Lord Shadow

Chapter 1238 - The Soul That Flew Up

Chapter 1238 - The Soul That Flew Up

And when she shouted, the whole world seems to shout with her.

Thunders suddenly appears out of the void and an apparition of a golden titanic figure of Amara seems to envelope her as she thrust out a punch toward Azief.


Even before the explosion reaches him, that punch cracks the space and bends gravity around it, creating hundreds of torn vortices of space along the trail of that punch

Azief did not summon his Laws Avatar and instead he morphs the space around him.

Even though right now, the space around him is all affected by the distortion of time and space turbulence but Azief could borrows the power of the Universal energy

'She might be able to control the power of this world and let nothing escape her controls but that is only about the energy of this world' he thought to himself.

The stars in the sky, the moon and the sun all of them have energy.

And the moment Azief wanted to use this energy, a spiral of energy visible to the naked eyes gathers around his entire beings and then using this energy, he forces the space around him to bend and then disappears just right as the punch arrive at his position


The entire space of the sky seems to caved down, the clouds in the radius of ten thousand kilometers were all extinguished by the force.

The atmospheres seem to be burn by that force and the radiation from space seems to falls down to this world

Amara eyes become even colder as she saw that Azief uses space laws so easily.

Her apparition steps on the ground and a mountain that is in the path of her feet crumbles to ashes.

The rivers, trees and hills were flattened.

The Earth shakes and tremors, the seas went wild, and all around each of her toes, there is tornadoes because of the movement of her feet.

The force of the blast of her punch spread downwards and like some kind of apocalyptic wind it tears down everything like a thousand sharp knives descend down from the heavens and slicing everything into pieces.

The sky is split apart and the heat of the sun easily burns the ground because of the sudden hole formed in the sky devoid of any barriers

It seems Amara did not care now that she is destroying the world with every move she makes.

She seems to stop for a whole waiting for Azief to come out and almost a nanosecond later, Azief appears on the others side of the world.


The sound of space tearing echoes around the area of the sky as Azief flew out from that space channel.

Azief immediately regain his bearing, floating in the sky with his black attire, forming a contrast with the colorful background of the world right now.

There is the aurora suddenly appearing in the skies, the sceneries of other worlds reflected in the mirror like light in the hemisphere, the light of magic and among these colorful colors, only he is wearing black, giving the sense that he is different and detached.

But then he frowned

'Shit' he cursed.

The moment he comes out from the space channel, he could instantly felt his entire body felt an oppression force that is threatening to force him to come down.

To force him to kneel. To beat him into submission.

But Azief only smiles and stretch his shoulders

'using the Heavenly Will to pressure me. What a familiar feeling. Only usually, it is me on the other side' he smirks a bit.

Usually he is the one using this kind of tactic to intimidate people when they are meeting him. Now, he understands the feeling of those people

He always uses this kind of coercion and this is also the reason why Azief did not have to spend his time extinguishing fires of rebellion or resistance all the times like some kind of Xianxia heroes that destroy sect and forces every day.

Instead, in his world, even though there is still battle and war, they know who the top dog is and everyone is rational.

Nobody likes to run to their death if they could live

One of the reason why they are so obedient is because Azief controls the heavenly will and could use the heavenly will to basically fighting the whole world.

But Azief controls over the heavenly will is only one third. And that alone is enough to deter most forces from trying to find trouble with him.

But Amara had full control of the Heavenly Will

That is dangerous especially now that she seems to regard her as an Outsider.

If there is something that the Heavenly will hated more than beings who eroded its authority, it is outsiders from another world.

'It is not pleasant at all' he thought to himself.

Even though it did not show in his face, the feeling of his every move being restrained by an invisible force is not exactly… pleasant.

But this thought is only brief as he knows that Amara would easily catch up to him.

Distance to beings like them is something that is not worth mentioning.

If Azief could fold the space around him and come out at the other end, Amara could also do that

So Azief did not waste his time.

He is about to gather the power of the Universal force to pit his strength against Amara.

He is not confident that he could fight against Amaras with only the energy in his body.

The moment he suddenly was ejected or exited from the projection, he felt the energy of this world

As for using his Law Body, he needs time. Because this world is not his world and he needs time to derive the Laws of this world

And it is also because the laws of this world is in a state of chaos and disarray as the time blast basically just nuked all kinds of particles into pieces and the systematic Laws of this world is being rearranged.

This is the place Azief hated the most.

A place where there is so much turbulence of concept and Laws that he could not mobilize his Law Body

Even though he had reached Divine Comprehension, Azief knew there is still many things that he needs to do to fully understood the use of Law Body

But right now, it is not like he had a choice. He either had to fight or die.

Looking at Amara cold eyes, Azief doubts that she would just capture him and ask him for explanations.

It is more probable that unless he beats her and force her to calm down, she would do her best to exterminate him

But it is in that moment where Amara was about to tear space and went face to face with Arial, there is now a change

This change created an undulation of force that sweeps through all the world, like some kind of blast.

But only he and Amara and a few divine beings that is still in this world could sense this waves of power. josei

Because this is the power of fortune.

The power of fortune flooding out the entire skyscape.

Even Amara who was about to fold space and chase after Azief stops her movement and then look at the place where the source of fortune is breaking out.

Both her and Azief stop what they were doing like they were mesmerized.

Azief also look below and now that his Divine Sense is bolstered by the universal energy his Divine Sense could see more clearly than before.

And then he narrowed his eyes as he sees something soaring to the sky

His eyes zoomed in to that something and he sees a golden orbs flies out from the area where the imperial palace of Vern that once existed.

'Arial soul' he thought to himself.

That soul flew out toward the layers of heavenly phenomenon in the sky and then suddenly Azief understood something

'Is that how?' he thought to himself.

In the sky, there is layers and layers of Multiverses that seems to be patched together.

Azief when he first came to the Earth X, he was surprised to see that most of the trajectory of the history of Earth X seems to have many similarities to his own world

It also follows the trajectory of history of some other Earth he had seen before.

If not for the fact that Arial world has magic, Earth X would very resemble the history of his own world.

of course, when he sees the projection and saw how Aero come from Earth two, an Earth that in itself shares many similarities with Earth prime, Azief could understand some of the similarities between cultures and other things

But not all things that he had seen and experience in Earth X could be explained by the fact that it is connected to Earth two.


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