Lord Shadow

Chapter 1243 - A Wall Of Void

Chapter 1243 - A Wall Of Void

The darkness of the Universe is torn apart by the power that Azief is using. He did not use the ring and he did not want to use the Wheel against Amara.

He is fighting to make sure that Amara is exhausted and explain things to her. And Amara still needs to go back to the past.

Amara on the other hand did not only summons thunder and lighting, she summons fire. And the fire had variety of colors and could withstand the vacuum pressure

This fire is formed from the heat of the Sun in the distance. Azief could feel that the heat is very concentrated.

His eyes narrowed but Azief was not deterred. He smiles. This is the first time since Balfor that he could fight without holding back.

He is also curios of how much he could push Amara. It is fortunate of course that Amara strength is decreasing by the second.

If he were to fight against Amara at her full power, Azief could only find ways to escape

Azief on the other hand feel even more powerful as time goes on. In the Universe, there is many energies that he could use.

Amara on the other hand is unaccustomed in using universal energy as she is more used to using the worldly energy

A heaven shattering rumbles echoes all over space.

Their strikes bombarded stars and planets.

Some stars even exploded creating even more powerful shockwaves and one of the planets had exploded sending debris to far flung reaches of space.

But even then it could not do much as the intensity of the battle between Azief and Amara causes the space and time around them to be distorted to an extreme level.

The debris could not even pass the area of the blast zone of the battle before they were disintegrated.

As for the explosion of the planet, Azief uses his Devour attribute to take on the energy of that explosion bolstering his power even more.

Many stars around the sky disintegrated and disappeared because of the battle between Amara and Azief.

By now, Amara level is on Essence Creation level if Azief had to judge him according to the power system of his world

Even though beings like them rarely uses martial arts to fight, that is only when they fight against people that is lower power than them.

When they are at the same level, when the method of using the laws is equal to each other, they still have to fight.

Amara kicks toward him and when she kicks toward him, she imbued the laws in her kicks.

So, the feet that is about to reach him contain the power of flames.

This flames seems to burns space and time all around the trail.

Azief moves a few inches back, which is basically the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers in one movement, the feet missing his face.

Taking the advantage, Azief punches toward Amara face.

Amara somersaulted backwards, her movements causes the stars around the nearby area to be misaligned and then using the fire under her feet she gilded backward, burning every stars and debris that is along the trails of the stars.

If Earth still existed and the people could look up toward the Heavens, they would see a trail of fire and the disappearance of stars.

Azief punch however had been released and the force carry the might of the Universal energy that is akin to the force of ten planets exploding.

A giant rift appeared near his hand because of the pressure of the punch


Once again, they both were millions of miles away from each other. The rift separated him and Amara.

The rift itself is gigantic hundreds of thousands of feet long and it released thunderous rumbles. Azief smiles

He had a reason why he did that. For a moment the space between him and Amara is separated and she could not cross it because of the extreme space turbulence in between

Basically Azief had created a wall of void between him and Amara.

He smirks.

When he punched there is two ways that could have gone

Amara would either evade it or get hit by it.

Both result is good for him.

if she had been hit by it, Azief would get an advantage. If she did not, Azief could use it to create a barrier between him and Amara

The reason is because right now Amara is almost at the same level as him.

Even though Amara is like an Essence Creation leveler right now, this did not mean that Azief did not have any way of fighting with her

Azief is a being that follows the Perfection Path.

Even though he is just a Divine Comprehension leveler, he could fight toe to toe with Essence Creation leveler.

And right now, he is getting stronger and Amara is getting weaker.

The only thing that he lacks is the use of Laws.

Or to be more accurate, he could not use all of his other Laws in time. The fight between them is not simply a fight of trading blows.

If that were all it is, then it is too elementary

For beings of their level, they could use the Laws.

Fighting those below their level is easy. Azief himself had used his advantage of realm to suppress everyone on Earth.

He could swing a sword in the northern part of the world and that sword strike could reach the southern part of the world and cut even a continent into two

He could wave his hand and a tornadoes form on the other side of the world.

And no one could stop him from doing that because he is not only the first Divine Comprehension leveler on Earth, he was also the strongest.

Even when Jean and Hikigaya break through to Divine Comprehension realm, they were after all just entered the realm and would not have the same kind of power that Azief possess.

After all, Azief could control thirteen laws that could be subdivided even more. Of course, each laws required accumulation of deducing.

For example, his Universal Laws could be subdivided lower to the Laws below the umbrella of Universal energy.

This usually takes years if not decades for one to understand. The higher the order of the Law, the longer it would take for one to comprehend it.

But Azief skipped this when he walks the Supremacy Stairway. As such he could easily defeat anyone on Earth Prime

But this battle between him and Amara is different.

They are now at the same level.

When they do kick and punches each other, what they use is not only their physical body to clash with each other, but the Laws.

Why then it is hard for Azief to use other Laws? It is simple. Because each time he tried, Amara would block it.

And like Amara blocking him from using his other Laws, he too had also blocked Amara from using other Laws that she mastered.

The punch and kick is only the surface. It is the clashing between laws that exist in Heaven and Earth that created force that stop them from using other laws

It is like something that have similar properties collided with each other.

Like plus meet plus.

That is why Amara keep coming towards him and kicking and punching him. In each kick and punch, there is the illusory Laws in each movement.

And Azief was doing the same thing.

But the moment that he felt Amara is getting weaker, he punches the space and created that rift, all to give him one moment to use his Laws.

And he of course knows that Amara could also uses this time to use his Law. But Azief is confident that he could subdue Amara at this moment.

Because he could see that Amara is distracted.

Because unlike Amara, Azief had no distraction. But Amara does. She had to enter that void and follow Arial before it is too late.

On the other hand, Azief don't have to. This is where lies his confidence.

Amara even though she no longer control the Heavenly Laws of the world apparently she could also use the Universal energy and recreate worldly energy.

This kind of methods is quite new to Azief but he is nots surprised.

Beings like Amara usually would have ways to do such a thing. Just because her methods are different from his, did not mean it did not exist

Azief closes his eyes and then slowly the laws of the Worldly Energy gather around him and Azief thought to himself


A large titanic figure appears and powerful life force fills the areas of space. It causes the space around the entire titanic figure to collapse unto itself creating a cosmic storms of explosion.

The nearby debris turns to particles when it burst before it was swept away by the cosmic storm.

The space seems to waves like the ocean waves lapping on the shores.

The gravity around the titanic figure seems to become dense and space is stretched. And then not even half a second, the titanic figure revealed itself, withstanding the pressure of space around him

This titanic figure had the same face like Azief.

But there is a difference. josei

Its eyes are cold and the power of the elements of the world seems to gather in each of its fingertips.


An explosion sounded as the space suddenly seems to break around him.

The power of the elements, the life force that is halting the entropy all shows signs that the Laws is converging and solidifying along this titanic figure

The wave around space, the soundwave that humans could not hear with their ears is now magnified.

Azief who is looking at this was also shocked. This must have something to do with his improved understanding of Laws.

Before when he summons the Law Avatar of the Worldly Energy there is no such occurrence.


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