Lord Shadow

Chapter 494

Chapter 494: The changes of the world (2)

‘Why would they seek Young Hero Xi?’ Tukhla asked. He then added

‘I don’t think I ever heard he ever crossed path with those Three Devils and they have no enmity between each other. Even though the Three Devil method is ruthless they do not massacre villages or kill innocent people willy nilly. It is only the way they torture their victims that earned them the title Devil’

The three people nodded and said

‘There is a reason why their family name is all Han. They live in Han state, so they name themselves with the family name Han because their family name was erased in their state, exiled and hunted. There is only one reason they would seek Sword Gentlemen Xi. That is to know the location of Old Dragon Li’

The man smiles and then continued

‘Since Sword Gentlemen Xi learns the Flowing Swordsmanship from Old Dragon Li, then their relationship must be close. After all, Old Dragon Li possess that manual for a long time but he never shows him to his friends and rivals, instead showing it to Sword Gentleman Xi. I could only think that Sword Gentlemen Xi must have impressed Old Dragon Li. So those who want to seek Old Dragon Li is also coming to Silhae. The city right now is like preparing for the Wulin Competition with tis many martial artists all over the world coming over to visit the Five Finger Mountain.’

‘What does Old Dragon Li have to do with the Three Devils?’ Tukhla asked

‘Nothing’ One person from the crowd answered. Tukhla turned his head to the source of the voice.

There is a young man sitting a couple of tables away from them.

This young man has a cup on his mouth as he takes a sip. The young man is smiling as he put down his tea cup, his demeanor was elegant and graceful.

His face was gentle and he seems like an amiable person. But Tukhla could sense that this young man is full of dangerous aura.

The sword intent around him is so pressuring but that could only be detected if they are people with the same kind of ability like Tukhla.

He was always a sensitive person to the changes of the energy. If not for the fact that he had met the Sword Monarch Zhu Yao, he might mistake this man to be him.

The man then said to Tukhla, with the entire people on the first floor perking up their ears. Not everybody knows the full story of this matter.

‘Old Dragon Li is of the Li family so the Three Devils would surely want to know where he is and kill him’

‘Of the Li family?’ Tukhla still didn’t understand

‘You are not the people of Yong so how could you know the hidden story of Li Xian, the exiled son of the past emperor of Yong’ The young man said

Tukhla was shocked and then he even stuttered.

‘Old Dragon Li is of imperial linage of Yong? That Li family?’

The young man nodded

‘Li Xian is the son of the past emperor. The current emperor is his younger brother son. Whatever the reason was for his exile, Old Dragon Li never liked cooperating with imperial family and he himself did not say a lot about his family so many people do not know that he himself was of the imperial family once upon a time. Why do you think he, a native citizen of Yong would instead find fame in Eastern Yuan?’

The young man said, with a smirk on his face.

‘But what did Li family do the Three Devils of Han that made them so vengeful that they even do not fear fighting Old Dragon Li?’

‘The Three Devils of Han have all suffered under the Li family. The former Emperor was Li Xian younger brother. If we believe the Three Devils of Han, their families were framed by the Emperor and they all suffered the extermination of their family by the orders of the Emperor. No one could confirm this, but the three of them might come from the Yu, Song, and Wu family. Yu and Song is a military family that guarded the border, and Wu is an official family that stand up for them in the court.’

Tukhla nodded now that he understands more. Then he looks at the young man and cupped his hand with respect

‘Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?’

‘I am no one of consequence. I just like to tour the world and listen to gossip of the martial arts world.’

‘Please’ Tukhla insisted.

He laughed a bit then said

‘Su Yun’ The young man said as he finishes his tea and got up from his seat.

Tukhla eyes narrowed.

He never heard anyone name Su Yun in the List of Swordsman before but this kind of sharp and cold sword intent would not appear in a normal person.

The young man exited the restaurant as the cold air from outside temporarily enter the restaurant before the door closed once again.

Tukhla then thanks the three people and return back to his seat.

He relays back what he got to Ulhak and his eyebrows creased after hearing the new development.

Without a doubt this was the effect of publishing the name of Xi Feng in the List of Swordsman brought to the martial arts world.

