Lord Shadow

Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115: The action of the mind monarch (1)

As Vice General, when they take a few days off nobody would call them and disturb them unless it was truly necessary.

Milos and Eurus quickly brought the communication device out of their pocket. The communication device looks very much like smartphone before the Fall

What separates the smartphone and the communication device on Milos hand is that there are only a few buttons on the communication device and the keypad is full of runes and there is shining lines that connected each keypad.

Because it is the same as a smartphone, one might think that the way of using it is the same. But as they look at their smartphone they press a few buttons and then information streams into their mind.

They both then stand transfixed there for a second before looking at each other with solemn faces.

‘Shit’ Milos curses. He then looks toward the Centre Palace in the distance. He shakes his head and said to Eurus

‘We have to hurry up.’ Eurus just nodded as they run toward the temporary city lines. Milos is a Seed Forming leveler and Eurus is an Energy Disperse Stage leveler. josei

Even though Milos is only running his speed rivals that of a Formula One car. They chose the less crowded roads.

Amazingly enough that they both did not hit anyone.

When one reaches Seed Forming, they have full control of their body.

Unless they are distracted or there is an external force that broke their control, they would never crash to another person unless they wanted to.

If not considering how deadly and lethal the speed of the Golden Speedster, many people would have die each time he sprints all over the world

The reason they are running and not flying in the sky right now is because they do not have the authorization to fly in the Capital.

It is a no fly zone. And it did not only mean no fly zone for spaceship, it is also a no fly zone for any person.

This kind of law is new in itself because before the Fall, humans couldn’t just simply fly to the sky.

However, after the Fall, as long as you have the corresponding attributes or having some artifact even low level person could fly to the sky like birds.

In Pandemonium, there is only a few people that is allowed to fly in the Capital airspace. The only time that this restriction is lifted is during the Multiversal Convergence.

There are not many laws in Pandemonium but this did not mean there is no law at all.

In just a couple of minutes, Milos and Eurus arrived out of the city lines.

Then they immediately jump into their own personal spaceship and both of them start the engine and fly to the sky. In just a few second, they turn into a dot in the sky and disappears a second later.

The reason why both of them is so anxious is because when they got the message from their communication device, it tells them something that is out of their expectation

Death Monarch had gone to the Seresian world!

An hour after that, the whole world was shocked to know that Death Monarch had gone to the Seresian world, ahead of schedule.

In the World Government Island of Peace, Hirate is walking back and forth in his office. He is thinking of something, his eyebrows creased and one could easily see that he is disturbed.

He seems to be mumbling something under his breath

Outside, his secretary is busy fielding the question of the Quorum Council member from the phone.

As for outside the Cloud Tower, there is the military guarding the tower. The Cloud Tower is a new addition in the Island of Peace and had just been completed yesterday.

In the morning, all of the belongings of the officials was transported here.

Because of the massive size of the tower and its heights, even though almost all officials have been assigned to their office, there is still a lot of empty offices and spaces

Inside the office as he is pacing back and forth, Hirate trying to clear his mind and organize his thoughts

He expected that there is a lot of cleanup job that needed to be done but he did not expect that all of these problems to hit him at the same day.

He didn’t even have the chance to enjoy his new office before being plagued by problems one after another

He has many problems nowadays. And today, is probably the breaking point. Everyone is now anxious

An hour ago, he suddenly got communication from Pandemonium saying that Death Monarch had gone to the Seresian world

While he expected that Death Monarch would go to the Seresian world, he expected it to be tomorrow and not today.

Today was supposed to be the day that he and Death Monarch would have a discussion.

Death Monarch agreed to talk to him and discuss some things with him.

And the content of this talk is none other than the matter of the redrawing back the border of the world

Imagine his surprise when he heard that Death Monarch had gone to the Hill and step into the portal and went directly to the Seresian world

He still doesn’t know the reason why Death Monarch suddenly changes the date of his departure.

Information is not as fast as before with the distance and the particles that hinder certain methods of communication

And Jean also did not use his Time Avatar to inform everyone. Hirate believe that Jean might also be in some kind of difficulties

If not, Jean would surely inform the whole world of this matter. At least, he would inform the seven great powers

He and Jean had an understanding.

And it is not in his habit to rely on another world power. After all, regardless of Jean goodwill, in the end Jean also has his own interest

His pacing become faster. Fortunately, he had muted the phone in his office.

If not, it would ring endlessly right now. He clicks his tongue.

What happened that Death Monarch changes his schedule? And how should one handle the matter of redrawing the border?

Did Death Monarch leave some methods? Or did he simply go up and away? Who is his successor?

Who would be the regent in his absence?

That is what in his mind right now. With Death Monarch victory over the Essence Creation Demon King, Death Monarch prestige was elevated to the highest possible level since the Weronian War.

Any action he takes could create large changes in the world. Hirate of course did not like it when his rivals become even more powerful.

But that did not mean he would do something to sabotage it. Hirate knows to see the big picture.

Right now, what the world needed is unity. The Seven Great Powers, regardless of the differences with each other must stand together.

World Government right now is very fragile.

Hirate sighed as he walks to his chair. This chair did not have any feet. Instead it is floating in the air.

It resembles the floating machinery throne in that secret room. The chair is a more enhanced version of the Cerebral Enhancement Device.

He sat on it and he frowned. He rubs his hand together and thought for a moment.

‘Sofia is a good target’ he said.

Of course, Hirate did not mean to treat Sofia as some kind of target to capture. The World Government had learned the lesson of trying to use Death Monarch loved ones as bait.

And Sofia the Divine Archer is no longer an easy target.

Even though she herself is not a Divine Comprehension leveler and just a Disk Formation leveler, no one forgets that she has Houyi Bow.

After the first appearance of Disk Formation leveler, almost all the world power research on how to defeat a Disk Formation leveler.

And since then, a lot of progress has been made. Other than throwing their own Disk Formation combatant into the battle to overwhelm the enemy Disk Formation leveler, there are also other methods.

For example, army formation. The one most famous using this is of course the Great General of Pandemonium Wang Jian.

But by now, most army belonging to the world power had already knows how to use army formation.

Then there is method of defeating Disk Formation leveler using technology.

There are some weapons especially the ones that is created by the Order of Thinkers that could deal a lot of damage to a Disk Formation leveler.

In other words, most Disk Formation leveler is no longer as invincible as when they first appeared

It took humanity six years to find a way to handle a Disk Formation leveler but even then they did not dare to attack Pandemonium.

There is something about Death Monarch that separates him from other Disk Formation leveler. And not to mention that Death Monarch is now a Divine Comprehension leveler.

But as for Sofia, even though, she herself is a Disk Formation leveler, her threat level to the world power was never that high

But the reason why no one tries to capture her again and using her as bait is because while she is just a Disk Formation leveler, she had the bow.

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