Lord Shadow

Chapter 1239 - The Thoughts And Ideas That Is Ahead

Chapter 1239 - The Thoughts And Ideas That Is Ahead

He had read the history of Earth X. before Arial start his rise, the Human Continent, is very much like the early middle ages.

It is a mix of medieval era with a bit of the area seems to be ruled by weird laws and many weird ideas.

But when Arial began his rise at Acro and then Arrandy, the progress of humanity seems to leaps like someone who use to crawl suddenly being able to run twelve second in one-hundred-meter race.

he was shocked at how fast Earth X is advancing in terms of technology, thoughts and improvement.

And he was more shocked when he learns that Arial had a lot to do with it.

He learns about Arial before he even met the man

For example, the creation of Banks.

Arial is the one that popularized it and with it, the power that comes with holding the financial power

The nobles of Human Continent, while they did not openly disdain merchants they did not overly warm to them either

But Arial was different.

Yes, you could explain it by thinking that he had come from a farmer family and have a different view against merchants but that is even more unreasonable.

Because as much as nobles disdain merchants, farmers usually hated them more as to them, the merchant takes their hard work using cheap silvers while they trade it the times higher in some other markets.

So, by this circumstances, actually if Arial is following his upbringing, when he became noble, he should be even more wary and disdainful of merchant.

But instead, Arial hold the lifelines of merchants in his rule with his bank and he himself is a merchant family in the beginning josei

And even though their family did not show many involvements in some of the trading activity of his family after they become a great noble, Azief is quite sure that Arial still have great influence over his merchant organization that he had built when he was young

But it was the bank that intrigue Azief.

At that time, he did not think much of it.

But now, as he sees the layers of multiverses in the sky, he believes there is something else to it, to the creation of all kinds of novels ideas during Arial rise to power.

Even though such creation is not nonexistent in the ancient First Generation, as they came from a modern world, many of its innovation had been lost during the fall of the Enochian Empire

But, many of these lost innovations, technologies, ideas and thoughts is rediscovered back by Arial

One must remember that even though Arial spends a lot of time in the Imperial library of Vern, all he had learned was the conventional methods of ruling of the Imperial family of Vern.

There was nothing new to it. And while Levitia had learned a lot during his tangling with gods and deities and demonic beings, most of the knowledge he left behind is martial arts knowledge

So, even if Arial was sent back to the past, with the knowledge he had, he shouldn't have innovated so many new methods of governing, farming, economy, and even warfare.

Everything that he had introduced is new and something that even when the Vern Empire at its height did not popularize.

Banking itself is something that the First Generation then abandoned for it would foster the rise of powerful corporations that would prey on the people.

Azief knows this because he had seen it when Aero and his people forge an almost eternal empire.

It is only after the gods and goddesses themselves plotted against the destruction of the Enochian Empire that such a powerful empire was brought down.

Thus, one thing is certain.

That certain ideas that Arial had gotten is not from the secret library of Levitia, it is not form the imperial library of Vern and it is not some kind of lost knowledge from the First Generation.

Banking is not the only innovation that Arial had come up with

He also come up with publicizing educations, pioneering new inventions and many more. Most of his ideas could be even consider ahead of the era.

But, now as he saw Arial soul passes through layers of multiverses before disintegrating, Azief understood where Arial got his knowledge.

'It might be that he saw the glimpse of the future of the other worlds and from there he got the ideas'

Azief thought to himself.

If that is the case, it does make sense. Azief could even see the sceneries of Earth two in the skies. It is the Earth Two before the meteors falls.

'Going back full circle?' he thought to himself

As he is engrossed in his thought, all around him the world is disintegrating.

But Azief is still there and Amara is still there.

Azief then realizes that the world is not really disintegrating. But instead, it is becoming translucent.

The particles are being changed to its past self.

Energy could not be destroyed and while energy changes, the act of changing time to go to the past is always harder.

But that magic, whatever the hell it used to power it, it enables Arial to go back to the past.

Right now, both him and Amara is in the juncture of time and space. It is hard to explain it but they have one feet in the past, and another in the present.

So, certain laws existed and not exist at the same time. Azief also then understand even more things now that everything is reaching to its end for Arial

Amara should have also follow Arial to the past. Maybe, since the beginning of her giving her blood to a mortal, all of this has been predestined.

She follows Arial to the past and with the knowledge of the Arial she knew, she then forged a great champion to fight against the Darkness.

A plan that spans two timelines. At least this is Azief current understanding of the matter.

All around the world, it slowly become translucent.

To mortal eyes it might seem like the world is disintegrating in front of their eyes but to Azief, he could see that the world become translucent and ethereal

In this current situation, it favored Azief. Azief could feel that Amara power decreases

'I have a chance to win' he thought to himself.

He is nervous of course.

Amara is more powerful than he imagined and right now he does not have his helmet. That helmet should have been able to teleports him back to Seresian world in the blink of an eye.

Who would have thought such an absurd thing happen where he is suddenly thrust upon the world?

And not only that, he was thrusted upon this world during the most sensitive time

If he was send to this world before Amara started showing up, then he could easily prove himself as someone that did not have any malicious intent against Amara plans.

But he just had to appear when Amara is most vulnerable and creating this misunderstanding

And she is not exactly wanting to accept any explanation for him.

It would be too funny if he died here.

After all, there is still so many things he wanted to do.

But Azief is still calm even though just a few seconds ago, he is without a doubt is in a life and death situation.

Maybe, he is numb to it.

After all, every few months, he would be confronted with some kind of life and death situation and so he is not even scared at this moment and had already prepared himself to duke it out with Amara.

But there are certain things beings like Amara could do even in her current weakened state.

Right now Amara is viewing him as an enemy and she would not stop until she killed him

That is the feeling Amara is giving him right now.

It is not like Azief don't want to explain but even he thought that if he explains the matter, it would appear like he is lying

How could he explain to her that he uses a helmet of an alien race called Orvanians, who guards the Multiversal points in the Omniverse to appear here in Earth X?

That there is a helmet that enables him to experience the worlds that he had been to before and now there is an accident and he is somehow transported to this world without his knowledge?

Even he felt like he is lying.

Amara from what he knows did not wander far from her Universe.

Above them the heavenly phenomenon is dissipating bit by and then another change happened

souls of all living thing also seems to be sucked into that void that had formed after Arial soul disappeared.

There are many ways for time to be reversed. This is another method. Speedsters has their own methods. And Time Lords also have their own methods.

Azief remembers that Will have told him that all Time Lords have their own methods of travelling through time.

If he is not mistaken, there is one Time Lord that have a device that looks a lot like a police box and he uses this device to travel through time

Some Time Lords uses pens to opens up time portals. Other uses more sophisticated things

And this is just a different way of reversing time using magic. Only he did not expect that it would have such an effect

He could deduce the matter of how this magic is done if he is given enough time

But right now, he doesn't have time to think about it. The moment Arial soul had dissipated; Amara turns back her attention to him


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