The Martial Alliance…wanted something from Xi Feng.

Or maybe it is just some people in the Martial Alliance that wanted something from him.

Either way, whoever that person was he must have a high position in the Martial Alliance if they could issue a list change in the rankings.

Tukhla mutton chop arrive and as they eat Tukhla is thinking about Su Yun. If he is not famous and not using a pseudonym there is one other possibilities.

The sword intent that Tukhla felt from him is sharp and cold. Almost like it possesses no soul and will.

Like a sword, a weapon.

Then that person is either an emotionless demon of martial arts which is probably not considering that he did not emanate that kind of presence, or he is the Secret forces of some sect

But instead of being in the dark some sect would not let such an outstanding martial artist just become a secret force member.

Then there is only one force in this world that have the ability to house such expert and made him only a secret forces for killing…. the imperial dynasties.

Tukhla did not say this to his companion.

If he shares his suspicion, Ulhak might try to pursue that person.

And even though Tukhla is confidence in his martial arts, there is no need to try to make trouble when they are so close to their objective. josei

It is not his objective to sass out the hidden forces of the Imperial Family in Silhae.

His objective is to go to the Five Finger Mountain and try to find out why they are people targeting Xi Feng and what secret does he hold that so many people try to scheme against him?

As they spend time in the restaurant they also got to know another news. It seems that any martial artist is coming out to Pocheon from all over.

There are many swordsmen from Yong and martial artist from Zhou coming to visit the Five Finger Mountain and see the Sword Gentleman.

Some of them wanted to offer congratulation for killing the Elders of the heterodox sect and some of them wanted to see the fabled Flowing Sword Art to polish their own swordsmanship.

But it is not like there is only the people from the orthodox sect is coming.

from what he heard the Sun Devouring Sect sent some of their forces too. They wanted a duel to avenge the death of their Elder.

From Eastern Yuan, Vulture Peak send their Elder Mo and a large group of people to also avenge their elders.

Then there is also Sword Monarch Zhu Yao from the Sword Residence that come down from the Ruo Hills to fight Sword Gentleman.

They will be arriving in spring. Which means next year would be a large event. This is akin to the Wulin Competition that is held every four years

It would not even be surprising if war would erupt on top of the Five Finger Mountain with the heterodox sect joining in.

Tukhla could already foresee it.

Sun Devouring Sect and Vulture Peak has sent their expert but the orthodox sect is more numerous.

There is Zhu Yao from the Sword Residence, and many other young heroes from the orthodox sect coming like Wu Pavilion, Sword Washing Sect from Tai, Saber Manor Young Master Jian Que to say a few.

But the heterodox sect has only the two groups. It would not be surprising that right now other heterodox sect will also be joining in because if those two group got crushed in the Five Finger mountain, the heterodox sect will not be able to ate such humiliation down.

The Thirty-Seven Cave sect, Poison Valley, Dark Heart Temple and many other might also send their forces to bolster the image and strength of heterodox sect

As Tukhla finished his dish, he sighed a bit before taking sip of his hot tea and got up from his seat.

After paying for the meals he went out and he saw that the streets are slowly being filled up by people. Most of them are martial artist.

He looks at this scene of peace and prosperity and could not help but feel sorrowful; knowing too much is sometimes a curse

He looks at the sky and lamented

‘It seems the world of martial arts will once again be covered in bloodshed. Peace is brief, and war is everlasting’

He sighed and walk away from the restaurant with his companion Ulhak behind him. The next day, they ride their horses to Five Finger Mountain.

And they are not the only one


I might be posting the mass release either in the 30th or the 31st. if I posted it on the 3oth then on the 31st there willbe no chapter and I will be psoting the new chpater next month.

If I do not post mass release on the the 30th then I will post it on the31st. But i think it is better to post the mass release on the 30th so we all coudl enjoy the new year eve with the people we like and love.

Love the people that treat you like family.

I have a fmaily but those who are legally my family they did not treta me like family. And friend are friend and not family in the end. It is that time of the year again where I woudl fall into a depression.

Maybe, soemday I will find my own family. Until that day came, I think I will write. Anyway, see you tomorrow.

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