Lord Shadow

Chapter 1067

Chapter 1067: Purging redundancy (2)

Azief body glows blue and energy seems to come out from his eyes and the stars around him seems to be affected as their gravitational pull seems to be affected.

The stars seem to crack under some heaven breaking pressure. It almost seems like it is being pushed away from their position. This kind of phenomenon requires space itself to move.

Like some kind of different properties of space-shattering phenomenon.

Then Azief slam his palm onto himself.

The force of his palm created a powerful shockwave that ripples outward from himself as the center.

All the space dust around him were pushed away and even some concepts and Laws seems to be affected, creating pulsating storms of weird dark matter all over.

A few thousand asteroid thousands of kilometers away from the floating patch of land, exploded into space dust and be broken down even more as the ripple of the shockwave comes washing it all down.

Vast clouds come from his breath, energy comes out from every essence of his being, boundless energy of Law-Cutting energy is in each of his finger, like the axe of Pangu separating the chaos, splitting heaven and Earth and opening a world

the world, the stars, the planets, the energy of all of these, seems to converge on his palm, creating some kind of unity and harmony.

While it probably ranks lower than the powerful swing of that giant axe splitting the chaos and creating the Three Thousand Worlds, Azief palm at least have enough abilities to cut Laws of the Universe itself.

The moment the palm touched his chest, he could feel the existence of the skill of [Expert Precision], [Demon Beast Eye of Night], [Grand Telekinesis], [Expert Water Element Manipulation], [Large Grand Healing] [Slashing Wind Vortex] [Death Energy Fist] [Auranite Flesh] [Wyrm Nerve] [Sky Slashing Slash] [Clouds Dispersing Fist], [Earthquake Stomp] and [Red Dragon Trampling the Heavens] were all cut off from his consciousness and his entire being.

It was purged and removed as simply as putting one palm into one chest

All that was left is his Great Soul Perception and Pure Divine Sense as the skill he had left.

He could even decide which to remove and which to keep

That is how masterful he is in using the energy of the world right now

If not for the fact that he is still a Divine Comprehension leveler, one might mistake him for an Essence Creation leveler.

Those who walk the path of Perfection have a harder trials and tribulations but precisely because of that, there were more powerful than one could imagine.

One simple move and he could remove his own skill.

The moment he cut all of those skill from himself, he felt his sense of self become lighter yet stronger.

His eyes look at the strings around him, the strings that only he could see and there is a slight smile on his face.

More strings had been cut. Some of them become thinner.

The taut become loose, the thick become thin.

It took him a few seconds to regulate his breathing and the energy inside his body that is in turmoil after he cut the skills from his body

As for his Class Skill, as he tries to use it, still nothing had come out. Most of them is probably still sealed.

Since his trip into that Thought Consciousness Realm, he had begun understanding certain things about his Class skill

This class skill of him is not the class skill of the Shadow Lord which he had purged from his body

This class skill that he is thinking about refers to the Class skill of the Etherna.

His class skill is [Omniversal Antimatter Blast], [Energy Construct Creation], [Omniversal Energy Absorption], [Omniversal Energy Augmenting], [Omniversal Reality Alteration], [Omniversal Dimensional Ripping], [Omniversal Dimensional Travel], [True Immortality], [Omniversal Divine Sensing] And [Omniversal Cataclysmic Energy Blast]

All of it is the ability related to the Omniverse and the Etherna.

Omniverse, a larger world that encapsulates all kinds of realities, dimensions and worlds and Universes.

And all of this powerful skill is sealed.

This is probably all the basic skill of an Etherna.

Even the name of the skill is terrifying enough

For example, the Omniversal Antimatter Blast.

Even though Azief do not yet learn it, he is quite sure such skill probably would be a blast that could attack anyone regardless of distance, time and dimension.

Not only that, the blast would probably be filled with anti-matter capabilities. Even when he had reached the Divine Comprehension level, none of it was unsealed

The only thing that was unsealed from the very beginning is the Energy Metamorphosis.

