Lord Shadow

chapter 1087

chapter 1087: bonus chapterthe reason he came

‘I know it is not my business……but have you met that Demon King before?’ he asks

If this is anyone else, Azief would have simply said “mind your own business” but this is Jean

And he quite respects this man. Not to mention him doing this for him. So, he could never say it like that.

He nodded and said

‘I used to wander in the Seresian world. He wanted something from me. And that is why he took Katarina. And that is why I have to get her back’

Jean nodded but then he shakes his head

‘Are you sure that it is just because of that?’ Azief understood what Jean is trying to say but he could only sigh at this question.

He did not answer the question and Jean did not push the matter. It’s complicated. That is Jean impression of this matter.

It is quite funny that the whole world is curious about the heart of the strongest man in the world.

If this was anyone else, how could the world powers and the organization of the world cares that much who he loves and hate?

It is precisely because he is the strongest person in the world that his choice, his heart is something that even the world power has to pay attention to.

Not only because of his reputation and ability it is also because the women that he loved who is not ordinary

The not ordinary one and the one with the strong background is of course Katarina. And the one who do not have such a high background is Sofia.

The matters of gods and deities. That is the thought of every world powers when they even had to care about who Death Monarch love or do not love.

Silence envelops both man for a while. Then Jean said, changing the subject

‘What you did…. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. What I do know is that after this, humanity would surely be filled with many more powerful people. Disk Formation leveler would fill the world. What you did was you pour the energy of tens of thousands of worlds that connected to the Multiversal convergence to our world. It might be unintentional but that is what happens. In the short term, this has created a problem. In the long term, this would make humanity strong’

Azief did not say anything. But he does make a determination in his heart. That he would no longer try to mess with Time ever again.

The most precious thing he got from his time traveling to the future is the fact that he knew that the world will end and he knew who will end it

It is him.

But it is also not him. At least not yet.

A future him that is not yet born. He refuses to believe that he could not change his fate.

What would cause him to be so out of character? Did something happen? Is that something could be prevented? Whatever it is, Azief would not give up.

Because of that, he doesn’t think that his trip to the future is meaningless.

Even if he could find one clue to stop what will happen in that vision of a future, that alone is worth all of this

After all, he could not change what has already happened. He does blame himself. He went to the future because he thought that Sofia would betray him in the future.

This is something that he would never admit to anyone. But as Sofia could never ever endure betrayal from Azief, it is the same for him.

Anyone could betray him. But not her.

Not her. Because of that, he went to the future.

And then, all of this happens. He fucked up.

That’s what happened. He fucked up…. bad.

And while he blames himself, he had to keep on going

Because he knows that if he did not do anything, if he wallows in self-pity then nothing could be done

What had happened, happened. Now, the one thing he could do is to help the world rebuild. For the first time since the Fall, Azief cares for the people of the world.

But he also knows that it is not like he is some kind of philanthropic person. He is not like Sina.

It is guilt.

When you could see everything, hear everything and you see a father crying because they lost their child, seeing a mother screaming in anger, a son mourning the death of their parents, feeling all of this grief, resentment, and feeling all of their emotions, and knowing that you had a part in their suffering and in their pain, unless you are an unfeeling bastard, you would feel for them

It is easy to ignore them when you high up in the sky and you only look down on them. But when you see them and hear them and felt their emotions, it is a different feeling

Azief had the Will of the Heaven.

And the Will of the Heaven is affected by the Will of the World. And what is the Will of the World if not the Will of the people living in that world?

He felt the resentment of living beings, feel their sadness, their pain, their suffering and it was hard.

It was hard to extricate himself from that feeling and still remains himself.

Each time he merged with the World, it was like he could feel all of their emotions. In a world of magic, emotions hold great power

It could even affect the world.

And it is because of that Azief felt guilt.

In life, you would experience all kinds of feeling. But some of the stronger emotions that one would feel drives most of the choices we made.

There is hatred.

There is love.

And then there is guilt. Hatred is hard to erase but sometimes times and understanding could dissolve hatred.

Love…is simple….and at the same time hard. It is hard to forget love once you have been inflicted by it, yet time heals even the deepest scars

But guilt?

Guilt is a prison. And it is not a prison that the enemy created for you. It is a prison that you created for yourself and you are the warden and you are the prisoner.

It is like you are in a prison and there is the key of the prison in front of you. But even though, there is the key and you could walk out from that prison anytime, once guilt is there in one heart, even with all of this, you could not walk out from that prison.

Because your feet won’t move, paralyzed by the feeling of guilt.

A prison of the heart

So, you began doing things. Things you think would alleviate that guilty. Azief don’t know whether it would work or not

But he would try.

Jean notices Azief silence so he then asks him the question

‘I don’t think you came here only for me, right? After all, you still have two days left. My ability could maintain it at least for two more days. And now that you came to give me one day, there is something that I need to do for a while in the Republic’

Azief close his eyes for a moment before opening it back up and said

‘Sofia is here’ Jean smiles bitterly.

He had expected that answer.

He doesn’t know the full story but the tangled relationship of Death Monarch with the Divine Archer and the Ice Queen is famous in the world.

Nobody gossips about them that much simply because the people involved are all influential and powerful people.

This is not like the world before the Fall where you could just run your mouth off. Death Monarch controls the Heavens. josei

One wrong sentence that incur his wrath, who knows? Maybe, a sword would descend down from the sky or the world might thunder with red thunderbolts.

And the Ice Queen, well, she had once washed away the city of Moscow with the blood of criminals. Those who had seen that scenery would still tell the story with a feeling of dread.

And while the Divine Archer could be considered the normal ones among those two, when she is angered, her arrow could reach halfway across the world.

They do gossip about them but it is always spoken in whispers.

Of course, if Azief knows this, he would not even care.

It is not that he has time to monitor the people of the world talking about him.

But his decision had always been the concern of the great powers. To the other great powers, it is best if Death Monarch remains with Sofia.

Because a love affair with the Ice Queen would mean the alliance between Pandemonium and the Republic.

Regardless, this is not his problem, Jean thought to himself.

Instead of talking about this sensitive issue, Jean told him

‘The world powers install a lot of their surveillances device around here.’


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