Lord Shadow

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088: Turbulence all over the world

Jean told him

‘The world powers install a lot of their surveillances device around here.’

Then he looks at his right and left and then added

‘Though, I doubt that they could capture the images in this island as clearly as before the Multiversal Convergence. They are limited by the technology. They first need to upgrade some of their technology considering the magic particles that is filling the entire world right now. But still…. you know some of them might take some lucky shot. If you want, I could easily make all of them malfunction for a while’

Azief shakes his head and said

‘It is fine. I could do it’

Then he asks Jean

Who else is in the island? Of course Jean knows the underlying menacing of that question.

Death Monarch already knew Sofia is here. If not, he would not have come.

He is simply asking whether they were anyone else.

Jean did not mind answering it

‘There is a few people of the World Government and the Republic on the edges of the island. They seem to be protecting the coast from the monsters and beats of the deep sea that sometimes wanted to occupy the island. They rarely came toward the center of the island. They could not withstand the changes of time fluctuation around the center of the island. The Republic and the World Government could not afford to send their elite members to this island while trying to maintain order in their dominion.

Azief frowned and said

‘I understand the presence of the Republic operatives. But why does the World government also participate. I know Hirate would have to follow our lead because he is part of the Triumvirate but he does not need to be this enthusiastic. We would understand his position and we would not expect more’

Jean smiles and said

‘Hirate had always been interested in Otherworlds. And now, there is a portal that connects this world to another. Azief still do not understand

They have the World Gate.

But it is not something that they could use right now. Not with the whole world is condemning any action relating to the research of the Multiverse.


‘So, they are very interested in the calculation of the energy of Seresian world portal. I do not know all of the details as I am not researching the Multiverse but I think they probably have their reason to be interested in the portal. And, Hirate probably needs to show his attitude to us for a different reason other than the portal’

Azief frowned and ask

‘What do you mean?’

Jean then gaze toward the north turning his back.

His eyes seem to see past through all the mist and the obstacles that laid before his eyes to focus on one floating island

The island is larger than before but it is still the Island of Peace. Azief also follow Jean gaze and look toward the North. He could see the Island of Peace floating high from the ocean water

But then he clicks his tongue. There is a deep gash on the island. It almost seems like the island was split into two and reconnected again.

Azief retract his gaze and look at Jean, hoping for an explanation

Jean understood and simply said

‘In the four days you are gone, not many people made drastic moves.

‘Even now, as we are speaking most of the great power is trying to locate their people and stabilize the area under their control while trying to establish communication with their officials and form back their sphere of influence. But…Hikigaya made a move’

Azief eyebrows raised up

If Hikigaya made a move, there is hardly anyone that could stop him. Azief was in outer space. And jean was here.

Hikigaya had a free reign.

Jean then said

‘I could not interfere because I was here. And it is after all the internal matter of the World Government. There is no need for me to meddle in their matters. But a weak World Government must not be allowed if the current balance and status quo were to be maintained.

Azief nodded and simply ask

‘What happened?’ josei

‘Japan has seceded from the World government’

Azief close his eyes and nodded.

It seems Hikigaya and Hirate differences could not be reconciled after all.

Azief had thought such a thing would have happened. This conflict between Hikigaya and Hirate had long been a thorn for both men

The only reason why they never break out in conflict before is because Hikigaya still have the faint hope that Hirate would listen.

There is also the reason that Hikigaya alone could not protect the island nation with all the great powers that would surely take advantage of them if he did not sit under the shade of the powerful

But the moment Hikigaya break through to Divine Comprehension, he probably knew that he now had the ability to protect the island nation without fearing the other great powers

And Hikigaya knows that Azief would not attack him without any reason and the Republic would also have to respect him.

Even though they have Jean as their representative of greatest personal power in the Republic, Jean had always act according to his own personal belief

It is hard to move him. As such, under all of this condition, Hikigaya inanely made the choice

Azief could see the thought patterns of Hikigaya easily. Strong people does not like being under the thumb of others. And Hikigaya patience was wearing thin even before he breakthrough to Divine Comprehension.

But at least Hikigaya kept his promise.

And Jean is right. This is the internal matter of the World Government. There is no need for them to interfere in it too deeply

Jean continues his word

And they do not join the Lotus Order or any of the other Great Powers. They are now free force’

Jean sighed a bit and said

‘Well, considering that Hikigaya is probably only below you and me, he had the qualification to remain independent from the World powers’ Azief eyebrows raised as he looks at Jean and said

‘You think you are stronger than Hikigaya?’

Jean smiles confidently and nodded

Azief only chuckles a bit and simply said

‘Do not underestimate the abilities of that man. Illusion and reality subverted, this is a terrifying ability’

Jean shakes his head and said

‘Well, I am not so bad either. At least I did not need you to breakthrough’ Azief understood Jean meaning. He helped Hikigaya cross that last hurdle.

In terms of understanding and foundation, between Jean and Hikigaya, Azief do not deny that Jean had the advantage

But it is not entirely dependent on only this. The laws that Hikigaya comprehended is high tier laws that touch upon the concept of reality itself.

Azief laugh while nodding

‘Well, you are not wrong’

Jean then said

‘The faction of both Hikigaya and Oreki had also retreated from the World Government and the Emperor of Japan stripped the title of Shogun from Hirate. While that would not affect Hirate much, it doe snow affect his standing in Japan. I guess it would not be long before Hirate would be a persona non grata in Japan’

‘And as far as I know, Japan is now ruled by the forces of Hikigaya, Oreki and the Emperor forces. But I do not know the full details’

Azief sighed and said

‘It is a time of chaos. But soon, I hope all the people would calm down. I……don’t want to make a move’

He added

‘That would add even more chaos to this already disorderly world.’ Then he looks at Jean and said

‘Advise Hikigaya. Not to go too far. The world need unity right now.’

‘You don’t know him the way I do. He is a man that values effectiveness.’

Azief went silence for a few second and then sighing he said

‘Just remind him not to go too far. The World Government collapse would not bring any good to him either. A vacuum of power would lead to great changes to the world. And I think Earth had enough change for a while. It is not good to bite more than you could chew.’

Jean nodded and said

‘I think I could make him compromise. I know that he does not like Hirate. But I don’t think he hates him enough’

Azief shake his head

‘You and I both know this is not a matter of like or dislike. This is a matter of power and influence. Like and dislike had nothing to do with it. Even if Hikigaya likes Hirate, if he had enough benefit to destroy the World Government, then who is to say that he would not do it?’

Then Azief ask a weird question

‘Did he take an oath to protect the World Government after reaching Disk Formation?’ Jean was weirded out by the question but then he finally understands what Azief was saying


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