Lord Shadow

Chapter 1259 - Another World

Chapter 1259 - Another World

'She would die at the age of sixty-three. She lived a full life so don't be that sorry for her'

Azief did not say anything.

'It is getting depressing isn't it?' The Creator said wistfully.

Azief sighed

'I should have been there with her. I should have sought for her. I am a father and I have never touch my son, never call his name and never guided him' Azief then closes his eyes.

He and Sofia once talked about having a baby. But, they both did not think it was wise. Not because they don't want it but because he has to many enemies.

And Sofia also has her own enemies.

They both agreed that they will wait until peace came.

But, peace never came. If peace is meant by the lack of war between the world powers, then that is the peace of the common people.

But not for him. Azief enemies are numerous. Some of them are in the dark and some of them are in the open.

Sofia also has her own legion of enemies. But, Azief of course could not expect that he would break up with her.

And any thoughts of having a baby ended. But now he found out that he already had a son. And it is a son that he is proud of.

There are of course some things he saw in the projection that he is not quite approve but in the end his son turns away from the dark and embrace good.

But, seeing that his son had to grow up without a father, to live his life without him to at least provide protection when he is young breaks his heart apart.

'If I open the channel between world to seek this world where my son and Na Eun live will it affect anything?'

The Creator then said.

'The Orvanians is tightening loose ends. You do that and if it creates a time effect that affects the general timeline, then you would be enemies with Orvanians. You do not want that'

'But I…...the Seresian world is peaceful now. Most of the powerful Seresian demons has been captured. Even if I open the world channel now, there is no threat of any invasion. As long as it did not-'

The Creator shake his head and cut off Azief words

'the world that you sent them to is special. Opening it from Earth Two channel might bring about great change. And great change could be good but it could also be bad. And I hope you did not forget that Earth Two is filled with other things. Seresian demons have plundered that world. Who knows what else they left there?'

Azief was about to say something but the Creator then said

'You have to learn to let go of some things, Azief. I know why you did not seek her. And I know why you try to forget her'

There is silence between them and then the Creator continued

'If you remember her, you would want to meet her. But if you wanted to meet her, you have to open the channel between worlds and that would probably expose Na Eun and the rest of the people of Earth two to another invasion'

He sighed

'But now, the Seresian world had already been pacified so I understand your desire to see her. But everyone has their own destiny'

'Your meeting with me would alert a lot of ancient beings. Some of these are looking at you with certain intentions. Some wanted to help you. Some would try to hinder you. But, understand this'

'They all wanted something from you'

'It is a cliché thing to say but you meeting them probably would not be that good to them'

Azief is silent and he is digesting what the Creator said and he had to agree what the Creator is saying is true.

He knows that the Creator is a being that not many people could see. josei

He forgotten that for a second that the one who is talking to him right now is the creator of everything.

For such a being any moves would surely be monitored. But as he is the Creator there is rarely beings in the Universe that could monitor Him.

But if it's to monitor Azief, they could easily do that. But knowing how cautious certain ancient beings, they probably would not do anything to him

But what about the other people around him. if he goes and shows himself on another, if he goes to Na Eun…. then it was like he is revealing his own weakness

The Creator then continue saying

'You could withstand these gazes and fought against their pressure. But what about Na Eun? She is a mortal. And what about your son? Your son is powerful in his world. he had inherited most of your strength and your abilities. But in the starry skies? He is basically Energy Disperse Stage peak realm. In your world alone, there are countless of people that could treat your son like an ant'

'So, I should leave them alone? Is that what you are saying to me?'

The Creator smiles and then said

'There are other ways to meet him. You do not have to be there. I saw that you got a crystal.' Then he did not say anything else but Azief immediately understood what the Creator is trying to say to him and his eyes shines.

There is a plan forming in his head.

The Creator then said

'of course, there is another way to meet them while being safe'

Azief look up to the Creator and then the Creator said simply

'You just have to be stronger. So strong that nobody would even dare to touch them. It would not be long now' The Creator said smiling.

'I think we have been here long enough. Let's go see something else that is so not depressing. I want to show you that not all of your cause and effect ended tragically'

Then the Creator scoffed.

'Of course, to you the ending of Na Eun life might seem tragic. But to me, she had quite a full life'

The Creator then touch Azief shoulders and Azief could feel that the space and time around him once again changes

Azief was not yet ready to leave that world. That world where there is his son, where there is Na Eun.

There is so many things that he still wanted to know

He wanted to know about what happened to Na Eun, seeing her and he wanted to know about his son.

He could only see the highlights and he felt sad that he could not experience all of this with them

He had been living without knowing that he is a father to someone.

Na Eun did not tell him anything about her pregnancy. If his calculation is right, when Na Eun leave Earth two, his son might have been inside her belly at that time

The only question is whether she knew and decides to tell him later or she knew and wanted to hide it from him

Whatever the case, it didn't matter. That person is his son. He was eager to know more and understand more and see more.

The moment he finished thinking about all of this, he is at different place all over again.

He sighed. He looks at the Creator and the Creator give a knowing smile.

'Are you that interested in knowing about a family you never have known' It seems the Creator truly have managed to read his mind

Azief nodded

'I have a son'


Azief then said

'I wanted to know more about him'

'And what will you do once you know more about him?'

Azief was speechless suddenly.

'Your child. You know your fate. Is it wise involving your own son into it. Are you that powerful right now?'

'There are dark eyes watching you from the shadows. There are beings out there that wanted to manipulate you. Some would target your desire. Some would target your weakness.'

'Do you really wanted to bring him into all of this?'

Azief was silent for a while and then he thought of Loki.

And he also thought of glimpses that he had seen and he thought of the weird feeling like he is always being watched and he was silent for a while

'Then, if I have enough power?'

The Creator smiles and then said

'The choice has always been yours. Even if you are weak and wanted to meet your son, who am I to stop it. And even if you are strong and don't want to meet your son, it is your choice'

'But you are inducing me'

'I am advising you'

Azief could only sigh. There is a lot in his mind right now.

There is suddenly this desire for him to once again meet with Na Eun. But for now, he focused on where he is right now

He looks around and it is unlike the world before. There is building all around and it seems modern.

He seems to be inside a park.

Then he walks forward with the Creator walking beside him. There is a small lake where there are fishes and there is trees and benches all over the park

The park itself seems well maintained but then as he walks to the center of the park he was shocked to see a statue in the middle of it.

There is a twenty feet marble statue in the middle of the park. There is people walking around the park.

He keeps walking forward like he was enchanted by that statue. As he walks among the crowd of people his body phases and no one could feel his existence or see him.

And not before long he arrived in front of the statue.

'This…...I did not expect this'


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