Lord Shadow

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062: A new costume (2)

He wonders if he cut everything, could he transcend to become something more? Or would he simply lost from the thought of everything, nothing to tether him to reality?

The string that he is seeing is different from the string on the soul. To create the soul, there must be strings

Because it is empty.

When it is filled with the power of the Laws, powers that makes him, him, filled with his memories, thought and experience, his emotions and all the things that makes him, him, a soul would be created.

At least that is the kind of soul he wanted to create.

But the strings he is looking right now, is the string that connected his entire being to certain things. You could call it Karma or you could call it connections

Whatever you wanted to call it, these are the strings that he could see. It is how his mind interpret this connection.

‘Not complete’ he said to himself.

He seems to be thinking and contemplating about certain thing.

He does not seem to care that he is headed toward a large asteroid belt. The moment he reached the asteroid belt, his Law Avatar swing his hand down.

A powerful chasm of space seems to be torn apart and the asteroid belts were all collapsing inside, the force of the explosion of so many asteroids even get collapsed from the inside, leaving nothing but the sound of that hand tearing the space

The area clears up from any obstacle. Azief did not seem to notice.

Around him everything seems to be clear out of the way by the only law Avatar he had left.

The Omni Law body.

Even the black hole is not enough for him to truly break through to Essence Creation.

It is fortunate that he had the All Source Law and it refined the impurities of the energy of the black hole.

If not, not only he would have failed breaking through. He would also suffer from having impure energy in his body.

His purity of energy is very high since he walks the Perfection path. It enables him to fight person of the same level and above him and wins with perfect advantage.

But there is still something that he had to pay for his decision to quickly rises up using the energy of the black hole

In the process of purifying the myriad of energies in the black hole and still maintain its purity, Azief had suffer some powerful injuries.

Most of his body right now is leaking energy

The same energy that crush that meteor rock come from him.

Azief then close his eyes and as he sits cross legged in the ground filled with grass, he breathes in and out.

He meditates and calm his mind.

Blue aura slowly rose from his entire being. The patch of land the size of a basketball court seems to form an entire small universe by itself

The blue aura that covers and envelopes this patch of land is like some kind of barrier that separates the real universe and this patch of land.

It did not reach the level where it is truly separated but it is not exaggerated to say, that in the area around the patch of land, the God of this land is Azief.

He controls the law inside it and none of the other laws and rules of the main universe could dictate what happens in this patch of land

It is why green grass could grow, why wind could blow and why life could blossom. Azief concentrated in what he was doing

The patch of land moves even slower and it almost look like it was floating still.

It is because the vastness of space that when one observes it from afar, it almost appears that the patch of land did not move at all.

His leg crossed and his palm stuck together like he was praying.

In some of the text of martial arts that Azief had once perused when he was in one of the Three Thousand Worlds, some circulation of energy could be achieved better by crossing the legs.

Of course for Azief that is not something that is a problem for him. Regardless, it is a habit that is ingrained in him to cross his leg when he meditates.

As for putting his hand together like he was praying, it was an act of stabilizing the energy on the left side and right side of his body

His entire boy seems to have reach an imbalance. His body is also absorbing the energy around him. But it did not create a vortex like when he was absorbing the black hole.

Instead it is slow and orderly. This time he is cautious. He is using the energy that is gathering around him to patch up his body.

Coming out from his body, form the pores, from small wound that could not be seen unless one uses the most advanced microscope, is his energy

When he breathes, when he moves, his body leaks energy.

And like he was doing construction with his body, he is patching up all of this with energy. Like creating a net, it weaves and tangled together, on and on it goes until it become thick enough to close the opening and not leak energy

Slowly it is closed.

And then after a few minutes, all of it was closed and Azief could finally stretch his body.

He balls his hand into a fist and the action of balling his hand into a fist itself created a powerful shockwave around the area.

Azief nodded to himself. Even though, it is not yet his full one hundred percent, it would not be long now, he thought to himself

The first thing he did was to try to sense any of the Shadow Lord power.

He felt nothing.

‘It is really gone. Hmm. But, at least I understood it. And I could mimic it if I wanted to.’ Then he shakes his head as he mutters to himself

‘But, the feeling would not be the same’

He could only sigh at this. Even though he was prepared for this. he does felt a little bit…. complicated at this

Then he remembers that he is still naked. Most people would not forget.

But since the coldness of space did not really bother him and he himself was more focused on healing his injuries, he forgotten that he is naked.

He waves his hand and energy shower down on him as he wears the same attire like the attire of Shadow Lord.

Only there is a few slight differences from the Shadow Lord set attire. There is no longer a hood on the back, showing his face in full glory

his wavy hair that reach his neck could be seen. The attire itself seems to have an inviolable power.

And there is lines design on his robe. This line itself is not simply a line to create some kind of aesthetic feeling toward the attire but it had a meaning and function.

It is lines that is crafted on the gate that he had saw before. The line is blue on the inner line and on the outside line it is golden.

It emanated power and seems to have a trace of law.

It is not metal. Yet, there is no weapon on Earth that could even scratch these fabrics because these fabric is made of the Laws of the World

Azief could not test it but he is sure that unless someone of Divine Comprehension level that is attacking him, his clothes could not even be cut apart.

Basically, if he gives this to Sina to wear, she could practically walk sideways and no one could do anything to her.

Of course, unlike some fixed status of an attire, if he did such thing, slowly, the clothes would lose its energy. Since it is made of energy, it must be supplied with energy josei

As for Azief, he himself is the source of energy for the attire so giving such thing to Sina or the other would simply burden them to seek more resource and energy stones to try to recharge the clothes

And there is also the fact that if he dons this attire to some Disk Formation leveler, instead of this helping to protect them, it will more likely to harm then.

The energy contained in this new attire of his is overbearing and heavy

With all of this cons, it is counterproductive to give this to his friends.

Azief shakes his head. Even when he is halfway across the Milky Way galaxy, he is still thinking about Sina, Loki, Sofia, Wang Jian and Sasha.

Of course, with his current strength and the strength of his people, he should not worry too much.

Azief smiles a bit. And then he rubs the back of his neck. He felt a little bit awkward without the hood.


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