Lord Shadow

Chapter 433

Chapter 433: The gate (4)

Someone in the Universe is plotting against him. Right now he is one hundred percent sure that this gate had nothing to do with Supremacy Stairway.

He could feel that foreign Will is binding him and trying to force his feet to move inside the Gate. He musters all of his strength and then he looks at the Gate with his defiant eyes and roar.

The roar seems to contain his Will as the Gate pillars seems to shake.

‘ARGH!!!’ He shouted his roar seems to be expressing his defiance. His body is trembling as he clenched his teeth and look at the Gate with no fear in his eyes.

‘FUCK YOU!’ He curses at the Gate.

The Gate suddenly released a pulling force as it tries to bind Azief body, mind and soul to enter the Gate.

Azief felt the pressure enveloping his entire body and his most prided aspect of his strength, his Undying physique cracked.

But his perseverance did not waver. Blood is coming out from his all of his orifice and it look extremely painful that even his powerful Physique seems to be tested to the limit.

The awe and respect coming from his soul is trying to manipulate him to enter willingly into the Gate, wanting him to give the Gate his freedom.

But if he did that…where would he walk? There is only one path in his heart and that is the only path he wants to walk.

His eyes did not lose his will even as blood is streaming down from his eyeballs.

‘I would rather die than submit to you!’ He shouted.

He is slowly reaching his limit.

At this time Azief almost wanted to laugh at the unfairness of it all. He knows that if he used all of his energy he would fall unconscious and would ultimately enter the Gate.

He was not lying when he said he would rather die than let his life under the control of others.

He was ready to end his own life.

He wanted to laugh because it is funny that he would die here in the middle of some unknown universe because of someone else plot and he didn’t even know who is plotting against him.

He would never give up but he knows when the odds are against him. He would rather die than let his path broken. After all this years, he had long cast off the fear of death in his heart.

He only seeks to walk his Grand Path until the end. If he couldn’t even do that, even if he survives, he would never be able to reach higher.

Since that is the case, he would rather die. He did think of encasing his soul into one of the rings but right now it is not only his body is being bind by that blue light.

His body, mind and soul were all bounded by that blue light. The only way he could be free is too truly kill himself, in body, mind and soul.

‘I am free!’ Although Azief voice was trembling, it had an unyielding aura as he shouted each word!

He was determined to end his life. As the Gate opens wider, Azief could see a finger in that Gate. The Gate was already titanic enough that no space seems to be able to hold its majesty but the finger that seems to be inside the Gate seems to exceed even this Gate.

Azief steel his heart and his eyes is flashing through his mind and all of his regrets.

Meanwhile while Azief is about to end in front of the Gate, Azul has shouted in the Dark Universe after making sure the denizens of the Dark Universe are afraid of him.

He alone stands unmatched, the light radiating from his body seems to shine all over the crevice of darkness that existed here

‘Come out! Show yourself in front of me!’

His voice echoes and seems to create resonance with the Laws of the Dark Universe. It did not only create resonance, it seems to alter it, and slowly changing it to accommodate and even welcome him

The Dark Denizens of the Dark Universe seems to be stirred and as soon as they opened their eyes and see that light, they shriek in their language.

Their shriek was a shrieking call to flee.

The light seems to drive all the darkness melding and fusing with the Laws of the Dark Universe, chasing them away, revealing their hideous form

The light is also torturing them with its pressure and holy divine primordial force that seems to be squishing their physique.

Azul look coldly as his light spread to all corners of this Universe. Many eyes are suddenly opens in many dimension.

The Creator sitting on a top of a mountain in some newly born planet open his eyes slowly. When he sees what happens, he only sigh but he did not interfere.

Whoever Azul shouted to come out better come out fast.

Because those Supreme Being that is seeing this happening all know that what Azul is doing is refining,

He is refining the entire abandoned Dark Universe, where only the Dark Things lived and breathe.

He is refining this Universe and like his previous act he would integrate it with his Vast Universe. And the moment he did that, the Dark Universe will be his to command.

The Laws of this Universe will then bend to his Will. josei

At that time, the person hiding in this Universe would no longer be able to hide.

Azul waited as the intensity of energy that is coming out of him is slowly bringing out this Universe outside the Sealed Dimension and slowly inching closer to the dimensional barrier of his Vast Universe

The moment one of the Laws of the Dark Universe is slowly melding and fusing with the Laws of the Vast Universe, out of the one corner of the Universe that is still not touched by the light seems to ripple.

And out of that darkness something seems to appear. A part of the nebula was suddenly revealed to Azul and he smiles.

Coming out of the ripples is a star. To be more accurate it is a floating broken star.

Azul eyes narrowed, his eyes burning with the power to overturn the heaven and earth as he said.

‘Unsummon back the Gate of Eternal Immortality, Wargod or I will evoke the Ancient Covenant and if the Creator and Destroyer both wish to cover for you, then I wouldn’t mind fighting with you by myself.’

There is only one person that could hide in the Dark Universe and at the same time possess a floating broken stars that sails through the Omniverse.

Wargod of Interium.


He had appeared. Wargod of Interium have apapered. Some of teh readers have guessed who Wargod is but no one seems to deduce why his dominion is a floating broken star but at leats with this chapter you coudl get a hint of why.

Anyway, thats it for today. See you all tomorrow and hope you all enjoy it and leave some comments to let me know.

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