Lord Shadow

Chapter 1081

Chapter 1081: Where is death monarch going?

Of course, there is also other methods that is not considered in this hypothetical battle but that is the rough calculation of trying to restrain a Divine Comprehension leveler.

And that is just to suppress normal Divine Comprehension leveler. Even Divine Comprehension leveler have tiers among them

All of it deepened on how many laws they had cultivated. Whether the law they cultivated is in the high tier and their mastery over the laws and how they use it.

Even if a Divine Comprehension leveler could control the Law, if they do not know how to use it according to situations, then it would be a waste of energy.

But on Earth, to reach this level right now, it would not be wrong to say that one who had reached such level is invincible right now.

Sasha who is inside the tower heard the noise in her head and she turns her head back.

To her, the voice seems to whisper just behind her, like a wind that passes by.

When she turns to look back, she could not sense anything but she knew that the words come from her boss.

Then the communication device on her waist suddenly emits a faint light.

She brought it out and tap the small round button on the communication device and all of the information of what happened in the area around the cave stream directly toward her mind with all the footages and explanation.


After finished digesting all the information, she only smiles bitterly.

After sending the message Azief believe Sasha would; know what to do. He had something that he needed to do

Something that he had avoided since the end of the battle with the Demon King. It is very hard for him to muster his courage to deal with this one matter.

Because he knew what is going to happen. This is not some power of premonition but something that he could guess and expect.

Because he knows that person…. too well. He takes a breath and look at the sky and felt the sun on his face.

He smiles and then he takes a step. At the same time, he manipulates the space and time around him.

His eyes already see that place and he wanted to go there. The distance of millions of kilometers away.

Yes, now the measurement of travel between continent to continent no longer is measured in tens of thousands of kilometers but millions of kilometers and even some which is billions of kilometers away

So, it is not surprising that some Disk Formation leveler would even find it hard to patrol the world like they do before the Multiversal Convergence.

A portal appears in front of him, buzzing in a sound frequency that only he could hear.

Inside the portal, Azief could see the scenery of a tall hill with beautiful flowers all covering the trails around the hill.

There is some kind of invisible barrier between the scenery inside that portal and the space that he is in now.

The wind and the elements of that place inside the scenery could not pass the thin membrane of energy that is in the opening of the portals.

He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and then opens it a few second later. Mustering his courage, he ten walk toward that portal and disappeared from the cave area.

Death Monarch Azief has exit his seclusion.

That is the thought of many of the department all over Pandemonium right now. The message that Sasha got is quickly relayed to the other department in the court josei

Her message is quite simple. That Death Monarch has returned. As for her, she is still in that tower.

She seems to be thinking of something. She then shakes her head as she clicks her tongue

‘I don’t think I could hide it for long. It is better to confess as fast as possible before my lord learns it from other sources’ she thought to herself.

And she also thought about the message she got from Death Monarch

She right now is supervising the construction program of a new city by the nanobots while at the same time hearing the report of her subordinate that comes from all parts of Pandemonium.

It was then during all of this that a Divine Sense communication sounded in her mind. She frowned when she heard the message.

But she did not hesitate.

The message is simple. She is to wait for him in the Throne room.

Sasha send an order to his subordinate to continue her work as she went to the roof of the building and boarded her spaceship.

She input the coordinate of the palace while thinking to herself.

‘Where is Death Monarch going?’


There is a hill in an island.

The island had been enlarged but it is still an island. Somehow it almost seems like the island is being restricted somehow.

The energy that came seems to be absorbed to somewhere and it could not reach the ground entirely.

But still it become larger than usual.

There is thick deep forest, large trees yet there is no beast.

Maybe if the people in the island would go away, then monster might come here and make this island their habitat.

But none of these monster dares to land on this island. The reason is quite simple.

It is because this island had many fluctuation of energy that even made some of the powerful beast felt fear and goosebumps all over their body.

And in one of the hill, there is a man floating in front of a portal.

Green auras seem to come out from his body and connected him with the portals as the green aura seems to chain down the portals.

The portal itself shows only a spiraling void.

But every once in a while fi you look carefully, you could see some vision of a different world. Sometime one could see mountain of bones and sometimes one could see flaming seas.

The scenery in the portal seems to evoke some images of a terrifying world. Standing in front of that portal is Jean the Time Monarch.

Time around him seems to be slowed down. It is also probably because of this that the island did not reach the size like some other island that turns into continents

There is also a device near the portal.

It is a metallic device rectangle in shape, the size is like a box of tissue.

Etched on the side of the rectangular metallic device is WG.

This is the property of the World Government.

Every time the portal seems like it is about to change it position, the rectangular device would open and a silver chain would fly out from the device and hold the illusory border of the portal in place.

The chain itself is illusory in nature, translucent, formed by pure energy and mystical means.

There are also some other formations.

Some of them is so intricate that one could deduce that such a formation must be the handiwork of the famous Arrayist Sage Lee Sangmin

There are other measures of course

It is all to make sure that the portal does not grow any larger than it supposed to and did not move away from its position.

They were all helping Jean.

The portal is none other than the subject of surveillance and observation by all the great powers since Jean had stay there, maintaining its open position while at the same time adjusting the time differences between Earth Prime and the world beyond that portal.

This is the portal leading toward the Seresian world.

And the reason why it is observed by all the great powers is because this portal is the only portal that links Earth Prime and the Seresian world

After the matter of the Multiversal Convergence most people would want to close such a portal.

But, that is easier said than done.

Because the whole world knows that even if some of the other world power agrees to close the portal, there is two great powers that would not agree and they would go on the warpath if anyone would suggest trying to close that portal

That world power is Pandemonium and The Republic.

On one side is the man leading Pandemonium is the strongest man in the world.

On the other, is one of the Three Great Power the Republic who also has Jean, one of the three people on Earth that has Divine Comprehension attainment.


To ignore them would invite a great war between the world powers. A war that none of them could afford.

There is a chance to restrain both Death Monarch and Jean if all of the Great Powers unite with each other and throws everything they got at them

They might even be able to force Death Monarch and Jean to back away. Do not underestimate the world powers.

Most of the things they show to the world is not their true strength.


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