Then Azief closes his eyes again. His palm is still on his chest, stabilizing the energy and sensing his vitals and condition

He senses his abilities and like the other skills, some of his abilities is redundant

His abilities that he had is [Intergalactic Flight] [Saber Godly Expert] [Hyper Strength] [Hyper Speed] [Eyes of Fire] [Penetrating Vision] [Microscopic Vision] [Ice Breath] [Wind Breath] [Death Breath] [Divine Energy Absorbing]

For Intergalactic Flight, he no longer needed this ability. He could even travel through planets and reached the black hole without relying on this skill.

As for Saber Godly Expert, he had understood the essence of sword and sabers when he was at one of the world of the Three Thousand Worlds where he became the Sword Immortal.

He could treat sabers as swords, swords as sabers, and so many principles of weapons had been understood by him. It is harder to comprehend laws than the essence of weapons after all

If it’s about moves, there is variation of sword moves and saber moves that he could create and employed.

If its energy, there is the unique internal energy combined with world breaking energy of the Universe that he could imbue with the technique, creating a balance between skills and mystical means.

But of course, there is also a Law of Weapons.

Azief do not claim to reach the apex of using weapons but if he studied it, he is confident he could reach the top. But his path is not that path as such it is useless to think about it.

And the understanding he got when he is Sword Immortal is even more precious to him than the other understanding he got when he studied the sword.

There were two times where he studies the sword religiously.

It was when he is the Sword God in one of Azul reincarnation. But that path and that understanding of the sword belongs to Azul and not him

He could imitate it.

But since his grand path is not imitating others, imitating the understanding of Azul sword path would hinder himself.

As such, even though the understanding of the sword and sabers he got during his time as the Sword Immortal in Xi Feng world could not be compared to the grand swordsmanship of the Sword God in Azul reincarnation, he felt the understanding he got by himself is more useful for him

As such this is another skill that he no longer needed.

Even if he removes this skill, his understanding of the sword and saber should not disappear.

This ability in the beginning help him understanding any saber weapon principles.

But now, with his eyes, he could see many variations and calculate many things if he put his mind into it

So, he no longer needed this.

Hyper Strength and Hyper Speed is also not needed. The way he is now, he could even fold space to quickly travel from one point to another

And as for strength, he could use Laws right now. As for Eyes of Fire, Penetrating Vision, Microscopic Vision, his eyes could see everything

If he wanted to see through things, he could just use his Divine Sense.

Eyes of Fire is even easier to replicate as he could use the elements to achieve the same effect and even more powerful

And instead of only his eyes, he could use all parts of his body to produce fire. He could even affect the fire in one hearts and desire, affecting the intangible concept of fire in one heart

As for Ice Breath, Wind Breath, this skill all could be achieved by manipulating the elements.

And Death Breath is also something that could be replicated by using the Death Source.

As for Divine Energy Absorbing, he could also do the same thing using his Devour attribute. He just needed to find the right channel in his body to store the absorbed energy

Of course, this is before he became Divine Comprehension leveler. Now, he did not even have to worry about replicating it and finding where to store it.

His body itself is like a receptacle of energy

He found out that he did not need any of this skill.

‘Just more string’ he said to himself. And then without hesitation he did the same thing as before. But unlike the last time, this time it did not even create a ripple of energy

It is not that the strike that he had did is weaker than the last time

It is now that he gains more controls and mastery on the methods, the effect is contained within himself and around him.

Even his breathing seems to show no sign like before and the energy is contained and subtle

It would not do if each of his movement could destroy stars. If he is not careful, then he could destroy Pandemonium the next time he is doing something like this again

Thinking about it, he probably need to warn Jean and Hikigaya about this later.

Of course, maybe Earth right now become harder to be affected by the energies of even Divine Comprehension leveler after the metamorphosis of the world is done. josei

He would check about that later.


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