Lord Shadow

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066: Purging redundancy (1)

He wanted to check something after his action of cutting the Shadow Lord will from himself.

Azief then tries to open his system windows.

It appears but Azief only scoff when he looks at it

‘I expected it but I didn’t think it would be this bad’ he said to himself.

He could only see blurry screens that seems to be distorted. It is hard to read even one word from the status system

‘Should I check it manually’ he thought to himself.

Then he nodded

That is the only way to know whether is skill is still really there.

He began checking whether all of his Laws is intact. To check it, it requires only him to sense it in his Inner Universe

From the Worldly Law to the Cosmic Law, he senses all of these law that he had cultivated one by one to make sure he did not miss anything or lose anything.


Everything was in order.

He also checks whether his Death Source is still there.

After all of the changes that is happening in his body, he would not be surprised if something had happened to him without him knowing

Before, he could simply summon the system and look at his status in general.

Now, that he did not have the system clarifying what he had and doesn’t have, it is not bad for him to check whether there is changes in his body that is not positive.

As he tries to activate his Death Source, dark reddish aura seems to appear from him and Azief only smiles.

‘Yeah, it is still there;

The Death Source is still there and at the same time he could feel the concepts that he had learned manifesting itself.

One by one, he could sense them

Death, Life, Rebirth, Time, Darkness, the Elements, Destruction, Destiny and Fate, these concepts seems to have evolved into a higher level.

‘There is such change. Interesting’ he thought to himself.

These concepts no longer simply felt just words, instead Azief could feel some of it like he is touching solid object.

Azief knows this is the effect of him being a Divine Comprehension leveler, as he is closer to the Laws of the Universe and as his understanding deepens on the concepts., even his outlook toward certain concepts had changed

As his outlook had change, so there is a change in the understanding of this concept and that effect his powers in a good way

His attributes also did not change and like the concept it also seems to have been raised to a whole other level. It is hard to quantity it since it is intangible feeling

As for his skill, everything seems to still be there

And for most of these skill, it is no longer needed as it is in the past

And some of this skill could even be said redundant since his body and energy had pass a certain limit and threshold that using it simply felt like a downgrade of his true ability

Even though Azief could not see his status window, he had a good memories and still remember the skill that he have

For example, the skill of Expert Precisions.

Even without that skill now, he could still attack with precision.

He could even hit and kill someone on the other side of the world just by using the Laws of the World if he wanted to

His ability to target a person goes beyond just simple precision.

He would never miss. Unless one is on the same level as him or possess some kind of powerful artifact, his attack would hit and kill his enemies instantly.

His strength and his range of attack has become more and more absurd as he raises his level.

This is what godlike-power really signifies.

Something that could not be explained by simple logic., something that seems so absurd in the minds of others, is not absurd for people of Azief level.

There is also the Great Soul Perception. This skill however is suitable for him and Azief had no intention of not using this.

Even when he is in the Divine Compression level, this skill of Great Soul perception is helpful.

He rarely uses it but it actually has the ability to aid Divine Senses range. Azief had notices this when he had tries it during his time in Xi Feng world

It increases range of detection and it is also useful to determine the living beings in the range of his Divine Sense.

Then there is the Pure Divine Sense

Pure Divine Sense, another skill of his has also upgraded. It acts like a boost to his already powerful Divine Sense.

When your Divine Sense is pure, it’s range is larger and it also hard to counter back.

Those who tried would be inflicted by a certain backlash whether that backlash be a physical one or a mental one

Combined that with Great Soul Perception, it is no wonder why his Divine Sense is very powerful and why most people who try to enter the range of his Divine Sense would get severe backlash.

And then there is a few skills that he no longer needed

The few skill he did not need is like the Expert Precision, the Demon Beast Eye of Night, Grand telekinesis, Expert Water Element Manipulation, large Grand Healing.

This skill is all something that he could do with his current mastery. And one could argue that the current him could imitate all of that skill in a more powerful way

Then there is the Slashing Wind Vortex which he could achieve with simply by swinging his sword

This skill helps him a lot in the beginning, adding powerful wind vortex in his weapon attack, shredding his enemies.

But as he grows stronger, he outgrows these skills.

One of his swing alone is enough to create a storm of energy that could shred anyone below the level of Energy Disperse Stage.

As for Seed Formation and Disk Formation, if they have some powerful artifact or some other methods, while they probably could escape death, they might come out it with severe injuries and damage to their Seeds and Disks.

The same for Death Energy Fist skill.

To achieve the same effect as the Death Energy fist he could simply imbue Death Source into his fist. josei

Even his kick could be imbued with the Death Aura, making almost all of his attack possessing even more power than the original skill of Death Energy fist

He had use a variation of this when he was fighting the Demon King.

This Death Energy fist is basically exhausting someone life force. Not only the attack itself is deadly, even fi someone survives, the energy that is left would devour the enemy life force.

It is a pity such skill could not show its true power against the Demon king because of how vigorous and large his life force is

And Auranite flesh, which added more impervious effect to his skin is also not needed as he is now as close as it is to being a lifeform of pure energy

While his body could be destroyed, he could easily recreate it back as long as he had enough flesh.

And while he could not do it as skillfully as the Demon King, Azief is quite confident that he could at least imitate some of the skill of regenerating himself

Of course, the most effective way was for him to breakthrough to a higher realm of power

But it is not productive to think about what could have happened.

Running on that same line of skills that have become outdated is Wyrm Nerve, which is a skill to turn his nervous system of a Wyrm.

Wyrm is a lower tier dragonkind

This had helped him a lot during his journey in the Earth Two.

But other than that, most of his journey after that, he rarely even uses this skill anymore.

Sky Slashing Slash, Clouds Dispersing Fist and Earthquake Stomp are all skills that he could simply do it relying on his current strength alone.

Even with one thought he could disperse the clouds and his wrath would make the ground shakes and the sky parted.

‘Too many’ he thought to himself.

There are too many redundancies in his body.

These skill is imprinted in his body when he learned these skills. But at the same time, it also limits him.

That is what he felt.


And an intuition of someone who is close to the Source of Law is not a premonition that one would want to ignore

Azief had found a solution to this.

He could simply cut it out from him.

‘Strings…. all over’ he mutters to himself.

he turns the palm of his hand towards him and then looking at it for a moment, his palm began to glow blue and powerful energy seems to pierce the space around him, causing it to break and segmented into districted segments before breaking down creating some small vacuum hole around him

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