Lord Shadow

Chapter 434

Chapter 434: The gate (5)

Wargod is sitting at his red throne and he look at Azul with displeasure. But there is also a trace of fear in his eyes.

He clicked his tongue. But it is not only because of Azul that he is clicking his tongue.

He was displeased with Azul coming here to ruins his plans but he is also felt frustrated by the fact that Azief wanted to kill himself in front of the Gate. josei

And the fear was because he knows how powerful Azul really is

Wargod even though his floating broken star Interium is far from Azul large body, every words that Azul spoke created a ripple that alter Fate, Destiny and affect Time and Space around the Dark universe.

And the fact one of the Laws of the Dark Universe is fusing with the Vast Universe causes Wargod to have no choice but to step up.

There is a reason why Wargod always sails through the Omniverse never to stop at one place for too long.

It isn’t until the Destroyer was awakened that Wargod began to become active all of a sudden.

Not many existences in the Universe knows why he never stay in one place and created a base for himself, but there are some people that know why.

Jade Emperor is one and Azul, an existence that is even longer than the Jade Emperor even counting his reincarnation surely knows why.

And out of the existence that still existed today, he is the third person that knows about the Ancient Covenant between him and the two towering forces of all creation and destruction.

Wargod glare at Azul but at the same time he did not dare fight him of…at least not in this form.

But if he takes that other form…. then it would alert some things in the Universe that he would rather not alert

Azul is not some puny little character in the Universe that he could swat away with one swish of his hand, instead he is one of the Great Supremacy and while his arrival here in this Universe belonging to the Supreme One would limit his power that doesn’t meant he doesn’t have power to fight him and even imprison him.

His Prison of Six Reincarnation is always something that bring dreads to everyone in the world.

He also has the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth and it was powerful enough to even chain and imprison the Destroyer

And Azul is not some kind of divine saint.

The fact such figure controls the Path of Reincarnation is terrifying and it is also his mastery in the path of reincarnation that enables him he become one of the Great Supremacy.

Wargod did not say anything to Azul. He only glared at him, sighed a bi and then he said

‘I admit defeat’ the moment he said that a blue light twinkle on his finger and then he waved his finger and as he waved his finger a world shaking aura come out from his finger

It was ancient, primordial and possess the power to end all creation in the Omniverse. But it is not Wargod power but the power that he derived from the Gate.

And it is only its aura and not the real deal.

As he pointed his finger to the empty space of darkness in front of him, that blue light shoots out from the end of his finger.

It pierces through the dimension of the Dark Universe to land on the abandoned universe around where the Supremacy Stairway has stopped.

The moment Wargod did this, many of the eyes that is watching that sweeping sense is finally gone. They believe that Azul would know propriety.

In the stairway, in front of the Gate as Azief have made his decision of ending his life, suddenly that Will hat is about to suppress his Will disappeared.

And something odd happens to him that he could not have expected when he fought that Will.

His unyielding Will caused him to be transformed. While the Gate nearly causes him to lose his life it has also have tempered his Will.

The fact that he would rather die than have his Will bend to any other strengthened his Will even more.

Just moment before he was about to extinguish his soul, body and mind that Gate suddenly slowly becoming more translucent and slowly Azief could feel the binding on him loosened.

and then it the Gate slowly dissipated into blue motes of light that scattered throughout all the Universes and as it scatters it ripples the Laws of Time and Space.

The first second Azief felt he regains back his body he pushes his feet as his body darted backward as far away from the Gate location.

His feet landed on the stairway once again and he stopped.

Azief entire body and Wills urges out as all of his Thirteen Energy roars out like it has found a newfound life.

Azief himself did not know how fortunate he was as he just escapes from the suppression of the Gate.

The Gate that appear in front of him did not want him to die.

Far from it.

The Gate want him to live and jump into that Gate, embrace it and accept it. Azief don’t know how he knows but he could just felt it.

It is weird expression to use but the moment the Gate opens and the Will come to him, he could understand what the Gate wanted him to do and what the Gate expected him to do.

As he almost nearly entered the Gate he could feel the concept of power in that Gate. It was something he could not have though possible.

There is that finger. But the apparent of that finger is not as shocking as what he felt when he almost bends down his Will and enter the Gate

The power inside that Gate was something he could not describe or even imagine.

It seems it is a power that contains the extreme concept of creation and destruction and it is a kind of ancient energy that towered above all existence.

Why he said towered above all existence?

Because he met Azul and Azul is one of the strongest existence Azief has ever laid his eyes on but the energy he felt from that Gate seems to exceed Azul

He felt the accumulation of countless of Wills and Sources of Power that all contains trace of the Laws of all Universe that exist, could exist and would exist.

Such power is tempting but also very terrifying.

He himself was tempted. But he also knows the moment he enters that Gate his Will would be the Will of the Gate and not his Will.

And the moment he accepts that Will, his own Grand Path will be destroyed.

He might become even more powerful but he would never realize his Grand Path and if that happens he would have lost his meaning of his entire quest for strength.

The only who could understand such obsession would only be those who have found his Grand Path.

And he had found his and he would rather die than to betray it. He found his Grand Path and he is sticking with it until the end.

It is the very reason he could endure all those torments and why even in the face of his imminent death, he could not let it go,

Maybe other Grand Path would and could have assimilated with the Will inside that Gate but he could not.

Because that Will inside the Gate wanted him to obey and he would only obey if he wanted to and not because someone forced him to.

Thankfully, that Will suddenly have disappeared.

He looks as the blue motes of lights scattered and heaved a relived sigh as he confirmed that the Gate has truly disappeared.

And then as he looked forward in the area where the Gate used to be there is the last step of the stairway.

Azief chuckles. And then he laughs. He felt happy as tears falls down his eyes. He felt happy that he is still alive. What a feeling!

He never felt this way before on Earth. Because on Earth for some reason, he had always believed that no matter how dire it seems, he would find a way to overcome it.

That Gate was the first time since he became the strongest person in his world that he had to face with his own mortality.

Now that he survives, there is only one emotion that is running through his heart and that is pure happiness.

It takes him a few seconds to calm himself down but the moment he calms himself down, a look of determinations flashed in his eyes.

He looks at the end of that stairs and then he lifted his feet.

He walks forward and as he walks forward he retracted back the Thirteen Energies inside his body.

He is still thinking about the appearance of that Gate even as he is walking through the stairway.

He could not help but think who created that Gate and why it appeared before him and invite him to come inside it?

He felt a little more cautious after that. As he walks, he looks around him fearing that the one plotted against him is near him.

He is now at the last step. He waited for something else to happen and then after a few moments passed, Azief finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He then takes a deep breath and straightened his back and then he took that last step.


He finally take his fianl step after all of that debacle. We saw Azul, Meihul, and even Wargod in this chapter. i hope you hae seens all the hints that I am seeting up for the Final Arc.

Anyway, see you tomorrow and leave me some comenst to let me know if you have nay thoughts of how Azief progress through all of these years.

See you all tomorrow.

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