Lord Shadow

Chapter 424

Chapter 424: The thirteen disk (4)

In the marketplace, Azief was not done

He need to at least give some e form of protection for his people and for the people he loves. They are all in this Continent.

He wanted this place to be a home for his family. And a home needs to be safe. His eyes then widened as blue streak flashed in his eyes and he stomp his feet.

There is precession in energy as he lifts his feet and stomp it.

Usually with his mighty prowess, if he stomps the land, the entire marketplace could collapse on itself and created a twenty or thirty feet width crater.

Bu this time he wanted to nurture and not destroy.

The energy around his feet is fine and precise and as his feet landed on the ground, there is nothing like the impact of an explosion.

The land did not even shake even a bit.

Even the tile beneath his feet did not show any signs of being stomp upon.

Some of the dignitaries that is peeking on Death Monarch almost had a heart attack when he saw Death Monarch stomping his foot onto the ground.

They almost jumped out form the crowd and run away fearing an earthquake or a rift to open up in the middle of the road.

This dignitaries action is clearly different than the rest of the people of Pandemonium who even knowing that Death Monarch is about to stomp his feet trusted him and still kowtowing, leaving their life fully to Death Monarch.

But they were also shocked to sense that the stomping of his foot did not even scratch the tile.

Could it be the tile he steps on is some kind of divine artifact? Or could it be that Death Monarch is weak?

Both reason does not make sense but then as they ponder upon these question suddenly above them, the sky glow.

They could not see it but the children that does not understand why their parent kowtow to the man in the middle of the streets is obviously not as devoted or understand common sense as adults does.

When they see something that interest them they look up and when they saw the sky glows they shouted in excitement before closing their mouth with their hands and kowtow back to the ground following their parent’s actions.

Azief smiles looking at those children.

Then he said his voice was majestic and deep

‘Rise up and look up’ The people of Pandemonium lifted their head, rises up and then they look up into the sky. There is glowing lights all around the skies.

The lights look like they are dancing.

There were many colors and there were many auras surrounding the sky of Pandemonium.

Those adults that look up at the sky knows it is no that the sky is glowing. It is the protection formation of Pandemonium that is glowing.

But because that protection formation is translucent it looks like the sky is glowing. They felt a mighty energy is embedded into the formation.

And it is not only one energy. It felt like all the energy in the world was embedded into the protection formation

The Shadow Guards appears in many dark place all over Pandemonium and look up at the sky as they frowned.

Though there are some Shadow Guards that do not look at the sky and only stand motionlessly like the energy is affecting them.

Those Shadow Guards is the Shadow Guards of the Dark Blade Division.

Only their division suddenly stop in unison like the energy that Azief had emanated and embedded into the Pandemonium protection formation affect them.

Azief is not entirely able to control the Omni disk perfectly but doing these kind of thing is easy.

The moment he forms that last Disk he knows he could create, shape and manipulate all feasible and imaginable forms of energy, having practically no limits on the amount or type of energy they can absorb, project or manipulate.

He smiles as one of his weakness have finally been conquered.

He has always bene afraid of spells.

His encounter with Alsurt teaches him that there are wizards in the Universe and their magic most of them does not make sense.

But nonetheless one thing that make sense about magic is that it is still made of energy

In the end it is still energy.

And as long as it is energy he could manipulate it even the magical and esoteric energies which allow him to replicate the effect of magic or spells.

This also at the same time makes him immune to such powers, seeing as how he now can absorb the magical energy powering spells, practically negating it.

But he also knows that is just one ability of his Omni Disk.

If he could create Laws out of this energy, he could even…and he couldn’t believe it he is even thinking about it, but he could maybe reach to become Omnipotence.

Of course this is just speculation and it is an absurd speculation. But maybe…. just maybe.

What is more Perfect than being Omnipotent? That thought flashed into his mind for a second but he shakes that thought immediately.

When he stomps his feet a sliver of the thirteen energies in his body fused into the protection formation of Pandemonium.

He gave the key to the protection formation to Shinji and Sasha.

Even though other people couldn’t see it Azief could see the faint liens of energy that outline the width and the height of the protection formation.

The moment he fused his energies into the protection formation the formation widened to cover even the Pandemonium Sea and its height increases by three hundred feet

To the child looking at the sky they giggled and laughed.

They find the sight of the sky glowing to be beautiful and laugh in happiness and their eyes is full of curiosity

The adults look at the sky and look at the glowing sky, feeling the abundant energy all over them and they know this is his last gift of Death Monarch before he departed. josei

Then then look back at Death Monarch.

One of them is about to kowtow to him once again but Azief look through him and shake his head. The young man closes his eyes and nodded.

In the end, this is the only way they could express their gratitude and their sincerity has reached Death Monarch.

Then Azief saw it.

No, to be more accurate he senses it.

He immediately looks back at the sky and then an explosion of light happened on top of Pandemonium.

But this explosion of light covered the entire world skyscape so that everyone in the world that look up all saw this blinding light stretching end to end.

Everyone was shocked at this sudden explosion in the sky without rhyme or reason.

But this explosion produces no sound and inflict no damage. After the initial shock they look back at the sky and see an even more shocking sight.

There are stairs on the sky.

The stairs seem infinite and vast and it seem stretching to the unknown beyond.

And the energy emanating out of the stairs force all the people in the world to prostrate to it. Only some powerful people could resist the pressure.

The pressure lessens in Pandemonium as they could at least maintain some dignity by kneeling on the ground as their body seems to be pressured by thousands of mountains piled on top of them

If not for the protection formation and that is has bene strengthened by Azief energy, they might be in a more terrible form.

This is the suppression power of the Supremacy Stairway. And this is not even the true Supremacy Stairway.

This is just the normal steps leading to the Supremacy dimension where the true Supremacy Stairway await him Azief though.

In the sea of people sweating from their back, their hand and entire body trembling because of the pressure Azief was the only one standing straight.

Even Sofia and that mysterious persons on the branch of the tree had to use their entire power to remain standing.

Sofia buckled down and kneel on the ground, her knees touched the tile and the person on that branch jumped down and kneel.

That person looks at the sky and gritted her teeth in defiance.

The Supremacy Stairway has come for him and only him could resist it. It is not even resist. It felt like a nourishing pressure that strengthened his body even more.


Last part of the chapter tommorow

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