Lord Shadow

Chapter 423

Chapter 423: The thirteen disk (3)

Azief did note even realizes it at that time because of how brief that gaze in his eyes could be maintained.

And he did not have that gaze consciously.

In his mind right now, his only priority is to break through this barrier and fuse his twelve energies to create the thirteen Disk and by doing so summons the Supremacy Stairway.

He pointed his finger to the nothingness above him and then he shouted


A twelve colored energy come out of his finger with adorning sound that seems that it could pierce through anything in the vast Universe.

Azief heard the droning sound as the light travels through the emptiness of darkness but it also sounds like it was a Song.

The distance between him and the barrier seems infinitely vats yet when he uses that finger strike composed of twelve energies fusing, it is like that light coming out of his finger ignores the Laws of Time and Space and instantly appear before the barrier and the light penetrate the barrier like a knife slices through butter.

Before the twelve energy smashing to the barrier only cracked it, but now with his body already ready and on the brim of breakthrough and he himself sure of his deduction, one attack is all that it took to break the barrier.

The dark cold universe is suddenly fill with abundant light and life.

The entire barrier with that one penetrating light all crumbles and the energy beyond the barrier merge with Azief body.

The Thirteen Disk is about to be formed. He closes his eyes and he felt that last energy is about to be formed.

And he felt that feeling once again as he expanded limitless, like nothing could constrain and chain him as a different brand energy envelops him

The light forms a protective layer around his body that is thick and large but as he absorbed the energy of that light his eyes turns bluer and his energy is rising in an unprecedented level

In the nothingness of darkness that light around him illuminate his entire Inner Universe.

Usually one would immediately reach Divine Comprehension when one person has reached the limit that they desire.

Raymond for example had already decided to form seven Disk and step to Divine Comprehension when he form his Seventh Disk.

But he had thirteen and he should have rocketed himself through Divine Comprehension probably leveling to the Pinnacle stage of Divine Comprehension realm but there is an invisible energy that is preventing him from immediately breaking through to Divine Comprehension.

Azief knows this must be the suppression of the Stairway.

He knows if he didn’t want to summon the Stairway, he could just breakthrough right her and now, fusing all the energy in his body.

But if he does that it would broke the Perfection Path and unless he started from scratch once again he could never walk that path again.

Even if he started from scratch it doesn’t guarantee that his luck would be as fortunate like this time.

He met Alsurt and he gave him the Ancient Rune energy.

He survives the Tribulation Fire and the Jade Emperor even gifted him a gift in the form of Celestial Energy.

He passed the Six trials of Azul and Azul extracted the other energies he needed from his Eternal Rings.

These kind of fortuitous encounter has shaped him to become the man he is now. Who knows if he gives up right now he might regret it in the future?

And if at that time he wanted to walk back on the path of perfection, he might not be as lucky as he is right now.

And he never regretted the fact that he walks this path even though he might die pursuing it.

He had thrown away that kind of fear a long time ago.

He had decided and is determined to summon the Stairway and walk this path until he could no longer.

His determination and obsession turned into an unbreakable will.

He let the Thirteen energies revolve inside his body. The light around his body is rapidly being absorbed as the light become thinner.

Even though his form is still his human form, he could still feel that feeling like he could be in an infinite form, existing in all, and like he has cut all of his causes and effect, he seems to be in a timeless dimension where he is eternal.

Like there is no end, there is no beginning and there is no middle. He is everything.

He collected himself as the Disk finally forms and a new brand Universe forms inside his body. This new Universe is teeming with the energy of Life and felt like a true universe.

He looks at this new Universe, created out of nothing as the last Disk materialize into a translucent Disk that towered above all creation.

Then it exploded into a motes of life and shower this universe with life.

And then he opens his eyes slowly.

He opens it and immediately the aura that he leaked out slowly being absorbed back into his body. The blessing he had given to those people that is kowtowing to him is priceless as many of them achieve breakthrough as the energy that passes through them was pure in essence and help them tremendously.

Azief smiles looking at this.

He stands there like nothing had happened to him.

To the outside world he stands still and closes his eyes for only a minute. But in his Inner Universe he felt like he was struggling for eternity.

Sofia in the distance look at the back of Azief and felt a sorrow feeling creeping up into her hearts

He smiles as he could feel the last energy in his body slowly settling in and as ball his fist he could feel the energy around him flowing and waving.

His twelve energy fused together and form a single Disk that had thirteen spectrum of colors and emanated an aura that is conflicting with each other yet because of the Al Source Disk, remains harmonious with each other.

The moment it was formed he knows exactly what the last Disk was.

It is an Omni energy. He felt like he could draw on the energy of matter from all worlds and could unravel even Time if he turns this energy into Laws.

Azief nodded in satisfaction as he looks at the sea of people still kowtowing to him. He sighs and he looked at the sky.

There is a person that look at Death Monarch from a distance, standing on top of a tall large tree that reaches the clouds.

This person wears a cloak and have a hood to prevent people from identifying who this person is.

This person looks at the scene of Death Monarch looking at the sky and this person smiles bitterly under the hood.

‘Jean stares at clock, Hikigaya read books and you look at the sky’ This person presence is masked and no one could sense this person.

*** josei

This chapter is near to its end. And I am out of my cave on 22 and 23. I will probably be writinga lot to compensate for that. Anyway, any thoughts on the person in the hood

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