Lord Shadow

Chapter 495

Chapter 495: Three devils of han (1)

‘Hah. It has been a long time since I felt this kind of feeling’ Azief said as he could hear only the wind and the chirping of some birds that could still fly in the winter.

Azief don’t know much about birds but he didn’t think there are birds that only fly when winter came.

But in this world there is such a bird.

The people of this world called them the Winter Bird. Their chirping started at the end of summer and they would sing the song of winter

Some people said they are the birds that exist since eons ago when demons and immortals roamed the world.

He likes hearing their sound. It was soothing, weirdly enough. He saw one of the flew though the holes on the top of the roof of his hut a few seconds ago.

It looks like a raven only their fur is white and scaly. They are a beautiful creature.


The winter cold is blowing inside his closed hut. The cold coming out from his ice bed was soothing and it helps him regulate this new energy in his body.

If it was anyone else, they would probably turn into an ice statue if they are in the same hut with him.

Xi Feng was never suspicious He always thought it is because his teacher is proficient in his internal energy training and thus training himself that way.

Truth is, Azief body could even withstand the flames of the sun what more this winter cold?

Then he closes his eyes as he tries to concentrate himself to feel the flow of the energy of this world and tries to understand the many question about this world in his mind.

Azief is waiting patiently as he absorbs internal energy the way he tries to absorb the energy of the world.

But he knows this way is not wrong.

If what he is trying to absorb is the energy of the world, then his way might be correct….at least in his world.

Because in his world all energy was provided by the World Orb.

It contains all kinds of energy if only one knows how to seek it. This is proven by people like Jean who found the energy of Time and Raymond who found the energy of the earth.

He knows that the way he is absorbing energy is wrong and it is even inefficient because he knows he could absorb more if he only is pointed to the right direction.

Azief wanted to know about the internal styles of other schools and sect. This is one of his desire.

When he could walk, he would walk to those temples and sect and fight their master to see how they regulate their energy josei

Their energy could not be compared to his body that is otherworldly and divine but for some reason, he knows that he could learn something from this world.

He just doesn’t know what yet. But his feeling has never let him down before.

Azief was about to convert more energy into his body into internal energy as he tries to use the cold around his body to turn it into some kind of biting cold type of internal energy.

This is an experiment.

He doesn’t know whether it would work or not but since his movement is restricted, this is the only way he could try to improve his knowledge of this world ways.

He has already had a lot of internal energy in his body and he found out that he could use it to unravel the seals.

And each time he increases his internal energy, there is this qualitative change in his body that affect his physique.

He could feel his veins roaring with life and vitality. But it was a different kind of vitality.

One that is not affected by Laws and Concepts of the world. A source unto itself. And he could feel that he has a fifty years of internal energy.

He estimated this estimation roughly

But to other people, it might appear like he has around one hundred years of internal energy like an old monster

That is because his strike is imbued with the physical might of his physique giving them the wrong impression.

Immortal Tian is said to have two hundred years of internal energy. The reason why Xi Feng still treats him like a grandmaster is because he believes that Azief internal energy decreased because of his injury.

It is a different kind of way of gauging one strength.

And one could only know the other internal energy level only after clashing with the person.

Azief doubt that he would die if he fights the grandmaster of this world. Unless they possess the power to destroy worlds, they could not do anything to him.

This is why Azief is not rushing. He is taking his time as haste make waste. It is a rare opportunity for him to observe life.

Even though, he could not feel anything changes in the energy around him and his Divine Sense did not return, he is confident that his Law Bodies is comprehending the Laws.

Because he notices that sometimes there are time when he watches the sun rises up and he have this sudden understanding and enlightenment.

When he is in that state, he felt like the Laws of the world is bending around him and he could feel all creation and the very small essence that made and unmade the Universe.

It is a peculiar feeling indeed.

This state is usually only could be felt for one brief moment. Like he is borrowing the Laws of the World to create something real from his imagination.

And illusion to create something real.

For some reason he felt this is connected to the Law Bodies in the Supremacy Stairway. They must have affected him.

And he had a nagging suspicions that he also affects them. Azief then feel that heat is slowly filling his body.

He could no longer feel the cold of winter. He felt the heat gathering all around his seals, slowly trying to untangle it.

His seal is like a Gordian knot.

Yet, he doesn’t have a sword to cut the knot. The internal energy helps in slowly cutting it but it is not sharp enough sword to quickly cut the knot

There are not that many seals left on his body. It might not take him thirteen years after all to complete his Law Bodies and unseal his body.

And because of that he has new objective that he would surely accomplish before he ascended back to the Supremacy Stairway

His first objective is that he wanted to fight the so called grandmaster of this world. By fighting them Azief could learn their way of internal energy.

Azief notices that the internal energy of every person could be different depending on where they learn their internal martial arts from.

It was a novel idea for Azief.

After all, no one had to taught them how to absorb the energy of the world on Earth.


Part one of the mass release

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