Lord Shadow

Chapter 322

Chapter 322: Red herring (3)

As darkness descends all over the world the image of demon-like creatures and monster could be seen in that darkness.

They are ugly, fierce looking and enormous. Their growling is sickening to gear and the smell coming out from them is the scent of human flesh.

It is realm for one to struggle with hardship. Azief smiles even as he is bearing the pain.

As the pain spreads all over his body, his Eternal Physique regenerates and restores back his injury.

It appears like he is not hurt at all by that pressure but that is only because his Eternal Physique could keep up with the destruction being inflicted upon his body.

The Struggling realm might seem easy because he only he needs to do one thing and that is an easy task.

But Azief knows that is not the struggle one had to pass. He was lucky because his struggle is just fulfilling Azul regret.

But for Sithulran which will be trapped in there, her struggle would probably her most painful moment.

And she wouldn’t even know it or have a memory about it. She will be in a cycle of endless regret and suffering until she gained enlightenment and gain liberation.

Sithulran on the bottom of the sea surrounded by dead things could not even kill herself at this moment. Her entire movement is being restricted by some space sealing technique.

It was like the moment that Wheel arrived, she could not move. Azief connected the Wheel to her by a simple thought the moment that wheel descended down. josei


she yelled from the bottom of the sea, her screams created a rippling shockwave that agitates the seabed but she is powerless as she coughed up more blood because of her health.

Her blood makes the water around her to turns into gas but she is still stuck on that seabed. This time not only because it is her crash landing but because of the pressure coming from Death Monarch.

It was like that golden titanic figure that she couldn’t even see his face is using his pressure to force her to remain in place.

And when the Wheel turns, that scream sound even more painful. It was like every part of him is being sliced slowly by sharp animal bones.

This time the Wheel once again takes something from Sithulran. Sithulran also notices this. By this time, all of her triangle shaped mark on her forehead is dim.

She is truly powerless. But Azief still didn’t kill her. Because he knew it was useless. How could he kill this woman knowing that she would only reform back stronger and better?

He could only seal her in the Wheel of Reincarnation, hoping she would never gain enlightenment.

He himself wanted to know whether Azul spell or the Creator few words that become her curse which one is stronger of the two?

On the sky, that Wheel turns and with its movement it takes another part of Sithulran.

Before, it takes Sithulran health. This time it takes her age. Orvanians could live for eons if they are not engaged in a war or being killed.

They are a long lived race and have long lifespans

They themselves are not a warmongering race and more content of researching things in the vast Universe with its many wonders and mystery.

But now, eons of longevity is being absorbed by the wheel and one could see that Sithulran is more than just losing her health.

She is losing her age too, looking like those old women that full of wrinkles and she is full the scent of death.

All of her meridians and channels of power inside her and source of energy dried up, like she is an ancient being that predates time itself.

But she still didn’t die. Azief could not let her die.

And that is not the purpose of the Wheel. It is to take things that make things alive, so that they could enter the endless cycle of beginning and end.


Sithulran yelled once again, but this time her voice is hoarse and weak. And meanwhile Azief is also suffering the consequences.

The moment that Wheel fully turned, his gigantic figure decreased by a hundred feet. Azief gritted his teeth and said to himself

‘This is not enough! Need a few more turn!’ He said to himself as he pushed himself again as he used his Worldly Disk this time to move the Wheel to the next trial.

His veins are all bulging and one could see that his golden image is wavering.



The sky opens up many holes all over the world, and people all over the world could see the space above, and air and space around the Wheel is slowly being devoured by some invisible energy emanating out from the Wheel.

With this determination by Azief the wheel turns once again. Azief knows he needs to end this today.

This Sithulran while she herself is not powerful is full of tricks.

Azief had no reason to delay dealing with her anymore.

Maybe if he keep delaying in subduing her, Sithulran would become so strong that at that point even he could not beat her or keep her under control.

This is after all an ancient being that have seen the Creator. It is thankful that she still could not remember everything about herself.

Or that might spell disaster to the whole world.

She needs to go. And she needs to go fast

The moment Azief was determined to do that, he pushed his Worldly Disk to the brim supplying all of his energy to the Wheel to move it along.

The force coming out of him is like his entire body is sucked out of energy but his All Source Disk is still supplying him with energy making him still able to stand tall


The Wheel slowly turns as the world stood still.

All over the world people are looking at the sky.

Some people have enlightenment in their eyes; some with pain in their eyes and some other are full of blank look.

The moment the Wheel turns from the Struggling realm trial, the world was relieved of the darkness as a blinding white light encompassed the whole world.

It was like an eraser, erasing all those sounds of howling of monsters and demons. A blank world of beginning, like an empty white canvass without a single speck of paint.

It was like the world is reverting into a blank state. The Wheel stopped at the image of the Wheel that describes the Mortal Trial.

