Lord Shadow

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Red herring (2)

In the beginning there is no such thing as the Will of the World even after the Fall happen.

But then where does it come from and when?

And why does it become stronger and stronger? Where does it get its energy?

The World Orb not only cultivates humans making humanity stronger, but the World Orb is even cultivating and nurturing Earth the same way.

Azief is not the only person that notices that even if some terrains were destroyed after a battle, it would heal in a few weeks.

Trees would grow, grass would sprout and life would bloom. But Azief notices that is not the only thing that the Will of the World does.

It even helps restrict anything that is harmful to it

Azief has had this suspicion a long time ago when Weronian first invaded.

The Weronian is a stronger race than humans. If Azief fought them on a Universe other than Earth he would lose and he would even die.

But Weronians when they reached Earth was suppressed by the World Orb and even had to construct gigantic pillars to suppress the Will of the World.

For each monster that died and give the EXP to levelers, some of them would return back to the origin.

Born by the Earth and the energy of the World Orb, when a monster dies, instead of returning to the World Orb it will instead nurture a Will for the planet.

Like a gardener sowing a seed and showering it with water.

That Will grows and the Will of the World is born.

Heaven and Earth changes and tribulation happens to bless the strong and to sieve out the weak.

A world where the Law of the Jungle prevails.

And Azief is the tiger that rules that jungle. He takes what he want and no one could tell him what he should or not do.

He saw it of course. The deception of Heaven. The one that cultivated the Heavens Path is the levelers.

So why should he follow that path?

If he nurtured Heavens, why should he revere the Heavens?

Have you ever seen a human grow a plant in their house and then worship it like it was a God?

Those that did such act are crazy.

So, he would defy it and supersede it. He would surpass it and take over it. If he had to bow down to such kind of Heaven, he would rather fight.

If that is Heavens then he would spit on it. If that is Heavens, then even he himself could become the Heavens.

That is why the Heavens would pressure him and it would pressure him without mercy. Azief Will is challenging the Will of the World.

But the only reason Azief is challenging the Heavens is because his pride could not take it. How could he bow into a power he himself nurtured?

Of course not all of the people think like this. Some people utilizes the Will of the World, take advantage of it, siphons, manipulate it and some even steal it.

Each one has their own Grand Path. To say who is right and who is wrong….that could only be decided by themselves.

In the end, they could only decide based on what they know about their Grand Path and their comprehension of the Universe and their own personal belief.

This new world that arises after the Fall is not for those with weak conviction. This is not a world for sheep or people who are too gentle to live with wolves.

They would not survive when facing people who would stare Death right at the face and said to Death “Fuck you”

In that one moment Azief has been thinking all of this even as the pressure of that wheel is reverberating all inside his veins and bones.

It was like his body is a golden bell and it is being hammered endlessly by a heavy hammer causing a vibrational shock all over his body

His Disk is drained and regenerating back every second. But that process is taxing even for Azief body right now.

The sky changed colors seven times and each time a different aura and energy comes out from the sky.

The South Atlantic Ocean is in chaotic madness, waves rose up high like a twenty storied building rushing to all the four direction away from Azief gigantic figures.

It brings about a great calamity wherever it passes

It was like the sea is running away from Azief emanation of power, sinking island and destroying cities along the way.


The sound of the creaking from the movement of the Wheel is grating to the ears. As it grinds, it grind away Laws and purify it to it primordial form.

The wheel appears to turn slowly but that is the illusion of the eyes.

It is because it is too gigantic that one sees that the Wheel seems to turns slowly.

One turn of the wheel and a heaven shaking pressure erupted out.


It was like a hymn sounded, or a Gospel a melody of holiness and happiness coming from the sound of that creaking

Azief knows where the Wheel stops even without looking. He recognize the aura

The Blissful State trials.

The moment that wheel turns to that image where it depicted the Blissful State trials, golden light encompassed the whole world.

The sky trembles and rumbles and the clouds all looks like golden paradise.

The light shows an image and this image spread out so that the whole world could see it. From north to south, from west to the east, golden light and images of bliss encompass it.

