Lord Shadow

Chapter 1242 - Throwing The Moon

Chapter 1242 - Throwing The Moon

Azief at that same time also had derived all the Laws and he also exploded with power.

A titanic figure also appears with the same face as Azief. Azief had summoned his Law Avatar and the Law Avatar he is using is his Universal Law Avatar

By now, the world is already translucent and Amara and Azief fight no longer affects Arial world. Instead, they are now basically in the starry skies.

All the while, time is regressing backward.

All of this happened in the span of a few second from Amara putting her finger down to her becoming a titanic form. It is also just a fraction of a moment when Azief summons his Law Avatar.

Azief saw Amara put her finger down and he knew Amara is about to attack.

The moment she put her finger down, the last defense of this Earth from turning into a void is released. And that is why Azief also summons his Law Avatar and the Law Avatar he summons is the one that is most suitable to fight against Amara at this moment.

The Universal Law Avatar.

The energy of the Universe is all over him right now.

If he summons the Law Avatar of the Ancient Runic Law, there is not enough Law of runes around here for him to use runes to overwhelm Amara.

The moment that Law Avatar appears Azief become titanic form of the Law itself. josei

And the distance between him and Amara who also turns into a titanic form is only few inches.

Amara saw this and punch toward him. the stars nearby exploded because of the pressure. But Azief only smirks.

He deflected the punch with his hand.


Both of their hands clashed and like a clash of particles, it created massive energy shockwave all over the area

The moment he deflected Amara punch, he ejected mass power over the space around him

The plasma in space disintegrated into nothingness, the moment he deflected that punch.

The entire space around them seems to wrinkle

The force of that punch created a hole in space and the ripples of the energy causes one of the volcanoes in one of the planets in this world galactic systems to be activated.

One of the deserted planets suddenly spews volcanoes and one of the planet in the directions of that deflected strike force cracked.

Azief then cross punch toward Amara face.

The moment his hand moves, all the debris around space in the radius of millions of kilometers burst into nothingness because of the mass pressure pressing down on them.

If they were any living beings around the area of the battle, they might explode into particles of blood, like they were exploding from the inside because of the sudden rise of gravity pressure

Even though they are now in titanic form, their movement is very fast and swift and it is hard to think that they are fighting as fast as they are in the size they are

They are basically like the description of Titans of old. Each moves they make create disaster and calamity because of the pressure of their power

But, even as titanic they are, they were agile and fast. And that is even more obvious now that they are fighting in space.

And in space, without the Earth to contrast as a scale, Azief and Amara look like a small normal human.

When they were in Earth X, they do look titanic but that is when you compare the size of that planet to their size.

But in the Universe, the vast Universe which space seems endless and infinite, they just look like ants

But, the force of their power is overwhelming e everything around them.

When Azief countered with another punch Amara pull back her hand that was deflected before. Azief grab that hand but Amara did not stop pulling back

Even though Azief tries to hold it tight, Amara turns her hand into a state of gas. Azief was not expecting that and Amara uses that had to cross her hand together and blocks that punch


The impact of the force of collision force both of them to retreat backward. The magnetic fields between them seems to be in a state of flux.

The Sun in the distance is also affected by their battles launches solar flares all of a sudden. The planets that is cracked in the distance is cracking even more.

There is signs that the planet is about collapse into itself because of the pressure of the battle enveloping that planet

That is how powerful the pressure of their fight is.

Because of the punch they both were also affected because of the shockwave.

Amara was push backward, each time her feet gets backward, it spans tens of thousands of kilometers and the force created powerful space disturbance.

Amara stop only when she is near the Moon.

She looks at the Moon and then took the planet and then hurls it toward Azief

Azief looking at this was shocked.

'Shit, you can even do that!' Even though Amara is no longer having the home world advantage, it turns out this goddess still have such a powerful physique and methods

The gravitational binding energy of the Moon in his Earth is 120 million, trillion gigajoules.

And even though this is a different world, Azief believes the same gravitational binding energy is more of the same for this world

But Amara just took that moon and hurls it towards him

Azief simply punch it and the Moon exploded.

The force of that punch created shockwaves as the moon exploded. One must understand that to blow up the Moon unless you deliver 120 million, trillion gigajoules energy in one go, the Moon will just crack apart and reform into a sphere.

To blow it up, you'll need to drill mine shafts hundreds of kilometers deep, all over the Moon, and drop a total of 600 billion of the largest nuclear bombs ever built down them.

But Azief just punches it and it exploded. With Universal body, he uses Universal energy and the moment it exploded, the energy contained in the moon is absorbed by him.

The debris of the moon that exploded crash with other debris in space.

The moment it collided with each other a momentous shockwave is produced

The gravitational pulls amongst planets seems to be disturbed.

But even at right this moment, the time force that has erupted since Arial first activated the magic circle is still spreading. Azief even in his battle with Amara could notice this.

Most of the debris that was splintered by the explosion of the moon had its impact energy reduced because of gravity but that also depends on the area. Some are reduced it because of the orbital speed level

But some places which has its orbit mess up because of Azief force cause the moon debris to have a larger amount of impact energy

The smaller debris, even the size of a stone is still lethal because they are numerous.

Some of it burned because of the force while some of it collided with other debris in space.

Some of the debris also spread out into rings around the planets.

The galaxy of this Earth does not have that much difference form Azief Earth.

It also had a Moon and a Sun.

If there is a difference it was that the Moon of Arial world seems to contain magic and even its Sun contains magic.

Azief notices it when he punches the Moon into smithereens.

He could feel the souls that is present in the moon screams as it was annihilated. In the Moon of Arial world, there seems to be living beings.

Some planets are also affected by the Moon.

It is not entirely only because of the moon. Azief punches with the force of Universal energy that have not been seen before in this Universe for a long time

The shockwave that resulted from the punch spread out even farther than even Azief could imagine.

Some planets tilt and some wobbles like it is about to go out of its orbit.

This is what happen when Azief does not hold back.

And it is only possible right at this moment.

The world itself is in a state of flux between existence and nonexistence. The energy of this world also exceed Azief expectation.

And coupled that with Azief training in the Seresian world for the past six month, his combat power and the destruction he could cause is something that surpasses the level of power compared to when he fought against Balfor in Earth Prime.

Light seems to spark and explosion in vacuum space create ripples. Even space itself is torn apart and Voidless vortexes form out of nowhere.

Then they look at each other and in the next second they both punches and kick each other.

Each punches and each kick created burst of energy that shatters space and created shockwaves that spread all over the galactic system

Two titanic being with great power is going at each other and cosmic storms rages around these two figure.


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