Lord Shadow

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086: The two monarchs

At the same time while she was contemplating all of this in her tent, near the hill, another portal suddenly opens up.

Jean who had never moved since he focus all of his energy toward the portal in the hill suddenly opens his eyes.

His eyes look toward that portal; his face is ferocious.

He is ready to attack.

With the device of the World Government, he could at least maintain the portal without his personal touch for a few minutes.

But then as a person comes out from the portal, Jean was shocked. He was shocked to see that the person coming out from the portal is Death Monarch

It is not that he was shocked that Death Monarch could create a portal. Even he could do that. Hikigaya could also do that.

But the reason he was shocked is because he did not recognize the fluctuation of the energy of Death Monarch

He should have recognized it because he had met Death Monarch before. He had even fought him to stop him from going to the future.

It was like there is now some fundamental difference about him that made him unable to recognize his energy.


Jean is a Divine Comprehension leveler. As such his sensitivity toward one certain frequency, vibration or energy trace is very sensitive.

A person trace of energy is like some kind of fingerprint identification.

It is why when one sense certain energy, if they have sense that kind of energy before, they could easily know who it is.

But now, Death Monarch in front of him, felt completely new.

If Azief knew what he was thinking he would surely relate this to the fact that he had cut the Shadow Lord will from him.

Azief look at Jean and the portal.

Then he walks toward Jean as the portal behind him slowly fizzles out before disappearing completely.

The only trace that the portal was ever there is the distortion of space around it that look like a wave rippling that would disappears after a few seconds

Azief appears like a human with no powers as all of his powerful energy seems to be contained in his body completely without leaking out.

If he is walking around with his aura unleashed all the time, then how could any space on Earth able to contain him.

The surrounding laws and particles around him would change if he travels the world in such a manner

And when particles collide, especially magical particle that no one knew how it would act when colliding against each other……that is a terrifying thought to some people

Azief keep walking toward Jean. Jean was puzzled. Then in a few second he was already there near Jean

Jean was about to say something when Azief suddenly stretch out his hand toward the portal and Jean eyes widened.

‘What are you doing?!’

Jean shouted but as Azief hand had already hold the edges of the portal.

One might think that the portal is in the same space and time as Earth Prime but that is not the case.

There is like some kind of small thin barrier in all of the dimension of the portal. To be more accurate the portal is in-between Earth Prime and the Seresian world.

But Jean had close the portal on his side. It is like a door. He locked it from the inside. This present and advantage to the people of Earth Prime.

The Seresian demon could not use this portal and as Jean had converged all the space and time of Earth Prime to this area, the connection between Earth and Seresian world is then locked to this portal

This did not mean that the other barriers separating Earth and other multiverses is locked into this portal. Only the Seresian world.

And after the dire war of the Multiversal Convergence, nobody is going to touch multiverses research and expedition for quite some time.

Only after the sentiment of the people cool down than the great powers might once again started back their research for the Multiverses and the infinite universes that is out there.

But in front of Jean eyes, he saw Azief simply seems to causes the thin membrane around the portal, the thin membrane that could be sensed but not seen seems to retreat.

Opening a passage for his hand to touch the upper part of the portal edges. He holds it like he is holding a hula hoop floating in the air.

Then Jean saw Death Monarch eyes glows blue.

And suddenly the portal seems to deepen its connection with Earth Prime, and the time dilation seems to be stabilized.

This requires a large amount of energy and also deep understanding of this particular magic. Jean was surprised.

Then he could sense that the membrane is about to merge again and Azief quickly move his hand away from the floating portal.

All of this happened in one second but in that one second, all kinds of things that had been shown to him had shocked him

Azief look at Jean and he just nodded at him. Then he said

‘Thank you’

Jean release his control over the portal for a while as he left a Time Avatar to guard it.

The moment he wanted to create a Time Avatar he made a pulling motion to the space in front of him using his hand.

And coming out from that portal is him who immediately knows what to do as his true original body slowly floated down to the ground

He had sense that the moment Azief did that, the portal would have no problem for one day. So, he brought out a Time Avatar to just look at the portal as he could free himself and talk with Death Monarch

Azief then added

‘I’m sorry that I could only extend it to one day. My understanding of Time….is not the same as you. Forcing more…. I fear it would induce instability to the core space and time of the portal.’

Jean nodded and Azief said

‘I owe you one. Someday…I’ll pay this debt’

Jean then chuckles

‘I’m counting on it’ Azief only smiles.

Jean felt like he is seeing a new man.

It is not only the fact that he no longer felt that killing intent that he is accustomed to, or that darkness feeling he always felt when he saw Death Monarch, it is also the fact that Death Monarch no longer wears the dark hood that always mask the expression of the strongest man in the world

That hood always made him unapproachable. Because no one knows what he is thinking about.

But seeing him now, with no hood, and with a new attire, what he felt was something else. josei

Like some kind of grandness, a feeling that he encompasses everything. There is this feeling that he exudes feeling like everything seems to be converging towards him.

This feeling did not induce fear.

But instead it induces awe at something so mystical.

Is it because of the connection between him and the Heaven? But before, he did not exude this kind of feeling.

Jean had some thoughts but this is not the time to think about this.

Jean knows that Azief is not in Pandemonium.

As a fellow Divine Comprehension leveler, he saw many things. And it was not like Azief was hiding it from them.

Something must have happened when he went out to space.

But from the small fluctuation of energy just then, it did not appear that Death Monarch had broken through to Essence Creation

Yet, at the same time, there is this subtle feeling that Azief is only one step away and all he needs is some opportunity.

But even without the hood, it is still hard to know what he is thinking about.

Jean then ask him

‘It seems that you have improved again. Something happened up there?’

Azief only smiles mysteriously and said

‘Something happened’ that is his answer and Jean only chuckles. Jean then takes a deep breath and then he said.

‘Because of my action to suppress the portal I require a large amount of energy. And that is why the island did not change that much. Even so, the island is still bigger than from when I first landed on it. This portal is already unstable to the point that I would not be surprised if it breaks down from the other side.’

Then he continues saying

‘If that were to happen, I would have no choice than to restore back the time. Right now, the differences of time are not that far from each other. But time in that world and ours is quite different. You have been gone for four days. And I have done my best to make sure that only four hours had passed in that world’

‘At least, if you use this portal, the differences in time would be small. But even I could not do this all the time. The longer we take time in this, the more that the chance of Katarina-‘


Jean could not finish his word because Azief suddenly said

‘Balfor would not kill her. At least not until I am there’

Jean frowns a bit

‘I know it is not my business……but have you met that Demon King before?’


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