Lord Shadow

Chapter 1258 - Progeny

Chapter 1258 - Progeny

The Creator then pointed toward a farm. It is like a farm back when Azief use to pass Kansas.

He then heard a screams. And he recognized that voice

'Na Eun!' he was anxious and then he flew toward the source of the sound which is the barn. In almost a second, he arrived and then he saw that Na Eun is laying down inside the barn and she is in pain.

Her stomach seems bloated

'Na Eun!' he was about to come forward to grab her but then suddenly the Creator grab his hand and he could not move

'Move!' but no matter how much energy he tries to unleash, in the grip of the Creator all of his power seems ineffective.

'Whatever you do, you could not change it. This happens in the past. And it is supposed to happen. Pain is universal. Every living beings experiences it. Just observe'

Azief knows he could not fight against the Creator in this matter.

He then saw that Na Eun is in pain is because she is about to give birth.

'Did she get married?'

The Creator did not answer

Instead, the Creator fast forward the scene and then he saw a baby.

And the moment that the baby was born, Azief could see that there is a thread connecting him with the baby and then he suddenly understood

'Now, you understand?'

'But…. but this does not make sense' He remember that he saw a young man who is wearing his costume.

It seems that person is also capable of flight and possess great strength. There is also heat vision

If what he thinks is true, then that person he saw must be his son.

'I have a son?' he thought to himself.

If not there is no reason that there is a powerful bond between him and the baby. This kind of tugging the heartstring bond, could only be the bond between father and child

Normal people could not perceive this bond. But, if you study certain laws of the world, studying the intangible laws, then you could perceive it.

But the thing that he does not understand, is that how could his son inherit his ability?

At that time, the skill of flying and his other abilities like heat vision, cold breath and speed is because of the skills he bought from the system store

Of course, the system store has shut down for most of the people in Earth Prime. Other than Merchants who could access the system store, people who did not have the related skill could not open the system store.

He could understand if his son inherits his strength because in his world there are people of Disk Formation who marries Seed Forming partner and have children who were born with Pillar Forming peak realm at birth.

But, the abilities that one bought from the system store is usually not transferrable. Because it is not of genetic level unless it could reach a high point like Azief right now

But at that time when he was with Na Eun, he was merely in Energy Disperse Stage. His ability should not have transferred to his son.

So, how could his son inherit these skills

The Creator seems to know what he is thinking and then said

'Different world have different rules. And when your son is born in this world, certain rules of this law tries to adjust it to make it make sense in the rules of this world'

'And so, your son inherits all of your strength and all of your abilities and he probably could become even stronger as this world is not that inferior to your world. As you could sense, it is full of energy'

'I think the best way to explain it to you is the Will of the World' Azief nodded. Since this is a world of magic, he is not surprised that this world had a will

Azief is shocked to discover that the young man is really his son.

Even though there is suspicion in his heart but it wasn't until the Creator confirmed it that he really accepted it

'I have a son.'

The Creator nodded and then said

'You always want to know what happens to Na Eun. This is what happens to her. Of course, I am just showing you a part of a moment in her life'

Then he once again clicks his finger and in Azief mind appears a collages of Na Eun life. He could see how she struggles to raise their son.

There was some happy moment.

There was some sad moment.

He saw his son rebellious in his teenage years but grew to be a fine man in his twenties and then donned the same costume and wear the symbol that he had carved and become a hero to this world.

He saw how Na Eun grows older and how she finds love in her thirties and then how she died. She died of old age and is buried in the cemetery field behind the barn.

And that is how her life ended

The moment her life ended, Azief regain back his mind. A moment stretched into a lifetime. And unlike the helmet he did not have any headache

He looks at the Creator and there is a question that he wanted to ask.

But, he did not ask it, he only closes his eyes and sighed.

The Creator knows what Azief is feeling right now so instead he said

'There is some bitter moment, but there is also happy moment. She lived a life filled with adventure. And her son become the world hero'

Azief however is not that happy.

'Why are you so upset?' The Creator ask

Azief said

'I did not expect that this happens to her' there is silence for a while and then he said'

'She lived a good life' the Creator said

'A hard life' he countered

'And then there is my son'

'a hero' the creator said

Azief shakes his head

the fate of a hero, especially for my son….it is not a fate that I would wish for any other person' The Creator sighed.

He did not say anything. He waits for Azief to say his thoughts. Azief mind could not help but be reminded of what he says.

Of how hard it was for Na Eun. To be a mother without him helping beside her. Not only that but to live in this dangerous world.

Unlike his son, Na Eun and the rest of the humans did not possess power.

From what he could see in the life of Na Eun, humans survive in this planet by using tools. Of course, in the beginning they use the available tool and possess stone age weapons.

But because they came from an advanced civilization, they quickly built iron weapons, iron armors and it was not long before the created forges creating more precise and more powerful weapons

At least with these weapons they could protect themselves and created a settlement in the tropical zone.

He remembers how he saw his son confused at what he could do. Struggle with who he is and what he is.

Most people on Earth Two believe that he is an alien from another planet and that is why he had his power.

And Na Eun also believe this about himself. He saw how his son slowly grows stronger as he ages. josei

And he saw how he was lost for a while, trying to fit in, trying to understand who he is without guidance.

It is fortunate that even though he lost himself along the way, he found his way back and found himself.

But, to see his own son picked up that mantle and become Hyperion, he did not want that for his son.

A hero…...bears great responsibility. He took up that mantle because of the quest from the system.

He had a reason to. And he knows that there is an end date for it. His son however, did not have such luxury.

Azief sighed and then said

'Heroes fall. The brighter the light, the longer the shadow it cast. And the higher he goes, the more painful when it is time to fall'

The Creator look at Arial and there is a smile on his face. Azief look around him and he notices that he is at another place. He seems to be in a small island the size of a baseball field.

He could see the shore and the sea in just a couple of meters from him. There is one lone palm tree and the wind blows gently bringing the scent of the ocean

In that brief moment when he was looking at Na Eun life, the Creator once again bring him to another place.

The Creator then said

'If you have the power to go to the world where this woman lives, at least you would have a few years to spend together. If you go at the right moment, at the right time, without disturbing the fates and destiny of everyone, then there would not be much disturbances.'

Azief look at The Creator and then smiling bitterly he ask

'Does she have not enough time?'


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