Lord Shadow

Chapter 1237 - The Wrathful Goddess

Chapter 1237 - The Wrathful Goddess

The sound of the cracking of the Universe is clear to him.

The Wall of this Universe might be different from the one in Earth prime but Azief believes it also exist

But he had just heard the sound of the wall cracking and breaking. It might be hard to imagine but there is something called the Cosmic Wall sometimes also called Cosmic Web.

Galaxies aren't just strewn randomly throughout the universe.

Along huge strands of hydrogen, galaxies collect into larger groupings of massive filaments, separated by giant voids of nearly empty space.

Each filament is basically a wall of galaxies, stretching for hundreds of millions of light-years.

They're the biggest structures in the known universe.

In Earth Prime own galactic system, scientist had identified structures of these wall like the Great Wall, the Sloan Great Wall, the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, and the Bootes Void.

And then he saw the skies of another world when he looks up.

'A Convergence of Worlds'

That is what he thought.

It is a bit different than the Multiversal Convergence as it attracts worlds that was in the same frequency before it spreads out and eroded any barriers between worlds

Somehow, that magic that Arial had activated had blurs the liens between world and might even create a time-space channel that connects this galaxy to another galaxy.

When gravity is bended to the extreme, when space is push to the ultimate limit, this kind of weird and inexplicable thing could easily happen.

And that is not the only thing that shocked him.

He could feel that the barriers between worlds is loosening.

Because he could even feel Celestial energy all around him.

It is scarce but Azief would not mistake it.

This energy that swirls around him is celestial energy.

Earth X is many things.

It had high concentration of magical energy and all kinds of other mysterious and unknown form of energy but Celestial energy like this…. Azief is quite sure this is not of this galaxy origin.

There is of course a bit of celestial energy that belongs to the deities of this world but the feeling of the Celestial energy that just appears out of nowhere….it is pretty foreign and there is a sign of rejection from the Heavenly Will of this world.

'The Immortal Realm?' He thought to himself

'Or one of the worlds inside the Immortal Realms of the Jade Empire? Or could it be a different world entirely?' Celestial energy is not the only energy he felt. He could also sense some trace of killing energy

'Asura race?'

The barriers between worlds is loosening and all kinds of energy from other worlds is entering this world.

All over this world there is now vortex of spiraling air that tears the space.

The space tears itself without any external force like it collapsed into itself and created these vortex of void.

As for the living beings in this world other than him and Amara, everything seems to stop

Time stops. Particles stops.

'No' Azief thought to himself. The particles did not stop. It regressing to its past state. And Azief could tell that the magic circle did not yet explode with its full effect.

This is just the effect from activating the magic circle and not yet the power of this magic circle being truly unleashed

At the same time, he is thinking of this he could not help but feel that there is something wrong with all of this

'Is Amara magic that strong that it could induce such universal and Omniversal change?'

And he is also curious of how the vortex could not last long before the space and time around that vortex recovered once again.

He could not understand it

Amara did not seem to care about the sudden appearance of the other worlds in the skies above. It is clear that she had anticipated it

Azief on the other hand while his eyes did not leave Amara, he is also sensing many things. One of them is that the time streams of the Multiverse is tangling with each other like a knotted string.

The Time suddenly moves again. Azief eyes frowned.


A shocking sound of explosion sounded. But what Azief felt was the extreme ripples of time blast.

He could feel the blast of Laws and it comes from his back.

Even if he did not turn his head to look at it, he is sure that the explosion comes from the imperial palace.

His Divine Sense might be on the fritz but it is not entirely useless.

Using his Divine Sense, he could see bits and pieces of the images of the imperial palace blow up like there a powerful force from below that push the domes and the ceiling of the palace to shoot up the sky

But then even as it is travelling in midair it slowly disintegrates.

It is not because the force is corrosive but because there is time force that acted upon these structures.

'This is….what kind of magic this is that it so heavily interrupted the operation of the world?' Azief was already shocked that time stopped before.

But then it suddenly moves again.

It means in that period of timelessness, the magic circle was rewriting the Laws of Time and Space all over this world and even the stars and the skies of this world.

Azief had seen many kinds of magic.

Some is more mysterious than others. Some are elementary but unique and some are rare but not hard.

But this is the first time he saw something that he could not understand. The magic circle had some runic design but it is not the runes that he understands

Instead, it reminded him of the kinds of runes that he would get from his Ring of Runic Creation.

Yet, there is some modified things about it.

All in all, it is hard to understand it.

The blast cut opens a tunnel of space time across the dimensional barriers.

Azief could barely sees it. This tunnel is translucent and contains traces of Concepts and Laws of the world.

This makes him even more shocked.

Because that tunnel did not only cut across the dimensional barrier but also across the other skies of the Other Worlds that is in the sky.

Azief look for a few seconds to the sky before he looks back at Amara in the distance.

In that few second, he could see the skies of the other worlds and even the sceneries of the Other Worlds like it was broadcasted to him

The weird thing is, none of those worlds seems to know that their worlds is connected to Earth X right now.

All of this is seen by him in that split moment.

While Azief is shocked on what happened in the sky, Amara is shocked for something else entirely.

Amara was shocked to see someone that she did not recognize right at this moment

But when she got over her shock, she believes this is a deity from the Outworld. That is what she called the worlds and dimension outside of her world.

Suddenly appearing right at this moment, what is the plan of this deity? And a very powerful deity at that

Compared to her power, Azief is lacking but right now, it is a crucial moment and she could not mobilize all of her power.

Maybe, that is why this invader decided to attack her at this moment

Of course, Azief would be surprised if he knew what Amara is thinking. Especially about his power.

Even though Azief had already reached Divine Comprehension, even he does not think he is that powerful

Maybe, it is because he had seen more of the Universe and its powerhouses that he did not think that he is that strong

So, he could not understand Amara shock. Even when she fought Outworld invaders most of them are in Seed Formation level of power.

Different civilization has different ways of retaining energy and using it.

The name of the level of power might be different but the highest is Disk Formation level of power and the lowest is Energy Disperse Stage level of power

To even cultivate someone to reach Divine Comprehension is hard.

The reason why Azief could not think of it as anything special is because he lives in a world filled with energy.

In the Universe, it is actually hard to even see a Disk Formation leveler.

A Disk Formation leveler itself is considered enough to guard a world and a Divine Comprehension leveler is enough to deter many forces.

Amara in her current state is very weak.

It is not because that she sacrifices a bit of her magic to activate the magic circle. That kind of wisp of energy is nothing to her

The reason she is weak right now is simply because the world is disintegrating.

She is like the Saints of the Great Wilderness of the Three Thousand Worlds of the Three Realms of the Jade Empire.

She is bound to the world, bound to the Heavenly Will

While the world exists, she could use every force and every power that is in that world to destroy her enemies.

One could say that she has home advantage.

But now, as there are heavenly phenomena and the world is disintegrating, with each part of the world being disintegrated, she become weaker and at the stage of at least Essence Creation

But she could not mobilize laws of the world because the laws of the world are also in disarray because of the disintegration

The force that drives these disintegration of the world is the result of the magic spell that Arial had activated.

The force is Time and the one that devours is Space.

Amara knows that so she flew toward Azief. Her feet kick the air as the air exploded beneath the pressure of her divine movement.

'Get out!' she shouted.

And the whole world exploded with wrath the moment she shouted

The Heaven is angry!


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