One could see numerous realms in the blissful state trials, each one of those realms is full of pleasure.

It is like heavenly realms of paradise

But Azief knows best that this realm is the most hardest to extricate oneself from. It is pleasurable, full of happiness and one could enjoy all pleasures found in the Universe.

But each pleasure leads to attachment.

And the way it keeps you trapped is not like you think it is. For Azief, his life in the blissful state trials was normal. He had a great parent, loving and caring, and he had great friends. josei

He had a crush on a girl. And there is frustration in his relationship but in the end it was a happy ending as he dated that girl.

It was a great life. A normal great life. And that is why it was so hard to extricate himself from that trial.

Because deep in his heart he wanted a normal happy life. He lived his whole life, not being loved. He lived his whole life, feeling he is never enough.

So, that life in the Blissful State Trial….that was his paradise.

Sometimes pleasure does not mean a sex filled fest.

Sometimes it is a simple thing. The pleasure realms will create a world where it knows what your heart truly desires.

It is not exactly the way you think it is. It will give you frustration but that is only because it will heighten the happiness when you get what you want.

Azief life in that trials while there is some obstacles, it was those obstacles that made the life in there happy each time he overcome it.

Happiness …too much happiness could bring one farther away from self-actualization.

The moment it perfectly stopped turning, Sithulran which is bound in the bottom of the sea by the pressure coming from the Wheel trembled.

Her eyes are full of pain and defiance.

The pressure of the Wheel is locking on her and preventing her from getting up.

She couldn’t even teleport away as the Space around her is being destroyed inch by inch making trying to teleport a sordid affair.

Not to mention that Space has already been sealed by that pressure and she couldn’t even move.

Slowly the pressure from the Wheel is taking something away from her. She is slowly losing her health.

Sithulran vitality is all slowly being grinded away as she felt herself getting tired and weary, her skin wrinkled and become dry.

She suddenly developed sickness from all of her internal organs, pus and boils sprouted all over her body like she become an incubator for millions of diseases.

The image was not pretty as yellowish liquid comes out from her fingernails, and red bluish things come out from her nose.

The Wheel has taken her health and with it comes sickness. It was like an omen of death, being sick that is

Azief supplied more energy as his Aether Disk broke and the Wheel turns again. This time the deep sea rumbles before exploding all over the world.

The entire seven seas of the world is trembling and quaking underneath as underwater volcanoes erupted from the bottom of the seas creating new island all over the world.

The moment the Wheel turns again the golden light dissipated, the images of the blissful state realms also dissipated like a mirage.

Azief uses his Disks energy to move the Wheel once again

Then a world shaking pressure descended from the sky. Azief grunted in pain as his wrist crack because of the sudden pressure coming from the Wheel.

The crack from his wrist created a shockwave that dissipated all the clouds around his wrist in a radius of one hundred kilometers

‘This is getting taxing. I need to end this fast’ Azief thought to himself. This spell is powerful but it is also taxing to his body.

The Six Path Reincarnation Spell is actually using all of his Six Path Finger to activate. It was like he merges all the Six Path fingers into a spell to summon the Wheel of Reincarnation.

It was actually the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth. But with Azief current strength he could only summon a partially complete Wheel which is the Wheel of Reincarnation.

As the Wheel turned, another image appears all over the world.

It was an image of monster-like races filling the skyscape of the world. It looked illusory but at the same time it also felt real.

The Wheel moves again and this time it created a new phenomenon all over the world. The sky all over the world turns red and howling and screaming sounded from all directions.

In some part of the world where it is sunny and is bright, suddenly darkness comes over that place and it reigns.

A malevolent aura spread out all over the world covering the Heavens and the Sun, corrupting the Earth with dark emotions like jealousy, envy, insincerity among others

Only those who have high levels are not that badly affected

The Wheel stopped at the Struggling realm


Second part of the chapter. Why do you think the title is called red herring? hehehe. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter and leave some comment, and vote for the story like always. Thank you for reading

I will not talk much this time to avoid you paying more than you need to. Thanks to the reader who told me about this

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