looking upwards, his back on the gaseous patch of solid land, in the middle of a dark space.

Around him stars seem to twinkle and asteroid could be seen in the distance. Some planets could also be seen, most of which could not sustain lives.

The entire body seems to be covered by some protective membrane of blue energy. The blue energy itself possess some kind of creation power, rich with life force.

Then another surge of energy exploded from that person body, shaking the already unstable space around him.

the space breaks and collapse unto itself

One avatar appeared behind this person

The avatar itself is titanic in size and its body emanated the essence of a law.

It stabilizes the area and yet at the same time seem to push the space around that person

all of the space rocks that is around the area of this avatar is pulverized instantly.

Massive surge of energy from the person created energy storms like a solar flare that suddenly broke out.

For a few hours, that person lay down on that patch of land.

The gaseous substance seems to regenerate itself each time it hit something.

The patch of land itself doesn’t seem to have a particular direction it wanted to go. It ebbs and flows like it is sailing around a vast ocean

But this patch of land seems to be travelling almost reaching the speed of light. The surrounding dust seems like bullets as the patch of land accelerated.

But even though the impact of this space dust that is magnified because of the speed of the land, there is a force field that seems to swirl around the patch of land like the land is some kind of nexus point

Whatever hits it, would be vaporized. The force itself is not something that normal stars and even some large meteorites could handle.

A few meteors that would have destroyed Earth in the past would meets its demise as soon as they crashed with this small patch of land that is sailing the stars.

Even the explosion and the energy that is unleashed when they exploded would be absorbed by the force field

Because of how fast this destruction and absorption is, one who could look at this, would probably only see a blip of light that appears and disappears, almost a second later.

At one point, it almost seems like the land seems to have a will of its own. Like it had a direction where it wanted to go

But this kind of thing happens only in a brief moment.

Then it once again follows the flow of the force around it. It seems the patch of land is connected with the person on it

The occasional sudden direction change suggests that the person is about to wake up from unconsciousness.

It is like the patch of land direction is directed by that person subconscious. Then after a few more hours, the person on the floating patch of land slowly opens his eyelids.

It was none other than Azief.

The moment he opens his eyes; he could see the darkness all around him. Like he is in the bottom of the deep oceans.

Then he focuses and his eyes turns deep blue with a tint of gold and there is even a streak of some flashing light inside his eyes

As his eyes changed colors, he could see how colorful everything is. The spectrum of the eye that could recognize colors seem to recognize something else.

He could see more and he could deeper

Laws and Concept of each and everything around him. Now, space does not look dark at all. Instead it is very colorful. josei

There is also gaseous substance in all variety of colors, stars that possess such brightness that if one were to look directly in the past, they would be blind.

Then he looks at himself

‘I’m naked’ he thought to himself when he saw himself. There is no external wound but he himself knows his current situation

And while it is not that good, it could have even worse.

Thinking about the close call before, he still shudders thinking what would have happened if he did not have that to save himself at the last moment

He was too rash, he thought to himself.

He then sighed.

He slowly sat himself down instead if lying down.

‘Argh!’ he said as the area around his ribs. Then he laughs a bit. There were times when you are in pain and instead of screaming, you just laugh

He looks at the patch of land he is on and it is like cold hard ground. It is dark like some kind of dark liquid that turns coarse.

he touches the patch of desolate land with one of his fingers. A life force seems to be concentrated on the tip of that finger

One touch and grass grows. It is almost impossible for such life to appear in the darkness of space, especially when you are floating through space yet Azief had done so.

Space dust around the areas gathers around the floating patch of land and it forms more solid land on the edges of the patch of land as it grows larger and larger

The speed of the patch of land also slowed down, like it is cruising relaxingly on a sunny evening.

Azief also retract some of the force field power as it no longer needs it when he is conscious.

His body has an automatic protection mechanism. The patch of land is now the size of a basketball field.

It is larger than before. Azief then sit cross legged and look down at his still naked body. The blue aura around him had already been absorbed back into his body.

When he was conscious, he could still maintain the robe that he had created for himself.

But when he went unconscious on the last step of the process, it is clear his body went down and even the energy sustaining his clothes also dissipated.

Azief had cut the Shadow Lord Will from himself. As such there is no longer any of the Lord Shadow ability on him.

The same for the Shadow Lord attire.

He could of course mimic it now that he had reach Divine Comprehension but it would not be the true inheritance of the Shadow Lord.

He looks at his body. But he looks at it using the power of his Laws and attributes. And he could see some things that he could not see before.

There are still some strings.

But many have been cut.

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