Lord Shadow

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080: The things he felt (3)

But, after interacting with him all of these years, they both treated each other like family. The vision between them is the vision of those night years ago when they would gather around the camp fire and shares stories about the day.

It was like a lifetime ago. Azief saw himself sitting on a log while taking a sip of coffee. Sina and Sofia near the tent talking to each other.

And Loki there on the opposite side of him, sitting on the log, looking at the stars, like he is seeing something.

This is another memory he had forgotten. Because it is so mundane and so ordinary. But a she looks at this vision, he seems to be able to sense Loki feeling.

A heavy feeling.

Loki would then come to him and tell him the story of the day. It is fantastical and Azief was quite sure that Loki exaggerate most of the story. But unlike Loki who could laugh so boisterously, Azief would only smile and even that it is just like a subtle smile

Loki likes to clink his glass together. It is coffee. No one clink their glass together when drinking coffee.

But because it was Loki, he just plays along with it. Sometimes, there are laughter and Loki and Sina cracking some dirty jokes while teasing him and Sofia.

The world was scary, full of monsters, dead people, terrifying environment, yet at that time, for some reason, they could still joke around and enjoy the little things in life.

At that time, Azief knew he could die anytime. Yet, at the same time, knowing that he could die anytime made him felt like he is alive more than ever.


Azief rarely felt threat that could end his life since breaking through to Disk Formation. Even in the Universe there is not many things and beings that could kill him

Now, that he is in Divine Comprehension it is even more so. It felt like something is lost along the journey.

Then another face appears

He thought of Will and how they would not hesitate to die for each other. He remembers all the night they drink with each other, and laughed till they cried

They complained about the world and talk about their dreams, shares their hopes and desire. He remembers Sasha, Wang Jian and more and more people fill his mind.

And one by one, is pulling him back down and all of these, all of these memories, feelings, emotions make him want to come back

Those people, the people he loves, the people that loves him, the people he knew and acquainted with it is like an anchor.

He wanted to return to them. And like a burning sun, the will, the desire to want to return to them lights a path

It is like everything become clear. A road to return appears in front of his

The temptation of falling into that void of grandness is pushed away.

And like he is swimming in a grand ocean, faces of all of these people is like his North Star as he swims toward it and then he returns back to his body.

He knew the risk. But he takes it because he was confident that he could come back. he just never thought that what he would see is a different kind of obsession. josei

One wrong move, one small slip up and he might find himself dead when merging with the Will of the World.

To the people that do not know about such phenomenon of merging with the world, if he really had merged with the Will of the World at that time, people would think he is dead or disappears.

If he had merged with the consciousness of the Will of the World, he would be the Will of the World.

This did not happen before. Because before the Will of the World and the Will of heaven is not as strong as it is now

But if there is something that he seems to understood after that ordeal of almost losing his own identity and existence, is that he is sure of something.

He balls his fist like he is making some kind of promise in his head. His sweat on his forehead slowly dissipated.

But there is that one droplet of sweat that is from his forehead falls down to the ground and where it falls, a flower seems to appears in the area where the sweat falls down.

Even his sweat is full of energy. And the plants in this world seems to grow with energy. A full change of the whole ecosystem of the world.

Azief took a few second to calm himself.

Then he looks toward the East. In his eyes, tens of thousands of kilometers away from him, he could see someone.

He smiles a bit

‘She seems busy. I felt quite sorry for her’ he thought. He sighed but he is smiling.

In that moment where he is anchoring himself to his own existence, there were many things that is in his thoughts

He found a new determination.

The one he is looking at right now is Sasha.

The distance of tens of thousands of kilometers not to mention the dense energy that fills the world but even with all of this obstacle he could still see her clearly like she is in front of him

Other than Divine Comprehension leveler that could manipulate and controls the laws of the World, even Disk Formation leveler right now could not see the area around ten kilometers from their position.

In the beginning after the Multiversal Convergence, Disk Formation leveler still could scan a large area of landmasses but as the energy become denser and concentrated, the harder it is for Disk Formation leveler to exert the power of their Divine Sense.

The range had shortened.

But if they went out from Earth Prime their full extent of Divine Sense would be very large like before. This is a weird phenomenon caused by the particles that is now filling the world

It made the world stronger and the magic energy or whatever you wanted to call the energy that could be absorbed by the leveler is, but it also limited the power of the levelers.

When it is fully fills the Earth, Azief estimated that Disk Formation levelers would have even less effect toward the world when they do fight each other.

This is a good news to the people of the world and also a great deterrence for any extraterrestrial invaders.

The moment they enter Earth, the pressure that is now pressuring the Disk Formation leveler would probably be diverted to crush them.

The dense energy in the world right now had changed even the particles in the air.

The particles are the magic particle. Azief is sure that the Order of Thinker would find a way to explain this particle.

It felt reminiscent of the dark energy in space. He could see that she is inside a tower, her hand on her hips.

Sasha herself did not notice that someone is looking at her right now. if this is before, if someone uses their Divine Sense, they would easily be alerted.

Even though the difference between Disk Formation and Divine Comprehension is just one realm, this difference of one realm is like the difference between Heaven and Earth

She is standing inside a room overlooking a glass window, looking at the construction of emerging building that would put the tallest building in the world before the Fall to shame

Nanobots and mechanical robots is floating around constructing all the necessary structure for the building.

She seems focused. Azief smiles as his Divine Sense pass through her. And his message suddenly echoes in her mind, reverberates.

Azief felt it more clearly now. In a world where there is Divine Comprehension leveler, Disk Formation leveler is quite helpless.

Unless the Disk Formation leveler either walk the same path of Perfection like him or walk the Supreme or Extremities path, it is hard to fight someone in the next realm when one reaches this stage of power.

Energy Disperse Stage and Seed Forming while they are of different realm and they do have a difference of power, one could still be able to put up resistance

The same could be said for Seed Forming and Disk Formation.

Of course, the difference is that, to fight a Disk Formation leveler using Seed Forming leveler, one had to sacrifice a lot of them

Either that or fight with battle formation like Wang Jian did.


But……when one reaches the Divine Comprehension level, that is how a Divine Comprehension leveler views Disk Formation leveler, like they were Seed Forming leveler.

And the superiority is even more exaggerated.

It would take around one thousand Disk Formation leveler to just restrict one Divine Comprehension leveler.

That is how exaggerated it is. And a thousand Disk Formation leveler is not easy to find. Such battle would create great damage all over the world.


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