Lord Shadow

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116: The action of the mind monarch (2)

The last time she plucks her bow, her arrows sails through the world like it had no concept of distance.

From what the research had shown, the Houyi Bow that Sofia possess had never been pulled and used to its full potential.

One could say the reason why Sofia is called the Divine Archer is not exactly because she herself is divine in her archery instead it is because she had a divine item

The artifact itself is an overpowered artifact.

The only reason why no one had ever been able to see its full power is because Sofia herself did not reach the requirement to use the full power of the bow

She is no longer a target that could easily be taken.

One had to think if they want to provoke a woman who could shoot a bow from the other side of the world and kill you

Hirate is sure if he tried to do the same thing he did with her like the last time, she would point her bow toward his direction and the arrow would fly toward him no matter how far he is in the world

Hirate position about Sofia is merely to target her for recruitment.

He doesn’t know much about what happen between Sofia and Death Monarch, but he speculates that it must have something to do with their relationship

Maybe they have broken up. Maybe this is just another lover spat. Whatever it is, it seems that the Divine Archer is distancing herself from Pandemonium

Sofia herself is never that involved in Pandemonium internal working. When one asks any citizens of Pandemonium of their founder, most would say Death Monarch and Loki

Death Monarch might not be interested in where Sofia is right now but he is.

‘I don’t think that this will make him angry, right?’ Hirate made his decision. He still has a lot of things to deal with today.

And he already delays the matter for quite some time. Since Sofia could now be considered an unaffiliated person in Pandemonium, why would the World Government not try to recruit her? josei

And it is not like he is going to force her. He is going to persuade her to join the World Government.

Even if she did not accept to be fully integrated into the World Government, she could also join in some other capacity.

World Government needed to forge some connection right now.

He sat down on his chair and push the button below the chair handle.

A compartment open from behind the chair as a metallic shiny helmet seems to float out and then a few nodes on the helmet seems to detect movement.

It flew a few meters higher and positioned itself above Hirate head.

The helmet is also upgraded.

It is no longer connected with wires.

But instead, one uses the energy around the surrounding to create an invisible line that connected the helmet with the internal working of the chair.

Hirate closes his eyes as his body seems to emanate a powerful psionic force. But this psionic force is contained around him.

Like a layer of membrane, one-inch-thick covering his body. And this energy became like a tentacle as it connected with the helmet

The Auto-Sensing capabilities of the helmet were turned off the moment that he took control of the helmet.

Slowly the helmet floated down to the top of his head. The helmet adjusted itself as it tries to adjust the size to fit Hirate head perfectly


The sound of a click could be heard as the helmet is fastened on top of his head. Hirate could sense everything in the room to its smallest details.

At the same time his eyes could see in a wide scope like he is an observer, could zoom in and out as he wishes like he is looking at some kind of recordings.

Powerful fluctuation of energy burst out from him and a shockwave exploded from his body. The wave like shockwave slammed to the wall like a rushing tsunami

Yet the secretary outside his office did not felt that there is anything wrong. The wall did not even budge

The walls of this office is created from Eluvian stone. It absorbs all kind of energy. It is the rarest stone in the world.

The only one that is known to have a large supply of it is Sina and Pandemonium. But because of its limited nature, it is something that is hard to find.

Eluvian Stone is hard to craft and hard to shape. Just to create the walls of this office using Eluvian stone takes years.

And it is not like all parts of the walls are made from Eluvian stone since that would take a lot of the already scarce resources.

Some of them is added with other stones that have some energy absorbing properties.

Hirate did not know this but Eluvian stone could be enhanced. It is the one thing that could withstand a Sovereign attack

This is the reason that in the future most Eluvian stone would fetch an astronomical price in the black market

Of course, no one knows about this ability of the Eluvian stone right now. If they knew about it, probably all of the world power would scramble to hoard as much Eluvian stone as possible

Of course, the prerequisite of it able to withstand a Sovereign attack is that it had to be enhanced beforehand

Hirate would probably cry if he knew that the stone he used to make the walls of his office could actually be enhanced and used to withstand an attack of such a supreme being.

Loki was even imprisoned in a prison of Eluvian Stone in the other timeline. Eluvian Stone is also not foreign to the Orvanians who uses it to write some prophecy onto it.

It is because of the Eluvian Stone that the walls and the entire office did not immediately explode into thousand pieces when energy bursted out from Hirate body

Hirate chair floats even higher into the air. Fortunately, Hirate had considered this before and design the ceiling of the office to be higher than usual

Right now, he is using the Cerebral Enhancement Device to amplify his psionic and psychic powers to go past the limit.

he had been resting for the past five days since his use of Cerebral Enhancement Device.

And he now had reached the Pinnacle realm of Disk Formation.

This sudden promotion to a higher level is connected to his action during the Multiversal Convergence.

He had gone past his limit, using his Psionic power to the peak and go beyond it. He had over drafted himself.

And he never over drafted himself since he became the President of the World Government.

And in that moment, in that moment where he was most vulnerable, it was like he push a door open.

And opening that door, his psionic power suddenly has some qualitative change and he is now at the pinnacle realm of Disk Formation.

His Disk Formation method is different than others.

As the higher he goes, the more different his way of advancing become.

It is not enough for him to have enough energy to break through.

His Disk is many in the beginning and have many variety of law but it had to be changed by the Psionic force.

So, right now, he only has one Disk, a purple Disk that represent Psionic Force.

Each Disk merged with the Psionic Force disk increases his psionic power and his mind power.

But as a person dealing with power that involve the mind and the psyche, what Hirate had to be careful about is to not let the power takes over him. He must control the power and not the other way around.

Hirate knows the risk of letting the power control him. He is careful not to use it to listen to every thought around him

Because, it could make him go crazy or lost his own sense of self. If you keep listening to other people thoughts, you began to think that you yourself are them

That is why he always needs to do it in moderation. In the Multiversal Convergence, he heard the silent scream of the dead, the howling and felt the despair of the people

The emotion itself threatened to make him break down. And in only in that condition, that certain requirement has been fulfilled and he increase his power.

But, he did not like to do that again, the only reason he did that at the time is because it was really desperate.

All of the surveillance program of the World Government shut down because of the Multiversal Convergence.

Radars, GPS system, the satellite in space all of them were affected. None of the conventional weapons of the world government could be used against the invading army

He had to step up at that time. He did not expect that in doing so, he breaks his limit. Right now, Hirate think is one of the good news that the World Government had.

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