A silence descends upon the whole world, like the world just began to be created. It was like all hate and resentment in the world was waved away, and all worldly affairs is forgotten

With the wind and the breeze of the sea, it was like the whole world was bathed by a purifying light of the beginning primordial source.

This time Azief entire body shrink a thousand feet and his wrist break as he almost accidentally slip holding that Wheel.


The sound of his arm breaking created a soundwave that dissipated the space around his wrist.

But Azief only smiles. He tries to ignore the pain so he smiles. Then he opens his mouth, a gigantic mouth that seems to be able to fit a small mountain into it.

And he roars


Azief roars and his roars shakes the whole world, the wind cracked down and created weather storms all over the skies, the lightning and thunders were pushed away by his roar, the seabed exploded in all of Seven Seas and large earthquakes topples down buildings and cities all over the world.

Large eruption surges up from the exploding seabed and with such explosion it ingurgitates dead monster from the bottom of the sea.

Walls of segmented water erupted out and changing the sea appearance as ships that sails the Seven Sea was greeted by an unbelievable sight.

It was like the sea water is a block of water assembled by some six year old kid as the whole sea water rises up like block

The entire world was shaking and trembling, crumbling and cracking.

With that roar his entire body is sweating but he still managed to hold on to that Wheel.

This time Azief almost invincible body and reputedly have no match on Earth and even in many planets in the Universe is actually broken.

This damage is not inflicted by some physical attack or some physical weight. It is the weight of millions of Laws embedded in the Wheels itself and the many worlds in that Wheel.

A world of trials and sufferings. A world of true and false, of reality and illusions and a world where it is full of trials.

A thousand and a thousand more such worlds in that Wheel

It is the trials where it is easiest for one to gain enlightenment. This time Azief bones in his hand are cracking and the crack reaches all the way to his arm.

Sithulran in the seabed look like she is not breathing and dying already but the Wheel of Reincarnation would never let her die.

There is a trace of life force being supplied to her by the Wheel.

This time the Wheel took her memory. She only grunted before her eyes turns blank and innocent.

She is looking at the sea around her without knowing who she is or what she is or what she is doing there.

She has no memory like she is a newborn baby just being born a second ago. She seems to be babbling incoherently.

But this is far from over. Azief need to turns the Wheel in one complete turn for these changes to be completed.

If not Sithulran would revert to the way she is before the Wheel comes down but he would still retains all the damages done by summoning the Wheel.

Well, no pain, no gain

Azief look on as he saw her memory enters the Mortal trials image and Sithulran body is becoming translucent.

‘Oh’ he thought to himself.

Azief recognize this form as his eyes narrowed. It was like the translucent form of Meihul before she was revived.

It was then Azief Worldly Disk crack into a hundred lines before breaking.


Azief grunted and winced in pain, his feet moved in the seabed and great dust from the seabed clouded all over the entire South Atlantic Ocean.

Inside Azief Inner World, it is in chaos, his entire Inner World is at the verge of collapsing. Azief felt his entire body being assaulted by a pain he was never accustomed to.

It was like all the energy in his boy is running amuck.

To put it in his perspective, it was like a thousand dragon flying all over his blood capillaries and breathing fire and ice, poisons and acids.

He felt his body felt cold at one moment, hot in one moment, and then feeling like his entire body is being stabbed inwardly at one moment and then feeling like his internal organs melting at other times.

And sometime, he felt it all of that pain at the same time.

But he did not show anything on his face.

His titanic golden figure is the representation of his will so even that titanic golden figure sweats.

The sweats on his body falls off creating a huge explosion and changing the waves direction on the sea each time it falls down from Azief forehead.

‘A few more’ he thought to himself. He felt his entire body is pulsing with pain, his vein screams like it was a taut spring that is about to break.


Actually you all should pay attention to this whole chapter. Why I said this? let just say, it is one of my big picture. When Azief first got the Six Extermination Saber, which one of you thought that it would lead Azief to meet Azul,an ancient powerful being.

It was hinted even back then. At that time who would have thought that the Six Sabers represent the Six Path of Reincarnation.

if you read back on that chapter and compare the tribulations of the trials and the ability of the sabers when it was being used by Azief I think you would see some hint.

Why was it important that Loki help Azief in that moment? I am drawing a big picture here, so if you missed a character, missed a sentence, then you are missing a clue of how this story would end.

We are far from the endgame but we are inching closer to it now. And the hint is already being put all over the chapters.

There is Milos that character that always seems to pop up but never that important.

Will it remain that way? nobody thought that Giselle would also play the main character in one of the Arcs but she did.

Anyway, please do try to divine the hint.my fellow readers. I like to hear your speculations but I doubt my ending would change even after reading your speculations. There is actually two endings for Lord Shadow. And I am still undecided on using which one.

Anyway,hope you like it and vote for the story

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