Lord Shadow

Chapter 1241 - Fighting Each Other

Chapter 1241 - Fighting Each Other

The sound of the explosion, the cracking of the shield, the sound spreads across Heaven and Earth.

The fluctuation causes tearing in the space between the area that separated the distance between Amara and Azief

Below them, the land burns.

The power of that thunder when it hit upon a mountain, the mountains disintegrated into dust. When its strikes the sea, a huge part of the seas turns into gas.

When it hit upon the ground, tens of thousands of kilometers of land disintegrated into dust and the arc of lightning slithers across the lands, burning forest and dissipating rivers.

As for the shields that shattered because of the collision, the blast cut apart the space and bends gravity around it, creating gales of powerful pressure appearing and dispersing in random places, creating more havoc and calamity all over Heaven and Earth

Each time the thunder strikes the shield, the shield explodes but there are more shields that substitute the shattered shields.

Bua s there are as many shields in the sky, there is also the same amount of thunderbolts.

One uses the Laws of the world to punish, the other one uses the energy of the world to defend.

Each thunder had a breath of laws of the world but as the world is more distorted and in chaos, the power of the thunder decreases every few seconds.

Even so, the sight of these two beings fighting against each other is like the coming of the End of Days.

Earth X is unlike Earth Prime which has World Orb to quickly heals the world. And this world itself is in the middle of disintegrating so Amara went all out and since Amara went all out, if Arial did not respond in kind, he would be the one that would be wronged.

The sight itself is very incredible. One person waving a finger, creating a skyscape filled with colorful shields, and another person pointing a finger to the sky summoning divine thunders.

Below them, the world is destroyed. Above them, space is bending.

Azief borrows the power of the sun, the moon, the stars and the energy is between.

The energy around him become even more concentrated and the deriving of Laws is faster but the attack of the thunder bolts which should have weakened suddenly become more intense

'Amara also know that her power would decrease' he thought to himself

If not for the fact that Amara is weakened a bit because of the current situation, how could Azief bears such a concentrated attack.

This is not simply heavenly Thunder.

But it is a refined heavenly thunder forged with divine intent.

It reminds him of his past tribulation where the Extermination thunder tries to punish him. josei

But the Extermination thunder has ninety-nine path of death but one path of survival. This thunder that is bombarding him, has no path of escape.

What it means that it would not give a chance.

The Extermination Thunder in the end is used to punish Perfection but at the same time, it could be overcome because it is a blessing and a calamity at the same time.

However, these red thunderbolts that Amara had rained down upon him is create by Amara to only destroy. If it hits and Azief body could not withstand it, there is no chance of survival.

They fought each other and the battle had already touched upon the laws of the world.

And this is just an opening moves.

Both of them did not use their trump card just yet.

Amara is still pointing her finger toward the sky and the thunder still rained down and Azief keep waving his finger creating thousand more of such shield all over his head.

He even created shield in front of him, behind him and below him as some of these thunderbolts becomes like a snake and dragons and tries to attack him from any place that is opens.

The sight is incredible. Dragons formed by the Laws of the world is attacking Azief from all directions.

'Amara, do not know how to listen to reason!' Azief complained in his heart.

If only she could listen to what he has to say.

Instead, he is now being attack by countless bolts of thunder. More and more clouds appear and stacking on top of each other.

The size of the area of the clouds shrinks but the power condensed even more. Azief even at this moment greedily absorbs Universal energy.

He could breakthrough to Essence Creation but he doesn't think that this is the right moment. If he broke through right now, all of his effort of Perfection path would be destroyed.

Instead Azief is waiting for the right moment.

He waited for Amara to lose her power.

The world translucent state become even more ethereal and Azief could sense that the level of power that Amara possess is decreasing

That is the reason why the clouds gather around him and bombarded him. The power of the bolts of thunder become even more exaggerated as each trials of thunder seems to cut space.



The sound of the explosion created rippling shockwaves and the undulation of energy coming from the thunderbolts that collided with the energy shield created a ripple of shockwaves that shot to the starry skies

The area around seven feet of Azief radius is like a thunder field.

At first, the bolts of thunders came in pairs. Then it forms dozens. Then to hundreds until there tens of thousands of thunderbolts that is shot out.

Azief waves his fingers.

But the movement of his waving fingers right now created tens of thousands of shields.

His body is taking the energy of the stars so much that the nearest star around this planet had already dimmed.

Azief also notices something at this moment. He notices that even the starry skies are affected with the time changing magic.

And he frowned.

'This is…...' Azief began feeling that there is more secret about how Arial travel through time.

No matter how powerful Amara is in her home world and how many Laws in this world she could commands, Azief knew for a fact that Amara could not affect the universe she is in.

Of course, if somehow the planet that she was in control of were destroyed, while her strength would dissipate it did not mean she would become mortal

After all, even from the very beginning, she is a deity.

Even though she was a lower level deity, she is still a deity. Azief saw her during the First generation and saw how she rose to the top

But right now the energy of time that supposed to only affect this planet had spread out toward the starry skies and making even the skies and the stars dimmed.

It might seem a long time since it takes a minutes or two but when you understood how certain stars and certain planets is separated by astronomical units, then this is practically the speed of light

It is impossible that Amara speck of magic power is enough to even enroach the starry skies.

There is something or someone else! That is his conclusion.

Azief thought of all of this in the split second that he senses the energy of time up there in the starry skies.

He is still producing shield after shield to fight against the bombardment of thunder that is surrounding him.

It is not like he does not want to combat Amara but right now, he is waiting for Amara power to level off

Amara suddenly opens her eyes and her icy cold eyes look toward Azief. She has a complicated expression on her face right now. her finger is still pointed upwards

But her eyes are open. She tries to see the fate of this person with her eyes but there is nothing she could see. This alone had proven that this person is from the Outworld.

However, she should have seen something.


But she sees nothing.

The feeling is very weird when she looks at him.

She could not even see any threads of karma or lines of connection.

There are no such living beings like this.

The only way to explain it is that this person is shielded by someone or something.

This only makes her even more warier.

At first she thought that by bombarding him with tens of thousands of thunderbolts that is forged from her Divine Anger would destroy this invader.

But, she miscalculated something. In order to let Arial, go back to the past to fulfill the prophecy of the Ages, everything had to return to the past.

In that moment, she also knows she would be vulnerable.

But, she knows that there are no other deities that could stop her. When she wins the Battle of the Gods, she wields all the authority of this world.

One thing she did not expect was the sudden appearance of an Outworld invader.

The reason why she was so angry is because Amara thought that the invader waited for this moment to attack her.

Which could mean that the invader knows her plan

This plan is not only for her but for the prosperity of the world

This would seal an entire era.

To her, Azief is a scheming Outworld invader who wanted to use this moment to break the luck and fortune of her world. How could she not be angry?

She then put her finger down. The moment she did that the thunder slowly slows down. But Azief who is looking at this frown

'Since this could not work, then I guess I have to fight you using my physical body!' she shouted and then she suddenly become a titanic figure, and the translucent world seems to be affected by the force that is being emanated by Amara titanic body. Such a titanic body created such a massive force that it causes the space to shakes and vibrates at such an extreme speed that it breaks and tears.


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