Lord Shadow

Chapter 425

Chapter 425: The thirteen disk (5)

Azief look and s the children and they seem not to be affected by the pressure either. It is probably because they have no energy to suppress or they have no path yet.

The Supremacy Stairways is created from thirteen Supreme Being.

And the fact they would appear when one reached a certain Perfection means they are a generous Supreme Being and wished for the welfare of the Universe.

They suppress but they do not destroy. Or in the case of the stairway suppression, it is that they unintentionally suppress others.

They are after all Supreme Being.

And when they arrived countless of myriads races through the Universes would kneel to show their respect.

The only one that did not have to kneel is those who strive for Perfection.

Azief look behind him and saw Sofia looking at him. He did not say anything, his eyes already told her everything.

He is leaving. He looks at the sea of people prostrating to the ground, struggling to get up and h smiles faintly.

he has done everything he could and mobilize his Shadow Blade and even the Dark Blade Division, He hoped that he himself would survive this tribulation. If he survives then nothing in this world is an obstacle and he could protect everyone.

But if he failed, the measure he had left behind would at least manage to protect them until they grow strong enough to live and slowly forget him.

The only regret he had now is that he couldn’t see Katarina before he left.

He then looks back at the sky and look at the stairway, hovering in the air with light coming out of the staircase that seems to even light up the starry dark skies above the skies of Earth.

‘I am leaving’ he declared as his voice echoes and with his energy slowly fusing with the energy on the steps of the stairway, his voice echoes and reverberated through the entire world.

The whole world hears his declaration that he is leaving and the expression of sorrow could be seen in every face of people of Pandemonium.

On the other hand, some people were rejoiced at this declaration.

There are also fear. Right now even those who rejoiced in the news could not help but prostrate onto the ground or kneeling.

Imagine the feeling of suffocation of having Death Monarch among them. It is like a God walk among them.

And it is not even the nicer God. It is a hard to read, moody and fierce God that inspire fear and death to those who he deemed sinful.

Now that he is leaving, how could those people hiding in the dark not rejoice hearing this news.

Another person did not bow or kneel and that person is Void. He is looking at that stairway somewhere in the Aegean Sea as he laughs maniacally. josei

Even the monster below the Deep Sea remain still and dare not come out.

The energy emanating from that stairway is ancient and for many of the monster they could sense the primal monstrous energy of those that have step into that stairway and it awaken the fear in their instinctive memories.

Azief take a breath and with a smile he opened up his arms and slowly floated up as one streak of light shot to him from the stairs and envelop his entire body.

Sofia look at his floating figure and smile as she slowly got up. That mysterious person below the tree open up her hood to reveal the most beautiful face.

It is woman and not just any woman. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, Katarina the Ice Queen.

She came to send Death Monarch off and as she saw him floating to the sky, there is a single tear coming out of her eyes.

She wipes the tears away and then look on

Azief did not realizes that Katarina is also looking at him. If he did it might have distracted him. He is just floating as he come closer to the stairway.

The closer he came to the stairways, the more of the pressure lifted off from the world.

And then he stepped on the stairway and the pressure on Earth dissipated. Now he is on the stairway and he could feel the energy roaring from below his feet.

And he smiles.


Last chapter for thsi chapter. See you tomorrow if I managed to finish writing the chapter

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